A new feature was introduced in Word 2013 that allows you to collapse parts of your document and expand them when you want to view that content again. This feature makes it easier to find and view only what you want.

Word 2013中引入了一项新功能,该功能使您可以折叠文档的一部分,并在想要再次查看该内容时将其展开。 此功能使查找和查看所需内容变得更加容易。

NOTE: We used Word 2013 to illustrate this feature.

注意:我们使用Word 2013来说明此功能。

To do this, you must use the Heading styles in Word to format the headings in your document. When you move the mouse over the space to the left of a heading, a right arrow displays. When you click on the arrow, the text below the heading is hidden.

为此,您必须使用Word中的标题样式来格式化文档中的标题。 当您将鼠标移到标题左侧的空白处时,将显示向右箭头。 当您单击箭头时,标题下面的文本被隐藏。

The content below the heading collapses and only the heading displays. To view the content again, simply click the arrow to the left of the heading again.

标题下方的内容折叠,仅显示标题。 要再次查看内容,只需再次单击标题左侧的箭头。

NOTE: When you collapse a heading, only the content up to the next heading of equal or lesser value is collapsed. Notice in the image below that all the content below “Section 1” is collapsed up to “Section 2” because “Section 2” is the at same heading level (Heading 1) as “Section 1.”

注意:折叠标题时,仅折叠到下一个等于或小于该值的标题的内容。 请注意,在下图中,“ Section 1”下面的所有内容都被折叠到“ Section 2”,因为“ Section 2”是与“ Section 1”相同的标题级别(标题1)。

When we collapsed “Subheading A,” which is a Heading 2, it collapses the content up to “Section 2” because that heading level is greater than “Subheading A.” However, when we collapsed “Section 1,” “Subheading A” and the content below it was collapsed as well because it is a lesser heading level than “Section 1.”

当我们折叠作为标题2的“子标题A”时,它会将内容折叠到“第2节”,因为该标题级别大于“子标题A”。 但是,当我们折叠“第1节”,“子标题A”时,其下的内容也被折叠了,因为它的标题级别比“第1节”小。

Word provides a quick way to collapse or expand all headings at once. To do this, right-click on any heading and move your mouse over “Expand/Collapse” on the popup menu. Then, select “Collapse All Headings” from the submenu to collapse all the headings in your document, or “Expand All Headings” to expand all the headings again.

Word提供了一种快速折叠或展开所有标题的快速方法。 为此,右键单击任何标题,然后将鼠标移到弹出菜单上的“展开/折叠”上。 然后,从子菜单中选择“折叠所有标题”以折叠文档中的所有标题,或选择“展开所有标题”以再次展开所有标题。

You can also set up Word to automatically collapse certain heading levels by default. To do this, make sure the “Home” tab is active on the ribbon. If it isn’t, click on it to activate it.

您还可以将Word设置为默认情况下自动折叠某些标题级别。 为此,请确保功能区上的“主页”选项卡处于活动状态。 如果不是,请单击将其激活。

Place the cursor in a heading formatted with the heading level you want to collapse (such as Heading 1) and click the “Paragraph Settings” dialog box button in the “Paragraph” section of the “Home” tab.


On the “Indents and Spacing” tab of the “Paragraph” dialog box, select the “Collapsed by default” check box to the right of the “Outline level” drop-down list so there is a check mark in the box. If you don’t have the cursor in a heading, the “Collapsed by default” is grayed out and cannot be selected.

在“段落”对话框的“缩进和间距”选项卡上,选中“大纲级别”下拉列表右侧的“默认折叠”复选框,以便在该复选框中打勾。 如果标题中没有光标,则“默认折叠”为灰色,无法选择。

NOTE: This change only applies to the current heading and not all headings at the same level, unless you modify the heading style to include this change.

注意:此更改仅适用于当前标题,而不适用于同一级别的所有标题,除非您修改标题样式以包括此更改 。

Note that you can only collapse and expand parts of your document when you’re viewing it on your computer. When you print the document, all headings are automatically expanded.

请注意,只有在计算机上查看文档时,才可以折叠和展开文档的一部分。 打印文档时,所有标题都会自动展开。

This feature is useful for viewing your document as an outline, although you can also use the Navigation Pane to view an outline of your document and easily jump to parts of your document, as well as to reorganize your document.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/216755/how-to-collapse-and-expand-parts-of-your-document-in-word/


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