
2.选择菜单项build --------> rebuild all,在工程目录下生成default文件夹,里面有各个.o文件;

3.选择菜单项Tools ——> customize, 在对话框中添加:

menu text:gen bin

Tool command:objcopyppc.exe -O binary vxworks vxworks.bin    注意:命令和CPU有关,若为ARM,使用objcopyarm.exe,后面内容不变;且 为-O,不是 -0 !


4.此时Tools->gen bin出现,点击编译,在default目录下,可以找到vxworks.bin文件。


This is a summary of the command line options for the tools located in C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin. The beginning has some of my notes on some of the tools. The tools are located in C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin except where otherwise noted.

Command Description
ccppc.exe Gnu C compiler for PowerPC
Usage: ccppc [options] file
Example: ccppc -mcpu=604 -mstrict-align -I %WIND_BASE%\target\h -DCPU=PPC603 -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu-c myfile.c
Help: ccppc --help
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 155
ccsimpc.exe Gnu C compiler for the simulator
Usage: ccsimpc [options] file
Example: ccsimpc -O2 -mpentium -ansi -fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -I.-IC:/Tornado2.2/target/h/ -DCPU=SIMNT -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu myfile.c
Help: ccsimpc --help
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 199
dcc.exe Diab C compiler
Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\diab\WIN32\bin
Usage: dcc [options] input_files
Example: dcc -g -tPPC403FS:vxworks55 -Xmismatch-warning=2 -ew1554,1551,1552, 1086,1047,1547 -Xclib-optim-off -Xansi -Xstrings-in-text=0 -Wa,-Xsemi-is-newline-ei1516,1643,1604 -Xlocal-data-area-static-only -W:c++:,-Xexceptions -Xsize-opt -Wall -I%WIND_BASE%\target\h -DCPU=PPC604 -DTOOL=diab -c myfile.c
Help: dcc -h
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 159
dld.exe Diab Linker
Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\diab\WIN32\bin
Usage: dld [options] input-file
Example: dld -o applic.o -r applic1.o applic2.o applic3.o
Help dld -h
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 161
dplus.exe Diab C++ compiler
Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\diab\WIN32\bin
Usage: dplus [options] input_files
Help: dplus -h
ldppc.exe Gnu Linker for the PowerPC (not required for downloadable projects because linking is done dynamically.)
Usage: ldppc [options] file
Example: ldppc -o applic.o -r applic1.o applic2.o applic3.o
Help: ldppc --help
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 160
ldsimpc.exe Gnu Linker for the simulator
Usage: ldsimpc [options] file
Example: ldsimpc --subsystem=windows -e _WinMainCRTStartup C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\i386-pc-min
gw32\lib\crt1.o dataSegPad.o partialImage.o ctdt.o -T C:\Tornado2.2\target\h\tool\gnu\ldscripts\link.SIMNT -o vxWorks
Help: ldsimpc --help
make.exe Gnu make
Usage: make [options] [target]
Example: make -f ../Makefile BUILDSPEC=default_rom
Help: make -h
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 124, 176-177
makegen.bat Batch file to generate a makefile for command line use
Location: C:\Tornado2.2\host\resource\tcl\app-config\Project
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 124
nmppc.exe Gnu nm for the PowerPC- list symbols from object files
nmsimpc.exe Gnu nm for the simulator- list symbols from object files
tgtsvr.exe Creates a host based target server.
Usage: tgtsvr [options] targetName -c corefileName
Example: tgtsvr.exe -n -V -B wdbrpc -R C:/Tornado/2.2 -RW -c myCoreFile
tgtsvr.exe -n vxsim -V -B wdbrpc (for full simulator)
Help: tgtsvr -h
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 30, 34, 39-40, 204, 290
torVars.bat Batch file to set up environment variables for Tornado tools
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 19
vxrm.bat Wrapper for rm (remove file) command
Example: vxrm *.o
vxWorks.exe VxSim vxWorks Simulator
Location: C:\Tornado2.2\target\config\simpc
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 195-196
windsh.exe Creates a Tornado Shell
Usage: windsh [options] target-server-name
Example: windsh mytgtserver
windsh -s c:\fred\startup
Help: windsh -h
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 260, 270
wtxregd.exe Tornado registry
Usage: wtxregd [options]
Help: wtxregd -h
See also: Tornado User's Guide p. 17
wtxtcl.exe WTX TCL intepreter

.BAT Files in C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin


.EXE Files in C:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin



@echo off
rem Copyright 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc
rem modification history:
rem ---------------------
rem 01a,17jan02,dat  writtenrem Setting the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable set TCL_LIBRARY=%WIND_BASE%\host\tcl\tclset args=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with ""if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs :getNextArg rem If we have more than 8 arguments shift arguments into the "9" slot until
rem there are no more...shift rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with ""if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs
set args=%args% %9
goto getNextArg :gotArgs rem Now invoke wtxtclwtxtcl %WIND_BASE%\host\src\hutils\bspCnvtT2_2.tcl %args% 


@echo off
rem comwizard - script to execute the com wizard standalone
rem modification history
rem --------------------
rem 01d,06mar02,nel  SPR72940. Add echo off to batchfile to supress output.
rem 01c,09oct01,nel  SPR#70408. Convert to 1.1.8 jre.
rem 01c,07sep01,nel  Correct batch file syntax.
rem 01b,07sep01,nel  adjust jar path for t2.
rem 01a,07sep01,nel  created
SET SWINGALL=%JARBASE%\swingall.jarIF NOT EXIST %1 mkdir %1%JRE% -Dwind.base=%WIND_BASE% -cp %WIZARDJAR%;%COMPATJAR%;%SWINGALL% com.windriver.VxDCOMWizard.VxDCOMWizard %1


@echo off
REM createLib.bat - batchfile to create vxWorks libraries
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01c,08nov01,tam  added use of TGT_DIR
REM 01b,25mar97,bjl  removed line that deletes %LIBNAME%
REM 01a,10jul96,yp   writtem
REM if the library does not exist we want to throw all the objects in
REM $(LIBDIR) in to the archive and not just the objects created in the
REM the directory we were building. Due to variouse constraints in win95
REM command shell this scrpit just copies the makefile makearch.mf from
REM target/h/make and calls make with the appropriate args
set CPU=%1
set TOOL=%1
set AR=%1
set RANLIB=%1
set RM=%1
set TGT_DIR=%1
set LIBNAME=%1
set LIBDIR=%1
copy %TGT_DIR%\h\make\makearch.mf
call make -f makearch.mf AR=%AR% TGT_DIR=%TGT_DIR% LIBNAME=%LIBNAME% RANLIB=%RANLIB%
call %RM% makearch.mf


@echo off
REM htmlBook.bat - win32 batch wrapper to htmlBook
REM Copyright 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01a,11nov98,fle  written
REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the htmlBook facilty.
REMset WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe
set HTMLBOOK=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\htmlBook.tcl
if "%1"=="" goto end
goto getnext


@echo off
REM htmlLink.bat - win32 batch wrapper to htmlLink
REM Copyright 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01a,11nov98,fle  written
REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the htmlLink facilty.
REMset WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe
set HTMLLINK=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\htmlLink.tcl
if "%1"=="" goto end
goto getnext


@echo off
REM makeSymTbl.bat - standalone symbol table generation utility
REM Copyright 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc.
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01b,24nov00,pad  created to use makeSymTbl.tcl to generate standalone
REM       symbol table on Windows.
REM makeSymTbl <cpu family> <object module>
REM This tool is used only when creating a standalone system (with no access to
REM a secondary storage). Its purpose is to create the C code for symbol table
REM structures holding the system's symbols. These structures are then compiled
REM and linked into the system image to allow for the usage of the shell,
REM the loader, etc.
REM Note: this script is not intended to be used directly from the command line.
REM       It is called via the project's makefiles when the
REM   INCLUDE_STANDALONE_SYM_TBL component is included.
REM For an example, see the files:
REM \f3$WIND_BASE/target/proj/<project>/<build spec>/symTbl.c\f1,
REM makeSymTbl.tcl
REM tab(:);
REM lf3 l.
REM symLib.h:- symbol table header file
REMREM cycle through all parameters putting them in temp as we go alongset temp=%1:loop
set temp=%temp% %1
if "%1" == "" goto next
goto loop:next
%WIND_BASE%\host\%WIND_HOST_TYPE%\bin\tclsh %WIND_BASE%/host/src/hutils/makeSymTbl.tcl %temp%


@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto usage
if "%2" == "" goto usagevxsys %1
if errorlevel 1 goto sysfail
if exist %1bootrom.sys del %1bootrom.sysrem Check files with known names
rem Customers using unique file names should make modifications below.
if "%2" == "bootrom.dat"         goto omf
if "%2" == "bootrom"             goto omf
if "%2" == "bootrom_uncmp"       goto omf
if "%2" == "vxWorks_rom"         goto omf
if "%2" == "bootrom.bin"         goto binext
if "%2" == "bootrom_uncmp.bin"   goto binext
if "%2" == "vxWorks_rom.bin"     goto binext echo Warning, Unrecognized file name %2. Assuming .bin extension.:binext
copy %2 %1bootrom.sys
if errorlevel 1 goto copyfail
goto chkdsk:omf
objcopypentium -O binary --gap-fill=0 %2 %1bootrom.sys
if errorlevel 1 goto omffail:chkdsk
echo System tranferred.  Checking %1BOOTROM.SYS is contiguous
echo chkdsk %1bootrom.sys
chkdsk %1bootrom.sys
goto end:omffail
echo Failed to objcopy %2 to %1BOOTROM.SYS!
goto usage:sysfail
echo Failed to install boot sector on drive %1!
goto usage:copyfail
echo Failed to copy %2 to %1BOOTROM.SYS!:usage
echo Usage: mkboot drive: bootfile (e.g. mkboot a: bootrom.bin)
echo Installs VxWorks boot sector on drive, and copies over bootfile
echo as boot image BOOTROM.SYS. If the bootrom file is named bootrom.dat
echo as documented in older literature, then the file is assumed to be
echo an object module and is converted to binary before copied.
echo Note: BOOTROM.SYS must be contiguous or the boot will fail.  This can
echo be verified with CHKDSK.:end


@echo off
rem munch.bat - Windows wrapper for launching munch.tcl.
rem Copyright 1994-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
rem modification history
rem -----------------------
rem 01c,25mar02,sn    SPR 74043 -use munch in host\src\hutils
rem 01b,06jul98,jake  fixed env. var ref.
rem 01a,24feb98,jco  written.
rem .tS
rem munch
rem .tE
remwtxtcl %WIND_BASE%\host\src\hutils\munch.tcl


@echo off
rem Copyright 2000 Wind River Systems, Inc
rem modification history:
rem ---------------------
remrem Setting the TCL_LIBRARY environment variable set TCL_LIBRARY=%WIND_BASE%\host\tcl\tclset args=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with ""if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs :getNextArg rem If we have more than 8 arguments shift arguments into the "9" slot until
rem there are no more...shift rem Use - for comparison so that we can have lists quoted with ""if -%9-==-- goto gotArgs
set args=%args% %9
goto getNextArg :gotArgs rem Now invoke wtxtclwtxtcl %WIND_BASE%\host\resource\tcl\app-config\Project\migration\prjMigrate.tcl %args% 


@echo off
REM refgen.bat - win32 batch wrapper to refgen
REM Copyright 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01a,11nov98,fle  written
REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the refgen facilty. This should generate
REM doc file from the specified source files
REMset WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe
set REFGEN=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\refgen.tcl
if "%1"=="" goto end
goto getnext


@echo off
REM syngen.bat - win32 batch wrapper to syngen
REM Copyright 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc.
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01a,15jan99,fle  written
REM This batch file is a wrapper to use the syngen facilty. This should generate
REM synopses file from the specified source files
REMset WTXTCL=%WIND_BASE%\host\x86-win32\bin\wtxtcl.exe
set SYNGEN=%WIND_BASE%\host\resource\doctools\syngen.tcl
if "%1"=="" goto end
goto getnext


rem Command line build environments
set WIND_HOST_TYPE=x86-win32
set WIND_BASE=C:\Tornado2.2
set PATH=%WIND_BASE%\host\%WIND_HOST_TYPE%\bin;%PATH%rem Diab Toolchain additions
set DIABLIB=%WIND_BASE%\host\diab



REM Batchfile for starting SNiFF+ 4.X Tornado Integration
C:\Tornado2.2/host/x86-win32/bin/sniff_wrapper.cmd -b sniff %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6


@echo off
REM updateLib.bat - batch file to update vxWorks library
REM modification history
REM --------------------
REM 01c,08nov01,tam  fixed relative path to LIBNAME
REM 01b,07nov96,yp   added s to archive command and removed ranlib step
REM 01a,10jul96,yp   written
REM given the list of objects to update library with, construct the command
REM line and call the archiver. We do this from where the objects live as
REM oposed to where we are building so the archive need not carry the relative
REM path
set CPU=%1
set TOOL=%1
set AR=%1
set RANLIB=%1
set RM=%1
set TGT_DIR=%1
set LIBNAME=%1
set LIBDIR=%1
set OBJ=
if "%1"=="" goto end
set OBJ=%OBJ% %1
goto getnext
echo on
@echo %AR% crus  %TGT_DIR%\lib\%LIBNAME% %LIBDIR% %OBJ%
@echo off
%AR% crus %TGT_DIR%\lib\%LIBNAME% %OBJ%


@echo off
rem # vxColor - graph coloring demo for Tornado
rem #
rem # Copyright 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc.
rem #
rem # modification history
rem # --------------------
rem # 12feb99,jmp added TCL_LIBRARY & TK_LIBRARY settings.
rem # 04jan99,jmp written.
rem #
rem #
rem # vxColor targetServer
rem #if "%1"=="" goto usageecho Starting vxColor %1 %2 ...
set TCL_LIBRARY=..\..\tcl\tcl
set TK_LIBRARY=..\..\tcl\tk
wtxwish ..\..\src\demo\color\demoHost.tk %1 %2
goto end:usage
echo usage: vxColor tgtsvr


@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto end
if exist %1 rm -f %1
goto start


@echo off
rem widl.bat
rem widl - script to run the WIDL compiler
rem modification history
rem --------------------
rem 01b,21sep01,dbs  allow env WIDL_CLASSPATH to be considered
rem 01a,03feb00,dbs  created
remrem ensure that required env vars are set
if "%WIND_BASE%" == "" echo "WIND_BASE not set!"
if "%WIND_BASE%" == "" exit 1if "%WIND_HOST_TYPE%" == "" echo "WIND_HOST_TYPE not set!"
if "%WIND_HOST_TYPE%" == "" exitrem Setup java stuff
set jrehome=%WIND_BASE%/host/x86-win32/jre118
set jre=%jrehome%/bin/jre
set libdir=%WIND_BASE%/host/java/lib
set widlJar=%libdir%/widl.jar
set antlrJar=%libdir%/antlr270.jar
set classPath=%WIDL_CLASSPATH%;%jrehome%/lib/rt.jar;%widlJar%;%antlrJar%rem target include directory to pull in standard headers etc...
set includeDir=%WIND_BASE%/target/idlif "%TEMP%" == "" set TEMP=.%jre% -classpath %classPath% -Dwind.base=%WIND_BASE% -Dwind.host.type=%WIND_HOST_TYPE% -Dtemp.dir=%TEMP% -Duser=%USER% com.windriver.widl.WIDL -I%includeDir% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


Usage: addr2lineppc.exe [-CfsHV] [-b bfdname] [--target=bfdname][-e executable] [--exe=executable] [--demangle[=style]][--basenames] [--functions] [addr addr ...]
addr2lineppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: addr2linesimpc.exe [-CfsHV] [-b bfdname] [--target=bfdname][-e executable] [--exe=executable] [--demangle[=style]][--basenames] [--functions] [addr addr ...]
addr2linesimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: arppc.exe [-X32_64] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [member-name] [count] archive-file file...arppc.exe -M [<mri-script]commands:d            - delete file(s) from the archivem[ab]        - move file(s) in the archivep            - print file(s) found in the archiveq[f]         - quick append file(s) to the archiver[ab][f][u]  - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archivet            - display contents of archivex[o]         - extract file(s) from the archivecommand specific modifiers:[a]          - put file(s) after [member-name][b]          - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i])[N]          - use instance [count] of name[f]          - truncate inserted file names[P]          - use full path names when matching[o]          - preserve original dates[u]          - only replace files that are newer than current archive contentsgeneric modifiers:[c]          - do not warn if the library had to be created[s]          - createarppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihexan archive index (cf. ranlib)[S]          - do not build a symbol table[v]          - be verbose[V]          - display the version number[-X32_64]    - (ignored)
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: arsimpc.exe [-X32_64] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [member-name] [count] archive-file file...arsimpc.exe -M [<mri-script]commands:d            - delete file(s) from the archivem[ab]        - move file(s) in the archivep            - print file(s) found in the archiveq[f]         - quick append file(s) to the archiver[ab][f][u]  - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archivet            - display contents of archivex[o]         - extract file(s) from the archivecommand specific modifiers:[a]          - put file(s) after [member-name][b]          - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i])[N]          - use instance [count] of name[f]          - truncate inserted file names[P]          - use full path names when matching[o]          - preserve original dates[u]          - only replace files that are newer than current archive contentsgeneric modifiers:[c]          - do not warn if the library had to be created[s]          - crarsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
eate an archive index (cf. ranlib)[S]          - do not build a symbol table[v]          - be verbose[V]          - display the version number[-X32_64]    - (ignored)
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: asppc.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing
PowerPC options:
-u   ignored
-mpwrx, -mpwr2  generate code for IBM POWER/2 (RIOS2)
-mpwr   generate code for IBM POWER (RIOS1)
-m405, -m440          generate code for IBM PowerPC 405/440
-m601   generate code for Motorola PowerPC 601
-mppc, -mppc32, -m403, -m603, -m604generate code for Motorola PowerPC 403/603/604
-mppc64, -m620  generate code for Motorola PowerPC 620
-mvec   generate code for AltiVec instructions
-mppc64bridge  generate code for PowerPC 64, including bridge insns
-mcom   generate code Power/PowerPC common instructions
-many   generate code for any architecture (PWR/PWRX/PPC)
-mregnames  Allow symbolic names for registers
-mno-regnames  Do not allow symbolic names for registers
-mrelocatable  support for GCC's -mrelocatble option
-mrelocatable-lib support for GCC's -mrelocatble-lib option
-memb   set PPC_EMB bit in ELF flags
-mlittle, -mlittle-endiangenerate code for a little endian machine
-mbig, -mbig-endian generate code for a big endian machine
-msolaris  generate code for Solaris
-mno-solaris  do not generate code for Solaris
-V   print assembler version number
-Qy, -Qn  ignoredReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: assimpc.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing-q                      quieten some warningsReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: awk.exe [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ...awk.exe [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] 'program' file ...
POSIX options:  GNU long options:-f progfile  --file=progfile-F fs   --field-separator=fs-v var=val  --assign=var=val-m[fr] val-W compat  --compat-W copyleft  --copyleft-W copyright  --copyright-W help   --help-W lint   --lint-W lint-old  --lint-old-W posix  --posix-W re-interval  --re-interval-W source=program-text --source=program-text-W traditional  --traditional-W usage  --usage-W version  --versionReport bugs to bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org,
with a Cc: to arnold@gnu.org


GNU bash, version 2.05.0(8)-release-(i686-pc-cygwin)
Usage: bash.exe [GNU long option] [option] ...bash.exe [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:--debug--dump-po-strings--dump-strings--help--init-file--login--noediting--noprofile--norc--posix--rcfile--restricted--verbose--version--wordexp
Shell options:-irsD or -c command  (invocation only)-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP or -o option
Type `bash.exe -c "help set"' for more information about shell options.
Type `bash.exe -c help' for more information about shell builtin commands.
Use the `bashbug' command to report bugs.


--help: cannot open file


Usage: c++filtppc.exe [-_] [-n] [--strip-underscores] [--no-strip-underscores] [-s {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}][--format {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}][--help] [--version] [arg...]


Usage: c++filtsimpc.exe [-_] [-n] [--strip-underscores] [--no-strip-underscores] [-s {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}][--format {auto,gnu,lucid,arm,hp,edg,gnu-v3,java,gnat}][--help] [--version] [arg...]


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: c++ppc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by c++ppc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -Asystem(vxworks) -Asystem(embedded) -Acpu(powerpc) -Amachine(powerpc) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -D_CALL_SYSV -D_BIG_ENDIAN -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ -Amachine(bigendian) -D_ARCH_PPC -DCPU=PPC603 --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccZaSoPa.i
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 (PowerPC System V.4)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccZaSoPa.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccqzMoqk.s
Usage: cc1.exe input [switches]
Switches:-ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler-fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls-fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions-finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>-fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes-fpeephole2             Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2-fident                 Process #ident directives-fleading-underscore    External symbols have a leading underscore-finstrument-functions  Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls-fdump-unnumbered       Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps-fprefix-function-name  Add a prefix to all function names-fcheck-memory-usage    Generate code to check every memory access-fstrict-aliasing       Assume strict aliasing rules apply-fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals-fargument-noalias      Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other-fargument-alias        Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals-fstack-check           Insert stack checking code into the program-fpack-struct           Pack structure members together without holes-foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass-fregmove               Enables a register move optimisation-fgnu-linker            Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers-fverbose-asm           Add extra commentry to assembler output-fdata-sections         place data items into their own section-ffunction-sections     place each function into its own section-finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives-fcommon                Do not put unitialised globals in the common section-ffast-math             Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules-fbranch-probabilities  Use profiling information for branch probabilities-ftest-coverage         Create data files needed by gcov-fprofile-arcs          Insert arc based program profiling code-fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions-fsjlj-exceptions       Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions-fnew-exceptions        Use the new model for exception handling-fexceptions            Enable exception handling-fpic                   Generate position independent code, if possible-fbranch-count-reg      Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg-fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-spec-load       Allow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec            Allow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-interblock      Enable scheduling across basic blocks-fschedule-insns2       Run two passes of the instruction scheduler-fschedule-insns        Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls-fpretend-float         Pretend that host and target use the same FP format-frerun-loop-opt        Run the loop optimiser twice-frerun-cse-after-loop  Run CSE pass after loop optimisations-fgcse                  Perform the global common subexpression elimination-fdelayed-branch        Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-freg-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in registers-fpcc-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers-fcaller-saves          Enable saving registers around function calls-fshared-data           Mark data as shared rather than private-fsyntax-only           Check for syntax errors, then stop-fkeep-static-consts    Emit static const variables even if they are not used-finline                Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword-fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined-finline-functions      Integrate simple functions into their callers-ffunction-cse          Allow function addresses to be held in registers-fforce-addr            Copy memory address constants into regs before using-fforce-mem             Copy memory operands into registers before using-fpeephole              Enable machine specific peephole optimisations-fwritable-strings      Store strings in writable data section-freduce-all-givs       Strength reduce all loop general induction variables-fmove-all-movables     Force all loop invariant computations out of loops-funroll-all-loops      Perform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loops          Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-fstrength-reduce       Perform strength reduction optimisations-fthread-jumps          Perform jump threading optimisations-fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations-fcse-skip-blocks       When running CSE, follow conditional jumps-fcse-follow-jumps      When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fomit-frame-pointer    When possible do not generate stack frames-fdefer-pop             Defer popping functions args from stack until later-fvolatile-static       Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile-fvolatile-global       Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile-fvolatile              Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile-ffloat-store           Do not store floats in registers-O[number]              Set optimisation level to [number]-Os                     Optimise for space rather than speed-pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C-pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced-w                      Suppress warnings-W                      Enable extra warnings-Winline                Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wuninitialized         Warn about unitialized automatic variables-Wcast-align            Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Waggregate-return      Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Wswitch                Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wshadow                Warn when one local variable shadows another-Wunused                Warn when a variable is unused-Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars-Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes-p                      Enable function profiling-o <file>               Place output into <file> -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>bytes into a special section (on some targets)-gdwarf-2               Enable DWARF-2 debug output-gdwarf+                Generated extended DWARF-1 format debug output-gdwarf                 Generate DWARF-1 format debug output-gstabs+                Generate extended STABS format debug output-gstabs                 Generate STABS format debug output-ggdb                   Generate default extended debug format output-g                      Generate default debug format output-aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>.X-quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time-version                Display the compiler's version-d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes-sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler--help                  Display this informationLanguage specific options:-ansi                   Compile just for ANSI C-fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional-std=                   Determine language standard-funsigned-bitfields    Make bitfields by unsigned by default-fsigned-char           Make 'char' be signed by default-funsigned-char         Make 'char' be unsigned by default-traditional            Attempt to support traditional K&R style C-fno-asm                Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword-fno-builtin            Do not recognise any built in functions-fhosted                Assume normal C execution environment-ffreestanding          Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist-fcond-mismatch         Allow different types as args of ? operator-fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers-fshort-double          Use the same size for double as for float-fshort-enums           Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums-fvec                   Enable the AltiVec Programming Model-Wall                   Enable most warning messages-Wbad-function-cast     Warn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wmissing-noreturn      Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn-Wcast-qual             Warn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-subscripts       Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'-Wcomment               Warn if nested comments are detected-Wcomments              Warn if nested comments are detected-Wconversion            Warn about possibly confusing type conversions-Wformat                Warn about printf format anomalies-Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-int          Warn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimport                Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-long-long          Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic-Wmain                  Warn about suspicious declarations of main-Wmissing-braces        Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers-Wmissing-declarations  Warn about global funcs without previous declarations-Wmissing-prototypes    Warn about global funcs without prototypes-Wmultichar             Warn about use of multicharacter literals-Wnested-externs        Warn about externs not at file scope level-Wparentheses           Warn about possible missing parentheses-Wpointer-arith         Warn about function pointer arithmetic-Wredundant-decls       Warn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wsign-compare          Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons-Wunknown-pragmas       Warn about unrecognised pragmas-Wstrict-prototypes     Warn about non-prototyped function decls-Wtraditional           Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C-Wtrigraphs             Warn when trigraphs are encountered-Wwrite-strings         Mark strings as 'const char *'Options for Objective C:-gen-decls              Dump decls to a .decl file-fgnu-runtime           Generate code for GNU runtime environment-fnext-runtime          Generate code for NeXT runtime environment-Wselector              Warn if a selector has multiple methods-Wno-protocol           Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented-print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific featuresOptions for C++:-fno-access-control     Do not obey access control semantics-fall-virtual           Make all member functions virtual-falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted-fcheck-new             Check the return value of new-fconserve-space        Reduce size of object files-fno-const-strings      Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'-fno-default-inline     Do not inline member functions by default-fno-rtti               Do not generate run time type descriptor information-fno-for-scope          Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside-fguiding-decls         Implement guiding declarations-fno-gnu-keywords       Do not recognise GNU defined keywords-fhandle-signatures     Handle signature language constructs-fhonor-std             Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace-fhuge-objects          Enable support for huge objects-fno-implement-inlines  Export functions even if they can be inlined-fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations-fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates-finit-priority         Handle the init_priority attribute-flabels-ok             Labels can be used as first class objects-fmerge-templates       Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections-fnew-abi               Enable experimental ABI changes-fno-nonnull-objects    Do not assume that a reference is always valid-foperator-names        Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor-fno-optional-diags     Disable optional diagnostics-fpermissive            Downgrade conformance errors to warnings-frepo                  Enable automatic template instantiation-fsquangle              Enable squashed name mangling-fstats                 Display statistics accumulated during compilation-fno-strict-prototype   Do not assume that empty prototype means no args-ftemplate-depth-       Specify maximum template instantiation depth-fthis-is-variable      Make 'this' not be type '* const'-fvtable-gc             Discard unused virtual functions-fvtable-thunks         Implement vtables using thunks-fweak                  Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fxref                  Emit cross referencing information-Wreturn-type           Warn about inconsistent return types-Woverloaded-virtual    Warn about overloaded virtual function names-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy  Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private-Wnon-virtual-dtor      Warn about non virtual destructors-Wextern-inline         Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline-Wreorder               Warn when the compiler reorders code-Wsynth                 Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront-Wno-pmf-conversions    Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions-Weffc++                Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wsign-promo            Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wold-style-cast        Warn if a C style cast is used in a program-Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wno-deprecated         Don't announce deprecation of compiler featuresTarget specific options:-mnewlib                no description yet-mshlib                 no description yet-msolaris-cclib         no description yet-memb                   Set the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags header-mmvme                  Link with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-myellowknife           Link with libyk.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-mads                   Link with libads.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-msim                   Link with libsim.a, libc.a and sim-crt0.o.-mno-sdata              no description yet-msdata                 no description yet-mno-regnames           Don't use alternate register names.-mregnames              Use alternate register names.-mno-eabi               Don't use EABI.-meabi                  Use EABI.-mno-traceback          no description yet-mno-prototype          no description yet-mprototype             no description yet-mfull-toc              no description yet-mtoc                   no description yet-mno-toc                no description yet-mbig                   Produce big endian code.-mbig-endian            Produce big endian code.-mlittle                Produce little endian code.-mlittle-endian         Produce little endian code.-mno-relocatable-lib    Don't produce code relocatable at runtime.-mrelocatable-lib       Produce code relocatable at runtime.-mno-relocatable        Don't produce code relocatable at runtime.-mrelocatable           Produce code relocatable at runtime.-mno-strict-align       Assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system-mstrict-align          Don't assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system-mno-bit-align          Don't align to the base type of the bitfield.-mbit-align             Align to the base type of the bitfield.-mno-implicit-fp        Don't use floating point registers to optimize integer code-mimplicit-fp           Use floating point registers to optimize integer code-mlongcall              Generate long calls-mno-fused-madd         Don't generate fused multiply/add instructions-mfused-madd            Generate fused multiply/add instructions-mno-update             Do not generate load/store with update instructions-mupdate                Generate load/store with update instructions-mno-string             Do not generate string instructions for block moves-mno-string             Do not generate string instructions for block moves-mstring                Generate string instructions for block moves-mno-multiple           Do not generate load/store multiple instructions-mno-multiple           Do not generate load/store multiple instructions-mmultiple              Generate load/store multiple instructions-msoft-float            Do not use hardware fp-mhard-float            Use hardware fp-mno-minimal-toc        no description yet-mminimal-toc           no description yet-mminimal-toc           no description yet-mno-sum-in-toc         Don't place symbol+offset constants in TOC-msum-in-toc            Place symbol+offset constants in TOC-mno-fp-in-toc          Don't place floating point constants in TOC-mfp-in-toc             Place floating point constants in TOC-mfull-toc              no description yet-mold-mnemonics         Use old mnemonics for PowerPC architecture-mnew-mnemonics         Use new mnemonics for PowerPC architecture-mno-powerpc64          Don't use PowerPC-64 instruction set-mpowerpc64             Use PowerPC-64 instruction set-mno-powerpc-gfxopt     Don't use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions-mpowerpc-gfxopt        Use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions-mno-powerpc-gpopt      Don't use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions-mpowerpc-gpopt         Use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions-mno-powerpc            Do not use PowerPC instruction set-mpowerpc               Use PowerPC instruction set-mno-power              Do not use POWER instruction set-mno-power2             Do not use POWER2 instruction set-mpower2                Use POWER2 instruction set-mpower                 Use POWER instruction set-msdata=                Select method for sdata handling.-mcall-                 Select ABI calling convention.-mdebug=                Enable debug output-mdebug-                Enable debug output-mtune=                 Schedule code for given CPU-mcpu=                  Use features of and schedule code for given CPU./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/as.exe -mppc -V -Qy --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cczc3t7C.o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccqzMoqk.s
GNU assembler version 2.11.2-moto-1.7 (powerpc-wrs-vxworks) using BFD version 2.11.2-moto-1.7
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/as.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing
PowerPC options:
-u   ignored
-mpwrx, -mpwr2  generate code for IBM POWER/2 (RIOS2)
-mpwr   generate code for IBM POWER (RIOS1)
-m405, -m440          generate code for IBM PowerPC 405/440
-m601   generate code for Motorola PowerPC 601
-mppc, -mppc32, -m403, -m603, -m604generate code for Motorola PowerPC 403/603/604
-mppc64, -m620  generate code for Motorola PowerPC 620
-mvec   generate code for AltiVec instructions
-mppc64bridge  generate code for PowerPC 64, including bridge insns
-mcom   generate code Power/PowerPC common instructions
-many   generate code for any architecture (PWR/PWRX/PPC)
-mregnames  Allow symbolic names for registers
-mno-regnames  Do not allow symbolic names for registers
-mrelocatable  support for GCC's -mrelocatble option
-mrelocatable-lib support for GCC's -mrelocatble-lib option
-memb   set PPC_EMB bit in ELF flags
-mlittle, -mlittle-endiangenerate code for a little endian machine
-mbig, -mbig-endian generate code for a big endian machine
-msolaris  generate code for Solaris
-mno-solaris  do not generate code for Solaris
-V   print assembler version number
-Qy, -Qn  ignoredReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/collect2.exe --help -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96 -L./../lib/gcc-lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../.. /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cczc3t7C.o -lstdc++ -lm libgcc.a libgcc.a
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: supported emulations: elf32ppc elf32ppclinux elf32ppcsim
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: emulation specific options:
elf32ppc: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppclinux: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppcsim: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibilityReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/nm: a.out: No such file or directory
collect2: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/nm returned 1 exit status


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: c++simpc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by c++simpc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -Di386 -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D_stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386__ -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D___stdcall__=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386 -D___stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -D__vxworks -remap -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -Di386 -D__i386 -D__i386__ -DCPU=SIMNT --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccCapcjR.i
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5 (80386, BSD syntax)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccCapcjR.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccKOnZcF.s
Usage: cc1.exe input [switches]
Switches:-ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler-fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls-fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions-finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>-fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes-fpeephole2             Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2-fident                 Process #ident directives-fleading-underscore    External symbols have a leading underscore-finstrument-functions  Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls-fdump-unnumbered       Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps-fprefix-function-name  Add a prefix to all function names-fcheck-memory-usage    Generate code to check every memory access-fstrict-aliasing       Assume strict aliasing rules apply-fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals-fargument-noalias      Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other-fargument-alias        Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals-fstack-check           Insert stack checking code into the program-fpack-struct           Pack structure members together without holes-foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass-fregmove               Enables a register move optimisation-fgnu-linker            Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers-fverbose-asm           Add extra commentry to assembler output-fdata-sections         place data items into their own section-ffunction-sections     place each function into its own section-finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives-fcommon                Do not put unitialised globals in the common section-ffast-math             Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules-fbranch-probabilities  Use profiling information for branch probabilities-ftest-coverage         Create data files needed by gcov-fprofile-arcs          Insert arc based program profiling code-fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions-fsjlj-exceptions       Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions-fnew-exceptions        Use the new model for exception handling-fexceptions            Enable exception handling-fpic                   Generate position independent code, if possible-fbranch-count-reg      Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg-fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-spec-load       Allow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec            Allow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-interblock      Enable scheduling across basic blocks-fschedule-insns2       Run two passes of the instruction scheduler-fschedule-insns        Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls-fpretend-float         Pretend that host and target use the same FP format-frerun-loop-opt        Run the loop optimiser twice-frerun-cse-after-loop  Run CSE pass after loop optimisations-fgcse                  Perform the global common subexpression elimination-fdelayed-branch        Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-freg-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in registers-fpcc-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers-fcaller-saves          Enable saving registers around function calls-fshared-data           Mark data as shared rather than private-fsyntax-only           Check for syntax errors, then stop-fkeep-static-consts    Emit static const variables even if they are not used-finline                Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword-fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined-finline-functions      Integrate simple functions into their callers-ffunction-cse          Allow function addresses to be held in registers-fforce-addr            Copy memory address constants into regs before using-fforce-mem             Copy memory operands into registers before using-fpeephole              Enable machine specific peephole optimisations-fwritable-strings      Store strings in writable data section-freduce-all-givs       Strength reduce all loop general induction variables-fmove-all-movables     Force all loop invariant computations out of loops-funroll-all-loops      Perform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loops          Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-fstrength-reduce       Perform strength reduction optimisations-fthread-jumps          Perform jump threading optimisations-fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations-fcse-skip-blocks       When running CSE, follow conditional jumps-fcse-follow-jumps      When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fomit-frame-pointer    When possible do not generate stack frames-fdefer-pop             Defer popping functions args from stack until later-fvolatile-static       Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile-fvolatile-global       Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile-fvolatile              Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile-ffloat-store           Do not store floats in registers-O[number]              Set optimisation level to [number]-Os                     Optimise for space rather than speed-pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C-pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced-w                      Suppress warnings-W                      Enable extra warnings-Winline                Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wuninitialized         Warn about unitialized automatic variables-Wcast-align            Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Waggregate-return      Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Wswitch                Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wshadow                Warn when one local variable shadows another-Wunused                Warn when a variable is unused-Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars-Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes-p                      Enable function profiling-a                      Enable block profiling -ax                     Enable jump profiling -o <file>               Place output into <file> -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>bytes into a special section (on some targets)-gcoff                  Generate COFF format debug output-gstabs+                Generate extended STABS format debug output-gstabs                 Generate STABS format debug output-ggdb                   Generate default extended debug format output-g                      Generate default debug format output-aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>.X-quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time-version                Display the compiler's version-d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes-sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler--help                  Display this informationLanguage specific options:-ansi                   Compile just for ANSI C-fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional-std=                   Determine language standard-funsigned-bitfields    Make bitfields by unsigned by default-fsigned-char           Make 'char' be signed by default-funsigned-char         Make 'char' be unsigned by default-traditional            Attempt to support traditional K&R style C-fno-asm                Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword-fno-builtin            Do not recognise any built in functions-fhosted                Assume normal C execution environment-ffreestanding          Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist-fcond-mismatch         Allow different types as args of ? operator-fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers-fshort-double          Use the same size for double as for float-fshort-enums           Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums-Wall                   Enable most warning messages-Wbad-function-cast     Warn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wmissing-noreturn      Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn-Wcast-qual             Warn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-subscripts       Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'-Wcomment               Warn if nested comments are detected-Wcomments              Warn if nested comments are detected-Wconversion            Warn about possibly confusing type conversions-Wformat                Warn about printf format anomalies-Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-int          Warn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimport                Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-long-long          Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic-Wmain                  Warn about suspicious declarations of main-Wmissing-braces        Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers-Wmissing-declarations  Warn about global funcs without previous declarations-Wmissing-prototypes    Warn about global funcs without prototypes-Wmultichar             Warn about use of multicharacter literals-Wnested-externs        Warn about externs not at file scope level-Wparentheses           Warn about possible missing parentheses-Wpointer-arith         Warn about function pointer arithmetic-Wredundant-decls       Warn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wsign-compare          Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons-Wunknown-pragmas       Warn about unrecognised pragmas-Wstrict-prototypes     Warn about non-prototyped function decls-Wtraditional           Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C-Wtrigraphs             Warn when trigraphs are encountered-Wwrite-strings         Mark strings as 'const char *'Options for Objective C:-gen-decls              Dump decls to a .decl file-fgnu-runtime           Generate code for GNU runtime environment-fnext-runtime          Generate code for NeXT runtime environment-Wselector              Warn if a selector has multiple methods-Wno-protocol           Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented-print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific featuresOptions for C++:-fno-access-control     Do not obey access control semantics-fall-virtual           Make all member functions virtual-falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted-fcheck-new             Check the return value of new-fconserve-space        Reduce size of object files-fno-const-strings      Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'-fno-default-inline     Do not inline member functions by default-fno-rtti               Do not generate run time type descriptor information-fno-for-scope          Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside-fguiding-decls         Implement guiding declarations-fno-gnu-keywords       Do not recognise GNU defined keywords-fhandle-signatures     Handle signature language constructs-fhonor-std             Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace-fhuge-objects          Enable support for huge objects-fno-implement-inlines  Export functions even if they can be inlined-fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations-fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates-finit-priority         Handle the init_priority attribute-flabels-ok             Labels can be used as first class objects-fmerge-templates       Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections-fnew-abi               Enable experimental ABI changes-fno-nonnull-objects    Do not assume that a reference is always valid-foperator-names        Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor-fno-optional-diags     Disable optional diagnostics-fpermissive            Downgrade conformance errors to warnings-frepo                  Enable automatic template instantiation-fsquangle              Enable squashed name mangling-fstats                 Display statistics accumulated during compilation-fno-strict-prototype   Do not assume that empty prototype means no args-ftemplate-depth-       Specify maximum template instantiation depth-fthis-is-variable      Make 'this' not be type '* const'-fvtable-gc             Discard unused virtual functions-fvtable-thunks         Implement vtables using thunks-fweak                  Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fxref                  Emit cross referencing information-Wreturn-type           Warn about inconsistent return types-Woverloaded-virtual    Warn about overloaded virtual function names-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy  Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private-Wnon-virtual-dtor      Warn about non virtual destructors-Wextern-inline         Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline-Wreorder               Warn when the compiler reorders code-Wsynth                 Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront-Wno-pmf-conversions    Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions-Weffc++                Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wsign-promo            Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wold-style-cast        Warn if a C style cast is used in a program-Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wno-deprecated         Don't announce deprecation of compiler featuresTarget specific options:-mnop-fun-dllimport     Ignore dllimport for functions-mdll                   Generate code for a DLL-mconsole               Create console application-mwindows               Create GUI application-mno-cygwin             Use the Mingw32 interface-mcygwin                Use the Cygwin interface-mno-simpc              Use the Mingw32 interface-mintel-syntax          Emit Intel syntax assembler opcodes-mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probing-momit-leaf-frame-point Omit the frame pointer in leaf functions-mfancy-math-387        Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU-mno-fancy-math-387     Do not generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU-mno-fp-ret-in-387      Do not return values of functions in FPU registers-mfp-ret-in-387         Return values of functions in FPU registers-mno-ieee-fp            Do not use IEEE math for fp comparisons-mieee-fp               Use IEEE math for fp comparisons-mno-svr3-shlib         Uninitialized locals in .data-msvr3-shlib            Uninitialized locals in .bss-mno-align-double       Align doubles on word boundary-malign-double          Align some doubles on dword boundary-mno-rtd                Use normal calling convention-mrtd                   Alternate calling convention-mpentiumpro            Same as -mcpu=pentiumpro-mpentium               Same as -mcpu=pentium-m486                   Same as -mcpu=i486-m386                   Same as -mcpu=i386-mno-soft-float         Use hardware fp-msoft-float            Do not use hardware fp-mhard-float            Use hardware fp-mno-80387              Do not use hardware fp-m80387                 Use hardware fp-malign-functions=      Function starts are aligned to this power of 2-malign-jumps=          Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2-malign-loops=          Loop code aligned to this power of 2-mregparm=              Number of registers used to pass integer arguments-mreg-alloc=            Control allocation order of integer registers-march=                 Generate code for given CPU-mcpu=                  Schedule code for given CPUThere are undocumented target specific options as well../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/as.exe --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccGGKNDz.o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccKOnZcF.s
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/as.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing-q                      quieten some warningsReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/collect2.exe --help -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96 -L./../lib/gcc-lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../.. /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccGGKNDz.o -lstdc++ -r
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--force-stabs-reloc         Force relocation of .stabs section (use with caution!)--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: supported emulations: i386pe
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: emulation specific options:
i386pe: --base_file <basefile>             Generate a base file for relocatable DLLs--dll                              Set image base to the default for DLLs--file-alignment <size>            Set file alignment--heap <size>                      Set initial size of the heap--image-base <address>             Set start address of the executable--major-image-version <number>     Set version number of the executable--major-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS version--major-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem version--minor-image-version <number>     Set revision number of the executable--minor-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS revision--minor-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem revision--section-alignment <size>         Set section alignment--stack <size>                     Set size of the initial stack--subsystem <name>[:<version>]     Set required OS subsystem [& version]--support-old-code                 Support interworking with old code--thumb-entry=<symbol>             Set the entry point to be Thumb <symbol>--add-stdcall-alias                Export symbols with and without @nn--disable-stdcall-fixup            Don't link _sym to _sym@nn--enable-stdcall-fixup             Link _sym to _sym@nn without warnings--exclude-symbols sym,sym,...      Exclude symbols from automatic export--export-all-symbols               Automatically export all globals to DLL--kill-at                          Remove @nn from exported symbols--out-implib <file>                Generate import library--output-def <file>                Generate a .DEF file for the built DLL--warn-duplicate-exports           Warn about duplicate exports.--compat-implib                    Create backward compatible import libs;create __imp_<SYMBOL> as well.--enable-auto-image-base           Automatically choose image base for DLLsunless user specifies one--disable-auto-image-base          Do not auto-choose image base. (default)--dll-search-prefix=<string>       When linking dynamically to a dll witout animportlib, use <string><basename>.dll in preference to lib<basename>.dll Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: cat.exe [OPTION] [FILE]...
Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to standard output.-A, --show-all           equivalent to -vET-b, --number-nonblank    number nonblank output lines-e                       equivalent to -vE-E, --show-ends          display $ at end of each line-n, --number             number all output lines-s, --squeeze-blank      never more than one single blank line-t                       equivalent to -vT-T, --show-tabs          display TAB characters as ^I-u                       (ignored)-v, --show-nonprinting   use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB--help               display this help and exit--version            output version information and exitWith no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.-B, --binary             use binary writes to the console device.Report bugs to <bug-textutils@gnu.org>.


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: ccppc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by ccppc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -Asystem(vxworks) -Asystem(embedded) -Acpu(powerpc) -Amachine(powerpc) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -D_CALL_SYSV -D_BIG_ENDIAN -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ -Amachine(bigendian) -D_ARCH_PPC -DCPU=PPC603 --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccqJqfRs.i
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 (PowerPC System V.4)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccqJqfRs.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cciKPo7S.s
Usage: cc1.exe input [switches]
Switches:-ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler-fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls-fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions-finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>-fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes-fpeephole2             Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2-fident                 Process #ident directives-fleading-underscore    External symbols have a leading underscore-finstrument-functions  Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls-fdump-unnumbered       Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps-fprefix-function-name  Add a prefix to all function names-fcheck-memory-usage    Generate code to check every memory access-fstrict-aliasing       Assume strict aliasing rules apply-fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals-fargument-noalias      Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other-fargument-alias        Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals-fstack-check           Insert stack checking code into the program-fpack-struct           Pack structure members together without holes-foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass-fregmove               Enables a register move optimisation-fgnu-linker            Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers-fverbose-asm           Add extra commentry to assembler output-fdata-sections         place data items into their own section-ffunction-sections     place each function into its own section-finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives-fcommon                Do not put unitialised globals in the common section-ffast-math             Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules-fbranch-probabilities  Use profiling information for branch probabilities-ftest-coverage         Create data files needed by gcov-fprofile-arcs          Insert arc based program profiling code-fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions-fsjlj-exceptions       Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions-fnew-exceptions        Use the new model for exception handling-fexceptions            Enable exception handling-fpic                   Generate position independent code, if possible-fbranch-count-reg      Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg-fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-spec-load       Allow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec            Allow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-interblock      Enable scheduling across basic blocks-fschedule-insns2       Run two passes of the instruction scheduler-fschedule-insns        Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls-fpretend-float         Pretend that host and target use the same FP format-frerun-loop-opt        Run the loop optimiser twice-frerun-cse-after-loop  Run CSE pass after loop optimisations-fgcse                  Perform the global common subexpression elimination-fdelayed-branch        Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-freg-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in registers-fpcc-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers-fcaller-saves          Enable saving registers around function calls-fshared-data           Mark data as shared rather than private-fsyntax-only           Check for syntax errors, then stop-fkeep-static-consts    Emit static const variables even if they are not used-finline                Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword-fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined-finline-functions      Integrate simple functions into their callers-ffunction-cse          Allow function addresses to be held in registers-fforce-addr            Copy memory address constants into regs before using-fforce-mem             Copy memory operands into registers before using-fpeephole              Enable machine specific peephole optimisations-fwritable-strings      Store strings in writable data section-freduce-all-givs       Strength reduce all loop general induction variables-fmove-all-movables     Force all loop invariant computations out of loops-funroll-all-loops      Perform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loops          Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-fstrength-reduce       Perform strength reduction optimisations-fthread-jumps          Perform jump threading optimisations-fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations-fcse-skip-blocks       When running CSE, follow conditional jumps-fcse-follow-jumps      When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fomit-frame-pointer    When possible do not generate stack frames-fdefer-pop             Defer popping functions args from stack until later-fvolatile-static       Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile-fvolatile-global       Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile-fvolatile              Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile-ffloat-store           Do not store floats in registers-O[number]              Set optimisation level to [number]-Os                     Optimise for space rather than speed-pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C-pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced-w                      Suppress warnings-W                      Enable extra warnings-Winline                Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wuninitialized         Warn about unitialized automatic variables-Wcast-align            Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Waggregate-return      Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Wswitch                Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wshadow                Warn when one local variable shadows another-Wunused                Warn when a variable is unused-Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars-Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes-p                      Enable function profiling-o <file>               Place output into <file> -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>bytes into a special section (on some targets)-gdwarf-2               Enable DWARF-2 debug output-gdwarf+                Generated extended DWARF-1 format debug output-gdwarf                 Generate DWARF-1 format debug output-gstabs+                Generate extended STABS format debug output-gstabs                 Generate STABS format debug output-ggdb                   Generate default extended debug format output-g                      Generate default debug format output-aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>.X-quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time-version                Display the compiler's version-d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes-sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler--help                  Display this informationLanguage specific options:-ansi                   Compile just for ANSI C-fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional-std=                   Determine language standard-funsigned-bitfields    Make bitfields by unsigned by default-fsigned-char           Make 'char' be signed by default-funsigned-char         Make 'char' be unsigned by default-traditional            Attempt to support traditional K&R style C-fno-asm                Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword-fno-builtin            Do not recognise any built in functions-fhosted                Assume normal C execution environment-ffreestanding          Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist-fcond-mismatch         Allow different types as args of ? operator-fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers-fshort-double          Use the same size for double as for float-fshort-enums           Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums-fvec                   Enable the AltiVec Programming Model-Wall                   Enable most warning messages-Wbad-function-cast     Warn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wmissing-noreturn      Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn-Wcast-qual             Warn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-subscripts       Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'-Wcomment               Warn if nested comments are detected-Wcomments              Warn if nested comments are detected-Wconversion            Warn about possibly confusing type conversions-Wformat                Warn about printf format anomalies-Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-int          Warn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimport                Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-long-long          Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic-Wmain                  Warn about suspicious declarations of main-Wmissing-braces        Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers-Wmissing-declarations  Warn about global funcs without previous declarations-Wmissing-prototypes    Warn about global funcs without prototypes-Wmultichar             Warn about use of multicharacter literals-Wnested-externs        Warn about externs not at file scope level-Wparentheses           Warn about possible missing parentheses-Wpointer-arith         Warn about function pointer arithmetic-Wredundant-decls       Warn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wsign-compare          Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons-Wunknown-pragmas       Warn about unrecognised pragmas-Wstrict-prototypes     Warn about non-prototyped function decls-Wtraditional           Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C-Wtrigraphs             Warn when trigraphs are encountered-Wwrite-strings         Mark strings as 'const char *'Options for Objective C:-gen-decls              Dump decls to a .decl file-fgnu-runtime           Generate code for GNU runtime environment-fnext-runtime          Generate code for NeXT runtime environment-Wselector              Warn if a selector has multiple methods-Wno-protocol           Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented-print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific featuresOptions for C++:-fno-access-control     Do not obey access control semantics-fall-virtual           Make all member functions virtual-falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted-fcheck-new             Check the return value of new-fconserve-space        Reduce size of object files-fno-const-strings      Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'-fno-default-inline     Do not inline member functions by default-fno-rtti               Do not generate run time type descriptor information-fno-for-scope          Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside-fguiding-decls         Implement guiding declarations-fno-gnu-keywords       Do not recognise GNU defined keywords-fhandle-signatures     Handle signature language constructs-fhonor-std             Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace-fhuge-objects          Enable support for huge objects-fno-implement-inlines  Export functions even if they can be inlined-fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations-fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates-finit-priority         Handle the init_priority attribute-flabels-ok             Labels can be used as first class objects-fmerge-templates       Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections-fnew-abi               Enable experimental ABI changes-fno-nonnull-objects    Do not assume that a reference is always valid-foperator-names        Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor-fno-optional-diags     Disable optional diagnostics-fpermissive            Downgrade conformance errors to warnings-frepo                  Enable automatic template instantiation-fsquangle              Enable squashed name mangling-fstats                 Display statistics accumulated during compilation-fno-strict-prototype   Do not assume that empty prototype means no args-ftemplate-depth-       Specify maximum template instantiation depth-fthis-is-variable      Make 'this' not be type '* const'-fvtable-gc             Discard unused virtual functions-fvtable-thunks         Implement vtables using thunks-fweak                  Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fxref                  Emit cross referencing information-Wreturn-type           Warn about inconsistent return types-Woverloaded-virtual    Warn about overloaded virtual function names-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy  Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private-Wnon-virtual-dtor      Warn about non virtual destructors-Wextern-inline         Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline-Wreorder               Warn when the compiler reorders code-Wsynth                 Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront-Wno-pmf-conversions    Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions-Weffc++                Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wsign-promo            Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wold-style-cast        Warn if a C style cast is used in a program-Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wno-deprecated         Don't announce deprecation of compiler featuresTarget specific options:-mnewlib                no description yet-mshlib                 no description yet-msolaris-cclib         no description yet-memb                   Set the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags header-mmvme                  Link with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-myellowknife           Link with libyk.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-mads                   Link with libads.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-msim                   Link with libsim.a, libc.a and sim-crt0.o.-mno-sdata              no description yet-msdata                 no description yet-mno-regnames           Don't use alternate register names.-mregnames              Use alternate register names.-mno-eabi               Don't use EABI.-meabi                  Use EABI.-mno-traceback          no description yet-mno-prototype          no description yet-mprototype             no description yet-mfull-toc              no description yet-mtoc                   no description yet-mno-toc                no description yet-mbig                   Produce big endian code.-mbig-endian            Produce big endian code.-mlittle                Produce little endian code.-mlittle-endian         Produce little endian code.-mno-relocatable-lib    Don't produce code relocatable at runtime.-mrelocatable-lib       Produce code relocatable at runtime.-mno-relocatable        Don't produce code relocatable at runtime.-mrelocatable           Produce code relocatable at runtime.-mno-strict-align       Assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system-mstrict-align          Don't assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system-mno-bit-align          Don't align to the base type of the bitfield.-mbit-align             Align to the base type of the bitfield.-mno-implicit-fp        Don't use floating point registers to optimize integer code-mimplicit-fp           Use floating point registers to optimize integer code-mlongcall              Generate long calls-mno-fused-madd         Don't generate fused multiply/add instructions-mfused-madd            Generate fused multiply/add instructions-mno-update             Do not generate load/store with update instructions-mupdate                Generate load/store with update instructions-mno-string             Do not generate string instructions for block moves-mno-string             Do not generate string instructions for block moves-mstring                Generate string instructions for block moves-mno-multiple           Do not generate load/store multiple instructions-mno-multiple           Do not generate load/store multiple instructions-mmultiple              Generate load/store multiple instructions-msoft-float            Do not use hardware fp-mhard-float            Use hardware fp-mno-minimal-toc        no description yet-mminimal-toc           no description yet-mminimal-toc           no description yet-mno-sum-in-toc         Don't place symbol+offset constants in TOC-msum-in-toc            Place symbol+offset constants in TOC-mno-fp-in-toc          Don't place floating point constants in TOC-mfp-in-toc             Place floating point constants in TOC-mfull-toc              no description yet-mold-mnemonics         Use old mnemonics for PowerPC architecture-mnew-mnemonics         Use new mnemonics for PowerPC architecture-mno-powerpc64          Don't use PowerPC-64 instruction set-mpowerpc64             Use PowerPC-64 instruction set-mno-powerpc-gfxopt     Don't use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions-mpowerpc-gfxopt        Use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions-mno-powerpc-gpopt      Don't use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions-mpowerpc-gpopt         Use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions-mno-powerpc            Do not use PowerPC instruction set-mpowerpc               Use PowerPC instruction set-mno-power              Do not use POWER instruction set-mno-power2             Do not use POWER2 instruction set-mpower2                Use POWER2 instruction set-mpower                 Use POWER instruction set-msdata=                Select method for sdata handling.-mcall-                 Select ABI calling convention.-mdebug=                Enable debug output-mdebug-                Enable debug output-mtune=                 Schedule code for given CPU-mcpu=                  Use features of and schedule code for given CPU./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/as.exe -mppc -V -Qy --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccM4u0Ft.o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cciKPo7S.s
GNU assembler version 2.11.2-moto-1.7 (powerpc-wrs-vxworks) using BFD version 2.11.2-moto-1.7
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/as.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing
PowerPC options:
-u   ignored
-mpwrx, -mpwr2  generate code for IBM POWER/2 (RIOS2)
-mpwr   generate code for IBM POWER (RIOS1)
-m405, -m440          generate code for IBM PowerPC 405/440
-m601   generate code for Motorola PowerPC 601
-mppc, -mppc32, -m403, -m603, -m604generate code for Motorola PowerPC 403/603/604
-mppc64, -m620  generate code for Motorola PowerPC 620
-mvec   generate code for AltiVec instructions
-mppc64bridge  generate code for PowerPC 64, including bridge insns
-mcom   generate code Power/PowerPC common instructions
-many   generate code for any architecture (PWR/PWRX/PPC)
-mregnames  Allow symbolic names for registers
-mno-regnames  Do not allow symbolic names for registers
-mrelocatable  support for GCC's -mrelocatble option
-mrelocatable-lib support for GCC's -mrelocatble-lib option
-memb   set PPC_EMB bit in ELF flags
-mlittle, -mlittle-endiangenerate code for a little endian machine
-mbig, -mbig-endian generate code for a big endian machine
-msolaris  generate code for Solaris
-mno-solaris  do not generate code for Solaris
-V   print assembler version number
-Qy, -Qn  ignoredReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/collect2.exe --help -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96 -L./../lib/gcc-lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../.. /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccM4u0Ft.o libgcc.a libgcc.a
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: supported emulations: elf32ppc elf32ppclinux elf32ppcsim
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: emulation specific options:
elf32ppc: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppclinux: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppcsim: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibilityReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/nm: a.out: No such file or directory
collect2: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/nm returned 1 exit status


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: ccsimpc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by ccsimpc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -Di386 -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D_stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386__ -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D___stdcall__=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386 -D___stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -D__vxworks -remap -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -Di386 -D__i386 -D__i386__ -DCPU=SIMNT --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccdAeWJ5.i
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5 (80386, BSD syntax)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccdAeWJ5.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cc0TzsT5.s
Usage: cc1.exe input [switches]
Switches:-ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler-fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls-fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions-finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>-fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes-fpeephole2             Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2-fident                 Process #ident directives-fleading-underscore    External symbols have a leading underscore-finstrument-functions  Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls-fdump-unnumbered       Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps-fprefix-function-name  Add a prefix to all function names-fcheck-memory-usage    Generate code to check every memory access-fstrict-aliasing       Assume strict aliasing rules apply-fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals-fargument-noalias      Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other-fargument-alias        Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals-fstack-check           Insert stack checking code into the program-fpack-struct           Pack structure members together without holes-foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass-fregmove               Enables a register move optimisation-fgnu-linker            Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers-fverbose-asm           Add extra commentry to assembler output-fdata-sections         place data items into their own section-ffunction-sections     place each function into its own section-finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives-fcommon                Do not put unitialised globals in the common section-ffast-math             Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules-fbranch-probabilities  Use profiling information for branch probabilities-ftest-coverage         Create data files needed by gcov-fprofile-arcs          Insert arc based program profiling code-fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions-fsjlj-exceptions       Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions-fnew-exceptions        Use the new model for exception handling-fexceptions            Enable exception handling-fpic                   Generate position independent code, if possible-fbranch-count-reg      Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg-fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-spec-load       Allow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec            Allow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-interblock      Enable scheduling across basic blocks-fschedule-insns2       Run two passes of the instruction scheduler-fschedule-insns        Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls-fpretend-float         Pretend that host and target use the same FP format-frerun-loop-opt        Run the loop optimiser twice-frerun-cse-after-loop  Run CSE pass after loop optimisations-fgcse                  Perform the global common subexpression elimination-fdelayed-branch        Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-freg-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in registers-fpcc-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers-fcaller-saves          Enable saving registers around function calls-fshared-data           Mark data as shared rather than private-fsyntax-only           Check for syntax errors, then stop-fkeep-static-consts    Emit static const variables even if they are not used-finline                Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword-fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined-finline-functions      Integrate simple functions into their callers-ffunction-cse          Allow function addresses to be held in registers-fforce-addr            Copy memory address constants into regs before using-fforce-mem             Copy memory operands into registers before using-fpeephole              Enable machine specific peephole optimisations-fwritable-strings      Store strings in writable data section-freduce-all-givs       Strength reduce all loop general induction variables-fmove-all-movables     Force all loop invariant computations out of loops-funroll-all-loops      Perform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loops          Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-fstrength-reduce       Perform strength reduction optimisations-fthread-jumps          Perform jump threading optimisations-fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations-fcse-skip-blocks       When running CSE, follow conditional jumps-fcse-follow-jumps      When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fomit-frame-pointer    When possible do not generate stack frames-fdefer-pop             Defer popping functions args from stack until later-fvolatile-static       Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile-fvolatile-global       Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile-fvolatile              Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile-ffloat-store           Do not store floats in registers-O[number]              Set optimisation level to [number]-Os                     Optimise for space rather than speed-pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C-pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced-w                      Suppress warnings-W                      Enable extra warnings-Winline                Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wuninitialized         Warn about unitialized automatic variables-Wcast-align            Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Waggregate-return      Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Wswitch                Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wshadow                Warn when one local variable shadows another-Wunused                Warn when a variable is unused-Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars-Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes-p                      Enable function profiling-a                      Enable block profiling -ax                     Enable jump profiling -o <file>               Place output into <file> -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>bytes into a special section (on some targets)-gcoff                  Generate COFF format debug output-gstabs+                Generate extended STABS format debug output-gstabs                 Generate STABS format debug output-ggdb                   Generate default extended debug format output-g                      Generate default debug format output-aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>.X-quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time-version                Display the compiler's version-d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes-sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler--help                  Display this informationLanguage specific options:-ansi                   Compile just for ANSI C-fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional-std=                   Determine language standard-funsigned-bitfields    Make bitfields by unsigned by default-fsigned-char           Make 'char' be signed by default-funsigned-char         Make 'char' be unsigned by default-traditional            Attempt to support traditional K&R style C-fno-asm                Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword-fno-builtin            Do not recognise any built in functions-fhosted                Assume normal C execution environment-ffreestanding          Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist-fcond-mismatch         Allow different types as args of ? operator-fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers-fshort-double          Use the same size for double as for float-fshort-enums           Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums-Wall                   Enable most warning messages-Wbad-function-cast     Warn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wmissing-noreturn      Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn-Wcast-qual             Warn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-subscripts       Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'-Wcomment               Warn if nested comments are detected-Wcomments              Warn if nested comments are detected-Wconversion            Warn about possibly confusing type conversions-Wformat                Warn about printf format anomalies-Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-int          Warn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimport                Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-long-long          Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic-Wmain                  Warn about suspicious declarations of main-Wmissing-braces        Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers-Wmissing-declarations  Warn about global funcs without previous declarations-Wmissing-prototypes    Warn about global funcs without prototypes-Wmultichar             Warn about use of multicharacter literals-Wnested-externs        Warn about externs not at file scope level-Wparentheses           Warn about possible missing parentheses-Wpointer-arith         Warn about function pointer arithmetic-Wredundant-decls       Warn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wsign-compare          Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons-Wunknown-pragmas       Warn about unrecognised pragmas-Wstrict-prototypes     Warn about non-prototyped function decls-Wtraditional           Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C-Wtrigraphs             Warn when trigraphs are encountered-Wwrite-strings         Mark strings as 'const char *'Options for Objective C:-gen-decls              Dump decls to a .decl file-fgnu-runtime           Generate code for GNU runtime environment-fnext-runtime          Generate code for NeXT runtime environment-Wselector              Warn if a selector has multiple methods-Wno-protocol           Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented-print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific featuresOptions for C++:-fno-access-control     Do not obey access control semantics-fall-virtual           Make all member functions virtual-falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted-fcheck-new             Check the return value of new-fconserve-space        Reduce size of object files-fno-const-strings      Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'-fno-default-inline     Do not inline member functions by default-fno-rtti               Do not generate run time type descriptor information-fno-for-scope          Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside-fguiding-decls         Implement guiding declarations-fno-gnu-keywords       Do not recognise GNU defined keywords-fhandle-signatures     Handle signature language constructs-fhonor-std             Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace-fhuge-objects          Enable support for huge objects-fno-implement-inlines  Export functions even if they can be inlined-fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations-fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates-finit-priority         Handle the init_priority attribute-flabels-ok             Labels can be used as first class objects-fmerge-templates       Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections-fnew-abi               Enable experimental ABI changes-fno-nonnull-objects    Do not assume that a reference is always valid-foperator-names        Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor-fno-optional-diags     Disable optional diagnostics-fpermissive            Downgrade conformance errors to warnings-frepo                  Enable automatic template instantiation-fsquangle              Enable squashed name mangling-fstats                 Display statistics accumulated during compilation-fno-strict-prototype   Do not assume that empty prototype means no args-ftemplate-depth-       Specify maximum template instantiation depth-fthis-is-variable      Make 'this' not be type '* const'-fvtable-gc             Discard unused virtual functions-fvtable-thunks         Implement vtables using thunks-fweak                  Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fxref                  Emit cross referencing information-Wreturn-type           Warn about inconsistent return types-Woverloaded-virtual    Warn about overloaded virtual function names-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy  Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private-Wnon-virtual-dtor      Warn about non virtual destructors-Wextern-inline         Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline-Wreorder               Warn when the compiler reorders code-Wsynth                 Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront-Wno-pmf-conversions    Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions-Weffc++                Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wsign-promo            Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wold-style-cast        Warn if a C style cast is used in a program-Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wno-deprecated         Don't announce deprecation of compiler featuresTarget specific options:-mnop-fun-dllimport     Ignore dllimport for functions-mdll                   Generate code for a DLL-mconsole               Create console application-mwindows               Create GUI application-mno-cygwin             Use the Mingw32 interface-mcygwin                Use the Cygwin interface-mno-simpc              Use the Mingw32 interface-mintel-syntax          Emit Intel syntax assembler opcodes-mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probing-momit-leaf-frame-point Omit the frame pointer in leaf functions-mfancy-math-387        Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU-mno-fancy-math-387     Do not generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU-mno-fp-ret-in-387      Do not return values of functions in FPU registers-mfp-ret-in-387         Return values of functions in FPU registers-mno-ieee-fp            Do not use IEEE math for fp comparisons-mieee-fp               Use IEEE math for fp comparisons-mno-svr3-shlib         Uninitialized locals in .data-msvr3-shlib            Uninitialized locals in .bss-mno-align-double       Align doubles on word boundary-malign-double          Align some doubles on dword boundary-mno-rtd                Use normal calling convention-mrtd                   Alternate calling convention-mpentiumpro            Same as -mcpu=pentiumpro-mpentium               Same as -mcpu=pentium-m486                   Same as -mcpu=i486-m386                   Same as -mcpu=i386-mno-soft-float         Use hardware fp-msoft-float            Do not use hardware fp-mhard-float            Use hardware fp-mno-80387              Do not use hardware fp-m80387                 Use hardware fp-malign-functions=      Function starts are aligned to this power of 2-malign-jumps=          Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2-malign-loops=          Loop code aligned to this power of 2-mregparm=              Number of registers used to pass integer arguments-mreg-alloc=            Control allocation order of integer registers-march=                 Generate code for given CPU-mcpu=                  Schedule code for given CPUThere are undocumented target specific options as well../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/as.exe --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cczMKmBb.o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cc0TzsT5.s
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/as.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing-q                      quieten some warningsReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/collect2.exe --help -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96 -L./../lib/gcc-lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../.. /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cczMKmBb.o -r
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--force-stabs-reloc         Force relocation of .stabs section (use with caution!)--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: supported emulations: i386pe
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: emulation specific options:
i386pe: --base_file <basefile>             Generate a base file for relocatable DLLs--dll                              Set image base to the default for DLLs--file-alignment <size>            Set file alignment--heap <size>                      Set initial size of the heap--image-base <address>             Set start address of the executable--major-image-version <number>     Set version number of the executable--major-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS version--major-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem version--minor-image-version <number>     Set revision number of the executable--minor-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS revision--minor-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem revision--section-alignment <size>         Set section alignment--stack <size>                     Set size of the initial stack--subsystem <name>[:<version>]     Set required OS subsystem [& version]--support-old-code                 Support interworking with old code--thumb-entry=<symbol>             Set the entry point to be Thumb <symbol>--add-stdcall-alias                Export symbols with and without @nn--disable-stdcall-fixup            Don't link _sym to _sym@nn--enable-stdcall-fixup             Link _sym to _sym@nn without warnings--exclude-symbols sym,sym,...      Exclude symbols from automatic export--export-all-symbols               Automatically export all globals to DLL--kill-at                          Remove @nn from exported symbols--out-implib <file>                Generate import library--output-def <file>                Generate a .DEF file for the built DLL--warn-duplicate-exports           Warn about duplicate exports.--compat-implib                    Create backward compatible import libs;create __imp_<SYMBOL> as well.--enable-auto-image-base           Automatically choose image base for DLLsunless user specifies one--disable-auto-image-base          Do not auto-choose image base. (default)--dll-search-prefix=<string>       When linking dynamically to a dll witout animportlib, use <string><basename>.dll in preference to lib<basename>.dll Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org




Usage: chmod.exe [OPTION]... MODE[,MODE]... FILE...or:  chmod.exe [OPTION]... OCTAL-MODE FILE...or:  chmod.exe [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE...
Change the mode of each FILE to MODE.-c, --changes           like verbose but report only when a change is made-f, --silent, --quiet   suppress most error messages-v, --verbose           output a diagnostic for every file processed--reference=RFILE   use RFILE's mode instead of MODE values-R, --recursive         change files and directories recursively--help              display this help and exit--version           output version information and exitEach MODE is one or more of the letters ugoa, one of the symbols +-= and
one or more of the letters rwxXstugo.Report bugs to <bug-fileutils@gnu.org>.


Usage: cp.exe [OPTION]... SOURCE DESTor:  cp.exe [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORYor:  cp.exe [OPTION]... --target-directory=DIRECTORY SOURCE...
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.-a, --archive                same as -dpR--backup[=CONTROL]       make a backup of each existing destination file-b                           like --backup but does not accept an argument-d, --no-dereference         never follow symbolic links-f, --force                  if an existing destination file cannot beopened, remove it and try again-i, --interactive            prompt before overwrite-H                           follow command-line symbolic links-l, --link                   link files instead of copying-L, --dereference            always follow symbolic links-p, --preserve               preserve file attributes if possible--parents                append source path to DIRECTORY-P                           same as `--parents' for now; soon to change to`--no-dereference' to conform to POSIX-r                           copy recursively, non-directories as filesWARNING: use -R instead when you might copyspecial files like FIFOs or /dev/zero--remove-destination     remove each existing destination file beforeattempting to open it (contrast with --force)--sparse=WHEN            control creation of sparse files-R, --recursive              copy directories recursively--strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCEargument-s, --symbolic-link          make symbolic links instead of copying-S, --suffix=SUFFIX          override the usual backup suffix--target-directory=DIRECTORY  move all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY-u, --update                 copy only when the SOURCE file is newerthan the destination file or when thedestination file is missing-v, --verbose                explain what is being done-x, --one-file-system        stay on this file system--help                   display this help and exit--version                output version information and exitBy default, sparse SOURCE files are detected by a crude heuristic and the
corresponding DEST file is made sparse as well.  That is the behavior
selected by --sparse=auto.  Specify --sparse=always to create a sparse DEST
file whenever the SOURCE file contains a long enough sequence of zero bytes.
Use --sparse=never to inhibit creation of sparse files.The backup suffix is `~', unless set with --suffix or SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.
The version control method may be selected via the --backup option or through
the VERSION_CONTROL environment variable.  Here are the values:none, off       never make backups (even if --backup is given)numbered, t     make numbered backupsexisting, nil   numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwisesimple, never   always make simple backupsAs a special case, cp makes a backup of SOURCE when the force and backup
options are given and SOURCE and DEST are the same name for an existing,
regular file.Report bugs to <bug-fileutils@gnu.org>.


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: cppppc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by cppppc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -Asystem(vxworks) -Asystem(embedded) -Acpu(powerpc) -Amachine(powerpc) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -D_CALL_SYSV -D_BIG_ENDIAN -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ -Amachine(bigendian) -D_ARCH_PPC -DCPU=PPC603 --help help-dummy
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 (PowerPC System V.4)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -Asystem(vxworks) -Asystem(embedded) -Acpu(powerpc) -Amachine(powerpc) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -D_CALL_SYSV -D_BIG_ENDIAN -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ -Amachine(bigendian) -D_ARCH_PPC -DCPU=PPC603 --help -
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 (PowerPC System V.4)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: cppsimpc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by cppsimpc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/ -Di386 -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D_stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386__ -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D___stdcall__=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386 -D___stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -D__vxworks -remap -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -Di386 -D__i386 -D__i386__ -DCPU=SIMNT --help help-dummy
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5 (80386, BSD syntax)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/ -Di386 -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D_stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386__ -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D___stdcall__=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386 -D___stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -D__vxworks -remap -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -Di386 -D__i386 -D__i386__ -DCPU=SIMNT --help -
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5 (80386, BSD syntax)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information



usage: elfHex [-a <adrs>] [-l] [-v] [-p <PC>] [-s <SP>] file




Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: g++ppc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by g++ppc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -D__vxworks -D__PPC__ -Asystem(vxworks) -Asystem(embedded) -Acpu(powerpc) -Amachine(powerpc) -D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ -D_CALL_SYSV -D_BIG_ENDIAN -D__BIG_ENDIAN__ -Amachine(bigendian) -D_ARCH_PPC -DCPU=PPC603 --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cc4zjdFV.i
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 AltiVec VxWorks 5.5 (PowerPC System V.4)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/cc4zjdFV.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccITnZeR.s
Usage: cc1.exe input [switches]
Switches:-ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler-fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls-fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions-finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>-fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes-fpeephole2             Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2-fident                 Process #ident directives-fleading-underscore    External symbols have a leading underscore-finstrument-functions  Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls-fdump-unnumbered       Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps-fprefix-function-name  Add a prefix to all function names-fcheck-memory-usage    Generate code to check every memory access-fstrict-aliasing       Assume strict aliasing rules apply-fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals-fargument-noalias      Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other-fargument-alias        Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals-fstack-check           Insert stack checking code into the program-fpack-struct           Pack structure members together without holes-foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass-fregmove               Enables a register move optimisation-fgnu-linker            Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers-fverbose-asm           Add extra commentry to assembler output-fdata-sections         place data items into their own section-ffunction-sections     place each function into its own section-finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives-fcommon                Do not put unitialised globals in the common section-ffast-math             Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules-fbranch-probabilities  Use profiling information for branch probabilities-ftest-coverage         Create data files needed by gcov-fprofile-arcs          Insert arc based program profiling code-fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions-fsjlj-exceptions       Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions-fnew-exceptions        Use the new model for exception handling-fexceptions            Enable exception handling-fpic                   Generate position independent code, if possible-fbranch-count-reg      Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg-fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-spec-load       Allow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec            Allow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-interblock      Enable scheduling across basic blocks-fschedule-insns2       Run two passes of the instruction scheduler-fschedule-insns        Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls-fpretend-float         Pretend that host and target use the same FP format-frerun-loop-opt        Run the loop optimiser twice-frerun-cse-after-loop  Run CSE pass after loop optimisations-fgcse                  Perform the global common subexpression elimination-fdelayed-branch        Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-freg-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in registers-fpcc-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers-fcaller-saves          Enable saving registers around function calls-fshared-data           Mark data as shared rather than private-fsyntax-only           Check for syntax errors, then stop-fkeep-static-consts    Emit static const variables even if they are not used-finline                Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword-fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined-finline-functions      Integrate simple functions into their callers-ffunction-cse          Allow function addresses to be held in registers-fforce-addr            Copy memory address constants into regs before using-fforce-mem             Copy memory operands into registers before using-fpeephole              Enable machine specific peephole optimisations-fwritable-strings      Store strings in writable data section-freduce-all-givs       Strength reduce all loop general induction variables-fmove-all-movables     Force all loop invariant computations out of loops-funroll-all-loops      Perform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loops          Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-fstrength-reduce       Perform strength reduction optimisations-fthread-jumps          Perform jump threading optimisations-fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations-fcse-skip-blocks       When running CSE, follow conditional jumps-fcse-follow-jumps      When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fomit-frame-pointer    When possible do not generate stack frames-fdefer-pop             Defer popping functions args from stack until later-fvolatile-static       Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile-fvolatile-global       Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile-fvolatile              Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile-ffloat-store           Do not store floats in registers-O[number]              Set optimisation level to [number]-Os                     Optimise for space rather than speed-pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C-pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced-w                      Suppress warnings-W                      Enable extra warnings-Winline                Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wuninitialized         Warn about unitialized automatic variables-Wcast-align            Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Waggregate-return      Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Wswitch                Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wshadow                Warn when one local variable shadows another-Wunused                Warn when a variable is unused-Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars-Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes-p                      Enable function profiling-o <file>               Place output into <file> -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>bytes into a special section (on some targets)-gdwarf-2               Enable DWARF-2 debug output-gdwarf+                Generated extended DWARF-1 format debug output-gdwarf                 Generate DWARF-1 format debug output-gstabs+                Generate extended STABS format debug output-gstabs                 Generate STABS format debug output-ggdb                   Generate default extended debug format output-g                      Generate default debug format output-aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>.X-quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time-version                Display the compiler's version-d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes-sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler--help                  Display this informationLanguage specific options:-ansi                   Compile just for ANSI C-fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional-std=                   Determine language standard-funsigned-bitfields    Make bitfields by unsigned by default-fsigned-char           Make 'char' be signed by default-funsigned-char         Make 'char' be unsigned by default-traditional            Attempt to support traditional K&R style C-fno-asm                Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword-fno-builtin            Do not recognise any built in functions-fhosted                Assume normal C execution environment-ffreestanding          Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist-fcond-mismatch         Allow different types as args of ? operator-fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers-fshort-double          Use the same size for double as for float-fshort-enums           Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums-fvec                   Enable the AltiVec Programming Model-Wall                   Enable most warning messages-Wbad-function-cast     Warn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wmissing-noreturn      Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn-Wcast-qual             Warn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-subscripts       Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'-Wcomment               Warn if nested comments are detected-Wcomments              Warn if nested comments are detected-Wconversion            Warn about possibly confusing type conversions-Wformat                Warn about printf format anomalies-Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-int          Warn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimport                Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-long-long          Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic-Wmain                  Warn about suspicious declarations of main-Wmissing-braces        Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers-Wmissing-declarations  Warn about global funcs without previous declarations-Wmissing-prototypes    Warn about global funcs without prototypes-Wmultichar             Warn about use of multicharacter literals-Wnested-externs        Warn about externs not at file scope level-Wparentheses           Warn about possible missing parentheses-Wpointer-arith         Warn about function pointer arithmetic-Wredundant-decls       Warn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wsign-compare          Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons-Wunknown-pragmas       Warn about unrecognised pragmas-Wstrict-prototypes     Warn about non-prototyped function decls-Wtraditional           Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C-Wtrigraphs             Warn when trigraphs are encountered-Wwrite-strings         Mark strings as 'const char *'Options for Objective C:-gen-decls              Dump decls to a .decl file-fgnu-runtime           Generate code for GNU runtime environment-fnext-runtime          Generate code for NeXT runtime environment-Wselector              Warn if a selector has multiple methods-Wno-protocol           Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented-print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific featuresOptions for C++:-fno-access-control     Do not obey access control semantics-fall-virtual           Make all member functions virtual-falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted-fcheck-new             Check the return value of new-fconserve-space        Reduce size of object files-fno-const-strings      Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'-fno-default-inline     Do not inline member functions by default-fno-rtti               Do not generate run time type descriptor information-fno-for-scope          Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside-fguiding-decls         Implement guiding declarations-fno-gnu-keywords       Do not recognise GNU defined keywords-fhandle-signatures     Handle signature language constructs-fhonor-std             Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace-fhuge-objects          Enable support for huge objects-fno-implement-inlines  Export functions even if they can be inlined-fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations-fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates-finit-priority         Handle the init_priority attribute-flabels-ok             Labels can be used as first class objects-fmerge-templates       Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections-fnew-abi               Enable experimental ABI changes-fno-nonnull-objects    Do not assume that a reference is always valid-foperator-names        Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor-fno-optional-diags     Disable optional diagnostics-fpermissive            Downgrade conformance errors to warnings-frepo                  Enable automatic template instantiation-fsquangle              Enable squashed name mangling-fstats                 Display statistics accumulated during compilation-fno-strict-prototype   Do not assume that empty prototype means no args-ftemplate-depth-       Specify maximum template instantiation depth-fthis-is-variable      Make 'this' not be type '* const'-fvtable-gc             Discard unused virtual functions-fvtable-thunks         Implement vtables using thunks-fweak                  Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fxref                  Emit cross referencing information-Wreturn-type           Warn about inconsistent return types-Woverloaded-virtual    Warn about overloaded virtual function names-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy  Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private-Wnon-virtual-dtor      Warn about non virtual destructors-Wextern-inline         Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline-Wreorder               Warn when the compiler reorders code-Wsynth                 Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront-Wno-pmf-conversions    Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions-Weffc++                Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wsign-promo            Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wold-style-cast        Warn if a C style cast is used in a program-Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wno-deprecated         Don't announce deprecation of compiler featuresTarget specific options:-mnewlib                no description yet-mshlib                 no description yet-msolaris-cclib         no description yet-memb                   Set the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags header-mmvme                  Link with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-myellowknife           Link with libyk.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-mads                   Link with libads.a, libc.a and crt0.o.-msim                   Link with libsim.a, libc.a and sim-crt0.o.-mno-sdata              no description yet-msdata                 no description yet-mno-regnames           Don't use alternate register names.-mregnames              Use alternate register names.-mno-eabi               Don't use EABI.-meabi                  Use EABI.-mno-traceback          no description yet-mno-prototype          no description yet-mprototype             no description yet-mfull-toc              no description yet-mtoc                   no description yet-mno-toc                no description yet-mbig                   Produce big endian code.-mbig-endian            Produce big endian code.-mlittle                Produce little endian code.-mlittle-endian         Produce little endian code.-mno-relocatable-lib    Don't produce code relocatable at runtime.-mrelocatable-lib       Produce code relocatable at runtime.-mno-relocatable        Don't produce code relocatable at runtime.-mrelocatable           Produce code relocatable at runtime.-mno-strict-align       Assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system-mstrict-align          Don't assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system-mno-bit-align          Don't align to the base type of the bitfield.-mbit-align             Align to the base type of the bitfield.-mno-implicit-fp        Don't use floating point registers to optimize integer code-mimplicit-fp           Use floating point registers to optimize integer code-mlongcall              Generate long calls-mno-fused-madd         Don't generate fused multiply/add instructions-mfused-madd            Generate fused multiply/add instructions-mno-update             Do not generate load/store with update instructions-mupdate                Generate load/store with update instructions-mno-string             Do not generate string instructions for block moves-mno-string             Do not generate string instructions for block moves-mstring                Generate string instructions for block moves-mno-multiple           Do not generate load/store multiple instructions-mno-multiple           Do not generate load/store multiple instructions-mmultiple              Generate load/store multiple instructions-msoft-float            Do not use hardware fp-mhard-float            Use hardware fp-mno-minimal-toc        no description yet-mminimal-toc           no description yet-mminimal-toc           no description yet-mno-sum-in-toc         Don't place symbol+offset constants in TOC-msum-in-toc            Place symbol+offset constants in TOC-mno-fp-in-toc          Don't place floating point constants in TOC-mfp-in-toc             Place floating point constants in TOC-mfull-toc              no description yet-mold-mnemonics         Use old mnemonics for PowerPC architecture-mnew-mnemonics         Use new mnemonics for PowerPC architecture-mno-powerpc64          Don't use PowerPC-64 instruction set-mpowerpc64             Use PowerPC-64 instruction set-mno-powerpc-gfxopt     Don't use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions-mpowerpc-gfxopt        Use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions-mno-powerpc-gpopt      Don't use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions-mpowerpc-gpopt         Use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions-mno-powerpc            Do not use PowerPC instruction set-mpowerpc               Use PowerPC instruction set-mno-power              Do not use POWER instruction set-mno-power2             Do not use POWER2 instruction set-mpower2                Use POWER2 instruction set-mpower                 Use POWER instruction set-msdata=                Select method for sdata handling.-mcall-                 Select ABI calling convention.-mdebug=                Enable debug output-mdebug-                Enable debug output-mtune=                 Schedule code for given CPU-mcpu=                  Use features of and schedule code for given CPU./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/as.exe -mppc -V -Qy --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccaRRGrS.o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccITnZeR.s
GNU assembler version 2.11.2-moto-1.7 (powerpc-wrs-vxworks) using BFD version 2.11.2-moto-1.7
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/as.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing
PowerPC options:
-u   ignored
-mpwrx, -mpwr2  generate code for IBM POWER/2 (RIOS2)
-mpwr   generate code for IBM POWER (RIOS1)
-m405, -m440          generate code for IBM PowerPC 405/440
-m601   generate code for Motorola PowerPC 601
-mppc, -mppc32, -m403, -m603, -m604generate code for Motorola PowerPC 403/603/604
-mppc64, -m620  generate code for Motorola PowerPC 620
-mvec   generate code for AltiVec instructions
-mppc64bridge  generate code for PowerPC 64, including bridge insns
-mcom   generate code Power/PowerPC common instructions
-many   generate code for any architecture (PWR/PWRX/PPC)
-mregnames  Allow symbolic names for registers
-mno-regnames  Do not allow symbolic names for registers
-mrelocatable  support for GCC's -mrelocatble option
-mrelocatable-lib support for GCC's -mrelocatble-lib option
-memb   set PPC_EMB bit in ELF flags
-mlittle, -mlittle-endiangenerate code for a little endian machine
-mbig, -mbig-endian generate code for a big endian machine
-msolaris  generate code for Solaris
-mno-solaris  do not generate code for Solaris
-V   print assembler version number
-Qy, -Qn  ignoredReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/collect2.exe --help -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96 -L./../lib/gcc-lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../.. /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccaRRGrS.o -lstdc++ -lm libgcc.a libgcc.a
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: supported emulations: elf32ppc elf32ppclinux elf32ppcsim
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/ld: emulation specific options:
elf32ppc: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppclinux: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppcsim: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibilityReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org
./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/nm: a.out: No such file or directory
collect2: ./../lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/gcc-2.96/../../../../powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/nm returned 1 exit status


Reading specs from ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/specs
Usage: g++simpc.exe [options] file...
Options:--help                   Display this information-dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings-dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler-dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor-print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path-print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library-print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>-print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>-print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc-print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options andmultiple library search directories-Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler-Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor-Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker-Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker-save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files-pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files-specs=<file>            Override builtin specs with the contents of <file>-std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>-B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths-b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed-V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed-v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler-E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link-S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link-c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link-o <file>                Place the output into <file>-x <language>            Specify the language of the following input filesgcc version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none'none' means revert to the default behaviour ofguessing the language based on the file's extensionOptions starting with -g, -f, -m, -O or -W are automatically passed on to
the various sub-processes invoked by g++simpc.exe.  In order to pass other options
on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cpp.exe -lang-c -v -iprefix ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/ -D__GNUC__=2 -D__GNUC_MINOR__=96 -Di386 -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D_stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386__ -D_X86_=1 -D__STDC__=1 -D__stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D___stdcall__=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -D__cdecl=__attribute__((__cdecl__)) -D__declspec(x)=__attribute__((x)) -D__i386 -D___stdcall=__attribute__((__stdcall__)) -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -D__vxworks -remap -Acpu(i386) -Amachine(i386) -Di386 -D__i386 -D__i386__ -DCPU=SIMNT --help help-dummy /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccnpYYL6.i
GNU CPP version gcc-2.96 (2.96+) 19990621 VxWorks 5.5 (80386, BSD syntax)
Usage: cpp.exe [switches] input output
Switches:-include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files-imacros <file>           Accept definition of marcos in <file>-iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options-iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include paths-idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include paths-I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include paths-nostdinc                 Do not search the system include directories-nostdinc++               Do not search the system include directories for C++-o <file>                 Put output into <file>-pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ANSI C-traditional              Follow K&R pre-processor behaviour-trigraphs                Support ANSI C trigraphs-lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C-lang-c89                 Assume that the input is C89; depricated-lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++-lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC-lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++-lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler-lang-chill               Assume that the input sources are in Chill-std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:gnu89, gnu9x, c89, c9x, iso9899:1990,iso9899:199409, iso9899:199x-+                        Allow parsing of C++ style features-w                        Inhibit warning messages-Wtrigraphs               Warn if trigraphs are encountered-Wno-trigraphs            Do not warn about trigraphs-Wcomment{s}              Warn if one comment starts inside another-Wno-comment{s}           Do not warn about comments-Wtraditional             Warn if a macro argument is/would be turned intoa string if -traditional is specified-Wno-traditional          Do not warn about stringification-Wundef                   Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if-Wno-undef                Do not warn about testing undefined macros-Wimport                  Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-import               Do not warn about the use of #import-Werror                   Treat all warnings as errors-Wno-error                Do not treat warnings as errors-Wall                     Enable all preprocessor warnings-M                        Generate make dependencies-MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files-MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file-MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files-MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files-g                        Include #define and #undef directives in the output-D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value-D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value-A<question> (<answer>)   Assert the <answer> to <question>-U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> -u or -undef              Do not predefine any macros-v                        Display the version number-H                        Print the name of header files as they are used-C                        Do not discard comments-dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end-dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output-dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved-dI                       Include #include directives in the output-ifoutput                 Describe skipped code blocks in output -P                        Do not generate #line directives-$                        Do not include '$' in identifiers-remap                    Remap file names when including files.-h or --help              Display this information./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/cc1.exe /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccnpYYL6.i -quiet -dumpbase help-dummy.c -version --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccwOUG99.s
Usage: cc1.exe input [switches]
Switches:-ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler-fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls-fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions-finline-limit-<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>-fbitfield-access-32bit Always access bitfields with 32 bit addressing modes-fpeephole2             Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2-fident                 Process #ident directives-fleading-underscore    External symbols have a leading underscore-finstrument-functions  Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls-fdump-unnumbered       Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps-fprefix-function-name  Add a prefix to all function names-fcheck-memory-usage    Generate code to check every memory access-fstrict-aliasing       Assume strict aliasing rules apply-fargument-noalias-global Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals-fargument-noalias      Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other-fargument-alias        Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals-fstack-check           Insert stack checking code into the program-fpack-struct           Pack structure members together without holes-foptimize-register-move Do the full regmove optimization pass-fregmove               Enables a register move optimisation-fgnu-linker            Output GNU ld formatted global initialisers-fverbose-asm           Add extra commentry to assembler output-fdata-sections         place data items into their own section-ffunction-sections     place each function into its own section-finhibit-size-directive Do not generate .size directives-fcommon                Do not put unitialised globals in the common section-ffast-math             Improve FP speed by violating ANSI & IEEE rules-fbranch-probabilities  Use profiling information for branch probabilities-ftest-coverage         Create data files needed by gcov-fprofile-arcs          Insert arc based program profiling code-fasynchronous-exceptions Support asynchronous exceptions-fsjlj-exceptions       Use setjmp/longjmp to handle exceptions-fnew-exceptions        Use the new model for exception handling-fexceptions            Enable exception handling-fpic                   Generate position independent code, if possible-fbranch-count-reg      Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg-fsched-spec-load-dangerous Allow speculative motion of more loads-fsched-spec-load       Allow speculative motion of some loads-fsched-spec            Allow speculative motion of non-loads-fsched-interblock      Enable scheduling across basic blocks-fschedule-insns2       Run two passes of the instruction scheduler-fschedule-insns        Reschedule instructions to avoid pipeline stalls-fpretend-float         Pretend that host and target use the same FP format-frerun-loop-opt        Run the loop optimiser twice-frerun-cse-after-loop  Run CSE pass after loop optimisations-fgcse                  Perform the global common subexpression elimination-fdelayed-branch        Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions-freg-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in registers-fpcc-struct-return     Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers-fcaller-saves          Enable saving registers around function calls-fshared-data           Mark data as shared rather than private-fsyntax-only           Check for syntax errors, then stop-fkeep-static-consts    Emit static const variables even if they are not used-finline                Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword-fkeep-inline-functions Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined-finline-functions      Integrate simple functions into their callers-ffunction-cse          Allow function addresses to be held in registers-fforce-addr            Copy memory address constants into regs before using-fforce-mem             Copy memory operands into registers before using-fpeephole              Enable machine specific peephole optimisations-fwritable-strings      Store strings in writable data section-freduce-all-givs       Strength reduce all loop general induction variables-fmove-all-movables     Force all loop invariant computations out of loops-funroll-all-loops      Perform loop unrolling for all loops-funroll-loops          Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known-fstrength-reduce       Perform strength reduction optimisations-fthread-jumps          Perform jump threading optimisations-fexpensive-optimizations Perform a number of minor, expensive optimisations-fcse-skip-blocks       When running CSE, follow conditional jumps-fcse-follow-jumps      When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets-fomit-frame-pointer    When possible do not generate stack frames-fdefer-pop             Defer popping functions args from stack until later-fvolatile-static       Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile-fvolatile-global       Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile-fvolatile              Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile-ffloat-store           Do not store floats in registers-O[number]              Set optimisation level to [number]-Os                     Optimise for space rather than speed-pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ANSI C-pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced-w                      Suppress warnings-W                      Enable extra warnings-Winline                Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined-Wuninitialized         Warn about unitialized automatic variables-Wcast-align            Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment-Waggregate-return      Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays-Wswitch                Warn about enumerated switches missing a specific case-Wshadow                Warn when one local variable shadows another-Wunused                Warn when a variable is unused-Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars-Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes-p                      Enable function profiling-a                      Enable block profiling -ax                     Enable jump profiling -o <file>               Place output into <file> -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>bytes into a special section (on some targets)-gcoff                  Generate COFF format debug output-gstabs+                Generate extended STABS format debug output-gstabs                 Generate STABS format debug output-ggdb                   Generate default extended debug format output-g                      Generate default debug format output-aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>.X-quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time-version                Display the compiler's version-d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler-dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes-sched-verbose-<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler--help                  Display this informationLanguage specific options:-ansi                   Compile just for ANSI C-fallow-single-precisio Do not promote floats to double if using -traditional-std=                   Determine language standard-funsigned-bitfields    Make bitfields by unsigned by default-fsigned-char           Make 'char' be signed by default-funsigned-char         Make 'char' be unsigned by default-traditional            Attempt to support traditional K&R style C-fno-asm                Do not recognise the 'asm' keyword-fno-builtin            Do not recognise any built in functions-fhosted                Assume normal C execution environment-ffreestanding          Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist-fcond-mismatch         Allow different types as args of ? operator-fdollars-in-identifier Allow the use of $ inside identifiers-fshort-double          Use the same size for double as for float-fshort-enums           Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums-Wall                   Enable most warning messages-Wbad-function-cast     Warn about casting functions to incompatible types-Wmissing-noreturn      Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn-Wcast-qual             Warn about casts which discard qualifiers-Wchar-subscripts       Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'-Wcomment               Warn if nested comments are detected-Wcomments              Warn if nested comments are detected-Wconversion            Warn about possibly confusing type conversions-Wformat                Warn about printf format anomalies-Wimplicit-function-dec Warn about implicit function declarations-Wimplicit-int          Warn when a declaration does not specify a type-Wimport                Warn about the use of the #import directive-Wno-long-long          Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic-Wmain                  Warn about suspicious declarations of main-Wmissing-braces        Warn about possibly missing braces around initialisers-Wmissing-declarations  Warn about global funcs without previous declarations-Wmissing-prototypes    Warn about global funcs without prototypes-Wmultichar             Warn about use of multicharacter literals-Wnested-externs        Warn about externs not at file scope level-Wparentheses           Warn about possible missing parentheses-Wpointer-arith         Warn about function pointer arithmetic-Wredundant-decls       Warn about multiple declarations of the same object-Wsign-compare          Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons-Wunknown-pragmas       Warn about unrecognised pragmas-Wstrict-prototypes     Warn about non-prototyped function decls-Wtraditional           Warn about constructs whose meaning change in ANSI C-Wtrigraphs             Warn when trigraphs are encountered-Wwrite-strings         Mark strings as 'const char *'Options for Objective C:-gen-decls              Dump decls to a .decl file-fgnu-runtime           Generate code for GNU runtime environment-fnext-runtime          Generate code for NeXT runtime environment-Wselector              Warn if a selector has multiple methods-Wno-protocol           Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented-print-objc-runtime-inf Generate C header of platform specific featuresOptions for C++:-fno-access-control     Do not obey access control semantics-fall-virtual           Make all member functions virtual-falt-external-template Change when template instances are emitted-fcheck-new             Check the return value of new-fconserve-space        Reduce size of object files-fno-const-strings      Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'-fno-default-inline     Do not inline member functions by default-fno-rtti               Do not generate run time type descriptor information-fno-for-scope          Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside-fguiding-decls         Implement guiding declarations-fno-gnu-keywords       Do not recognise GNU defined keywords-fhandle-signatures     Handle signature language constructs-fhonor-std             Treat the namespace `std' as a normal namespace-fhuge-objects          Enable support for huge objects-fno-implement-inlines  Export functions even if they can be inlined-fno-implicit-templates Only emit explicit template instatiations-fno-implicit-inline-te Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates-finit-priority         Handle the init_priority attribute-flabels-ok             Labels can be used as first class objects-fmerge-templates       Emit templates in seperate `linkonce' sections-fnew-abi               Enable experimental ABI changes-fno-nonnull-objects    Do not assume that a reference is always valid-foperator-names        Recognise and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor-fno-optional-diags     Disable optional diagnostics-fpermissive            Downgrade conformance errors to warnings-frepo                  Enable automatic template instantiation-fsquangle              Enable squashed name mangling-fstats                 Display statistics accumulated during compilation-fno-strict-prototype   Do not assume that empty prototype means no args-ftemplate-depth-       Specify maximum template instantiation depth-fthis-is-variable      Make 'this' not be type '* const'-fvtable-gc             Discard unused virtual functions-fvtable-thunks         Implement vtables using thunks-fweak                  Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols-fxref                  Emit cross referencing information-Wreturn-type           Warn about inconsistent return types-Woverloaded-virtual    Warn about overloaded virtual function names-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy  Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private-Wnon-virtual-dtor      Warn about non virtual destructors-Wextern-inline         Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline-Wreorder               Warn when the compiler reorders code-Wsynth                 Warn when synthesis behaviour differs from Cfront-Wno-pmf-conversions    Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions-Weffc++                Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules-Wsign-promo            Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed-Wold-style-cast        Warn if a C style cast is used in a program-Wno-non-template-frien Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template-Wno-deprecated         Don't announce deprecation of compiler featuresTarget specific options:-mnop-fun-dllimport     Ignore dllimport for functions-mdll                   Generate code for a DLL-mconsole               Create console application-mwindows               Create GUI application-mno-cygwin             Use the Mingw32 interface-mcygwin                Use the Cygwin interface-mno-simpc              Use the Mingw32 interface-mintel-syntax          Emit Intel syntax assembler opcodes-mstack-arg-probe       Enable stack probing-momit-leaf-frame-point Omit the frame pointer in leaf functions-mfancy-math-387        Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU-mno-fancy-math-387     Do not generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU-mno-fp-ret-in-387      Do not return values of functions in FPU registers-mfp-ret-in-387         Return values of functions in FPU registers-mno-ieee-fp            Do not use IEEE math for fp comparisons-mieee-fp               Use IEEE math for fp comparisons-mno-svr3-shlib         Uninitialized locals in .data-msvr3-shlib            Uninitialized locals in .bss-mno-align-double       Align doubles on word boundary-malign-double          Align some doubles on dword boundary-mno-rtd                Use normal calling convention-mrtd                   Alternate calling convention-mpentiumpro            Same as -mcpu=pentiumpro-mpentium               Same as -mcpu=pentium-m486                   Same as -mcpu=i486-m386                   Same as -mcpu=i386-mno-soft-float         Use hardware fp-msoft-float            Do not use hardware fp-mhard-float            Use hardware fp-mno-80387              Do not use hardware fp-m80387                 Use hardware fp-malign-functions=      Function starts are aligned to this power of 2-malign-jumps=          Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2-malign-loops=          Loop code aligned to this power of 2-mregparm=              Number of registers used to pass integer arguments-mreg-alloc=            Control allocation order of integer registers-march=                 Generate code for given CPU-mcpu=                  Schedule code for given CPUThere are undocumented target specific options as well../../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/as.exe --help -o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccfwPDTg.o /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccwOUG99.s
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/as.exe [option...] [asmfile...]
Options:-a[sub-option...]   turn on listingsSub-options [default hls]:c      omit false conditionalsd      omit debugging directivesh      include high-level sourcel      include assemblym      include macro expansionsn      omit forms processings      include symbols=FILE  list to FILE (must be last sub-option)-D                      produce assembler debugging messages--defsym SYM=VAL        define symbol SYM to given value-f                      skip whitespace and comment preprocessing--gstabs                generate stabs debugging information--gdwarf2               generate DWARF2 debugging information--help                  show this message and exit--target-help           show target specific options-I DIR                  add DIR to search list for .include directives-J                      don't warn about signed overflow-K                      warn when differences altered for long displacements-L,--keep-locals        keep local symbols (e.g. starting with `L')-M,--mri                assemble in MRI compatibility mode--MD FILE               write dependency information in FILE (default none)-nocpp                  ignored-o OBJFILE              name the object-file output OBJFILE (default a.out)-R                      fold data section into text section--statistics            print various measured statistics from execution--strip-local-absolute  strip local absolute symbols--traditional-format    Use same format as native assembler when possible--version               print assembler version number and exit-W  --no-warn           suppress warnings--warn                  don't suppress warnings--fatal-warnings        treat warnings as errors--itbl INSTTBL          extend instruction set to include instructionsmatching the specifications defined in file INSTTBL-w                      ignored-X                      ignored-Z                      generate object file even after errors--listing-lhs-width     set the width in words of the output data column ofthe listing--listing-lhs-width2    set the width in words of the continuation linesof the output data column; ignored if smaller thanthe width of the first line--listing-rhs-width     set the max width in characters of the lines fromthe source file--listing-cont-lines    set the maximum number of continuation lines usedfor the output data column of the listing-q                      quieten some warningsReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/collect2.exe --help -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96 -L./../lib/gcc-lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/lib -L./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../.. /c/DOCUME~1/sofeng/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccfwPDTg.o -lstdc++ -r
Usage: ./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--force-stabs-reloc         Force relocation of .stabs section (use with caution!)--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: supported emulations: i386pe
./../lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-mingw32/gcc-2.96/../../../../i386-pc-mingw32/bin/ld: emulation specific options:
i386pe: --base_file <basefile>             Generate a base file for relocatable DLLs--dll                              Set image base to the default for DLLs--file-alignment <size>            Set file alignment--heap <size>                      Set initial size of the heap--image-base <address>             Set start address of the executable--major-image-version <number>     Set version number of the executable--major-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS version--major-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem version--minor-image-version <number>     Set revision number of the executable--minor-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS revision--minor-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem revision--section-alignment <size>         Set section alignment--stack <size>                     Set size of the initial stack--subsystem <name>[:<version>]     Set required OS subsystem [& version]--support-old-code                 Support interworking with old code--thumb-entry=<symbol>             Set the entry point to be Thumb <symbol>--add-stdcall-alias                Export symbols with and without @nn--disable-stdcall-fixup            Don't link _sym to _sym@nn--enable-stdcall-fixup             Link _sym to _sym@nn without warnings--exclude-symbols sym,sym,...      Exclude symbols from automatic export--export-all-symbols               Automatically export all globals to DLL--kill-at                          Remove @nn from exported symbols--out-implib <file>                Generate import library--output-def <file>                Generate a .DEF file for the built DLL--warn-duplicate-exports           Warn about duplicate exports.--compat-implib                    Create backward compatible import libs;create __imp_<SYMBOL> as well.--enable-auto-image-base           Automatically choose image base for DLLsunless user specifies one--disable-auto-image-base          Do not auto-choose image base. (default)--dll-search-prefix=<string>       When linking dynamically to a dll witout animportlib, use <string><basename>.dll in preference to lib<basename>.dll Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


gaspppc.exe: Gnu Assembler Macro Preprocessor
Usage: gaspppc.exe [-a]      [--alternate]         enter alternate macro mode[-c char] [--commentchar char]  change the comment character from ![-d]      [--debug]             print some debugging info[-h]      [--help]              print this message[-M]      [--mri]               enter MRI compatibility mode[-o out]  [--output out]        set the output file[-p]      [--print]             print line numbers[-s]      [--copysource]        copy source through as comments [-u]      [--unreasonable]      allow unreasonable nesting[-v]      [--version]           print the program version[-Dname=value]                  create preprocessor variable called name, with value[-Ipath]                        add to include path list[in-file]
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


gaspsimpc.exe: Gnu Assembler Macro Preprocessor
Usage: gaspsimpc.exe [-a]      [--alternate]         enter alternate macro mode[-c char] [--commentchar char]  change the comment character from ![-d]      [--debug]             print some debugging info[-h]      [--help]              print this message[-M]      [--mri]               enter MRI compatibility mode[-o out]  [--output out]        set the output file[-p]      [--print]             print line numbers[-s]      [--copysource]        copy source through as comments [-u]      [--unreasonable]      allow unreasonable nesting[-v]      [--version]           print the program version[-Dname=value]                  create preprocessor variable called name, with value[-Ipath]                        add to include path list[in-file]
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


This is the GNU debugger.  Usage:gdb [options] [executable-file [core-file or process-id]]gdb [options] --args executable-file [inferior-arguments ...]Options:--args             Arguments after executable-file are passed to inferior--[no]async        Enable (disable) asynchronous version of CLI-b BAUDRATE        Set serial port baud rate used for remote debugging.--batch            Exit after processing options.--cd=DIR           Change current directory to DIR.--command=FILE     Execute GDB commands from FILE.--core=COREFILE    Analyze the core dump COREFILE.--pid=PID          Attach to running process PID.--dbx              DBX compatibility mode.--directory=DIR    Search for source files in DIR.--epoch            Output information used by epoch emacs-GDB interface.--exec=EXECFILE    Use EXECFILE as the executable.--fullname         Output information used by emacs-GDB interface.--help             Print this message.--interpreter=INTERPSelect a specific interpreter / user interface--mapped           Use mapped symbol files if supported on this system.--nw       Do not use a window interface.--nx               Do not read .gdbinit file.--quiet            Do not print version number on startup.--readnow          Fully read symbol files on first access.--se=FILE          Use FILE as symbol file and executable file.--symbols=SYMFILE  Read symbols from SYMFILE.--tty=TTY          Use TTY for input/output by the program being debugged.--version          Print version information and then exit.-w                 Use a window interface.--write            Set writing into executable and core files.--xdb              XDB compatibility mode.For more information, type "help" from within GDB, or consult the
GDB manual (available as on-line info or a printed manual).
Report bugs to "bug-gdb@gnu.org".


This is the GNU debugger.  Usage:gdb [options] [executable-file [core-file or process-id]]gdb [options] --args executable-file [inferior-arguments ...]Options:--args             Arguments after executable-file are passed to inferior--[no]async        Enable (disable) asynchronous version of CLI-b BAUDRATE        Set serial port baud rate used for remote debugging.--batch            Exit after processing options.--cd=DIR           Change current directory to DIR.--command=FILE     Execute GDB commands from FILE.--core=COREFILE    Analyze the core dump COREFILE.--pid=PID          Attach to running process PID.--dbx              DBX compatibility mode.--directory=DIR    Search for source files in DIR.--epoch            Output information used by epoch emacs-GDB interface.--exec=EXECFILE    Use EXECFILE as the executable.--fullname         Output information used by emacs-GDB interface.--help             Print this message.--interpreter=INTERPSelect a specific interpreter / user interface--mapped           Use mapped symbol files if supported on this system.--nw       Do not use a window interface.--nx               Do not read .gdbinit file.--quiet            Do not print version number on startup.--readnow          Fully read symbol files on first access.--se=FILE          Use FILE as symbol file and executable file.--symbols=SYMFILE  Read symbols from SYMFILE.--tty=TTY          Use TTY for input/output by the program being debugged.--version          Print version information and then exit.-w                 Use a window interface.--write            Set writing into executable and core files.--xdb              XDB compatibility mode.For more information, type "help" from within GDB, or consult the
GDB manual (available as on-line info or a printed manual).
Report bugs to "bug-gdb@gnu.org".


Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE] ...
Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
Example: grep -i 'hello world' menu.h main.cRegexp selection and interpretation:-E, --extended-regexp     PATTERN is an extended regular expression-F, --fixed-strings       PATTERN is a set of newline-separated strings-G, --basic-regexp        PATTERN is a basic regular expression-e, --regexp=PATTERN      use PATTERN as a regular expression-f, --file=FILE           obtain PATTERN from FILE-i, --ignore-case         ignore case distinctions-w, --word-regexp         force PATTERN to match only whole words-x, --line-regexp         force PATTERN to match only whole lines-z, --null-data           a data line ends in 0 byte, not newlineMiscellaneous:-s, --no-messages         suppress error messages-v, --invert-match        select non-matching lines-V, --version             print version information and exit--help                display this help and exit--mmap                use memory-mapped input if possibleOutput control:-b, --byte-offset         print the byte offset with output lines-n, --line-number         print line number with output lines-H, --with-filename       print the filename for each match-h, --no-filename         suppress the prefixing filename on output-q, --quiet, --silent     suppress all normal output--binary-files=TYPE   assume that binary files are TYPETYPE is 'binary', 'text', or 'without-match'.-a, --text                equivalent to --binary-files=text-I                        equivalent to --binary-files=without-match-d, --directories=ACTION  how to handle directoriesACTION is 'read', 'recurse', or 'skip'.-r, --recursive           equivalent to --directories=recurse.-L, --files-without-match only print FILE names containing no match-l, --files-with-matches  only print FILE names containing matches-c, --count               only print a count of matching lines per FILE-Z, --null                print 0 byte after FILE nameContext control:-B, --before-context=NUM  print NUM lines of leading context-A, --after-context=NUM   print NUM lines of trailing context-C, --context[=NUM]       print NUM (default 2) lines of output contextunless overridden by -A or -B-NUM                      same as --context=NUM-U, --binary              do not strip CR characters at EOL (MSDOS)-u, --unix-byte-offsets   report offsets as if CRs were not there (MSDOS)`egrep' means `grep -E'.  `fgrep' means `grep -F'.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.  If less than
two FILEs given, assume -h.  Exit status is 0 if match, 1 if no match,
and 2 if trouble.Report bugs to <bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org>.


Usage: ./ldppc.exe [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./ldppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./ldppc.exe: supported emulations: elf32ppc elf32ppclinux elf32ppcsim
./ldppc.exe: emulation specific options:
elf32ppc: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppclinux: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibility
elf32ppcsim: -Bgroup  Selects group name lookup rules for DSO--disable-new-dtags Disable new dynamic tags--enable-new-dtags Enable new dynamic tags-z defs  Disallows undefined symbols-z initfirst  Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime-z interpose  Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable-z loadfltr  Mark object requiring immediate process-z nodefaultlib Mark object not to use default search paths-z nodelete  Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime-z nodlopen  Mark DSO not available to dlopen-z nodump  Mark DSO not available to dldump-z now  Mark object non-lazy runtime binding-z origin  Mark object requiring immediate $ORIGIN processingat runtime-z KEYWORD  Ignored for Solaris compatibilityReport bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: ./ldsimpc.exe [options] file...
Options:-a KEYWORD                  Shared library control for HP/UX compatibility-A ARCH, --architecture ARCHSet architecture-b TARGET, --format TARGET  Specify target for following input files-c FILE, --mri-script FILE  Read MRI format linker script-d, -dc, -dp                Force common symbols to be defined-e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set start address-E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols-EB                         Link big-endian objects-EL                         Link little-endian objects-f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table-F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table-g                          Ignored-G SIZE, --gpsize SIZE      Small data size (if no size, same as --shared)-h FILENAME, -soname FILENAMESet internal name of shared library-l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAMESearch for library LIBNAME-L DIRECTORY, --library-path DIRECTORYAdd DIRECTORY to library search path-m EMULATION                Set emulation-M, --print-map             Print map file on standard output-n, --nmagic                Do not page align data-N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly-o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name-O                          Optimize output file-Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility-q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in final output-r, -i, --relocateable      Generate relocateable output-R FILE, --just-symbols FILEJust link symbols (if directory, same as --rpath)-s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols-S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging symbols-t, --trace                 Trace file opens-T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script-u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOLStart with undefined reference to SYMBOL--unique [=SECTION]         Don't merge input [SECTION | orphan] sections-Ur                         Build global constructor/destructor tables-v, --version               Print version information-V                          Print version and emulation information-x, --discard-all           Discard all local symbols-X, --discard-locals        Discard temporary local symbols-y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOLTrace mentions of SYMBOL-Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility-(, --start-group           Start a group-), --end-group             End a group-assert KEYWORD             Ignored for SunOS compatibility-Bdynamic, -dy, -call_sharedLink against shared libraries-Bstatic, -dn, -non_shared, -staticDo not link against shared libraries-Bsymbolic                  Bind global references locally--check-sections            Check section addresses for overlaps (default)--no-check-sections         Do not check section addresses for overlaps--cref                      Output cross reference table--defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol--demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle symbol names [using STYLE]--dynamic-linker PROGRAM    Set the dynamic linker to use--embedded-relocs           Generate embedded relocs-fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time--force-exe-suffix          Force generation of file with .exe suffix--force-stabs-reloc         Force relocation of .stabs section (use with caution!)--gc-sections               Remove unused sections (on some targets)--no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)--help                      Print option help-init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time-Map FILE                   Write a map file--no-demangle               Do not demangle symbol names--no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O--no-undefined              Allow no undefined symbols--allow-shlib-undefined     Allow undefined symbols in shared objects--no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files--no-whole-archive          Turn off --whole-archive--noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur--oformat TARGET            Specify target of output file-qmagic                     Ignored for Linux compatibility--relax                     Relax branches on certain targets--retain-symbols-file FILE  Keep only symbols listed in FILE-rpath PATH                 Set runtime shared library search path-rpath-link PATH            Set link time shared library search path-shared, -Bshareable        Create a shared library--sort-common               Sort common symbols by size--split-by-file [=SIZE]     Split output sections every SIZE octets--split-by-reloc [=COUNT]   Split output sections every COUNT relocs--stats                     Print memory usage statistics--target-help               Display target specific options--task-link SYMBOL          Do task level linking--traditional-format        Use same format as native linker--section-start SECTION=ADDRESSSet address of named section-Tbss ADDRESS               Set address of .bss section-Tdata ADDRESS              Set address of .data section-Ttext ADDRESS              Set address of .text section--verbose                   Output lots of information during link--version-script FILE       Read version information script--version-exports-section SYMBOLTake export symbols list from .exports, usingSYMBOL as the version.--warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols--warn-constructors         Warn if global constructors/destructors are seen--warn-multiple-gp          Warn if the multiple GP values are used--warn-once                 Warn only once per undefined symbol--warn-section-align        Warn if start of section changes due to alignment--whole-archive             Include all objects from following archives--wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL--mpc860c0 [=WORDS]         Modify problematic branches in last WORDS (1-10,default 5) words of a page
./ldsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
./ldsimpc.exe: supported emulations: i386pe
./ldsimpc.exe: emulation specific options:
i386pe: --base_file <basefile>             Generate a base file for relocatable DLLs--dll                              Set image base to the default for DLLs--file-alignment <size>            Set file alignment--heap <size>                      Set initial size of the heap--image-base <address>             Set start address of the executable--major-image-version <number>     Set version number of the executable--major-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS version--major-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem version--minor-image-version <number>     Set revision number of the executable--minor-os-version <number>        Set minimum required OS revision--minor-subsystem-version <number> Set minimum required OS subsystem revision--section-alignment <size>         Set section alignment--stack <size>                     Set size of the initial stack--subsystem <name>[:<version>]     Set required OS subsystem [& version]--support-old-code                 Support interworking with old code--thumb-entry=<symbol>             Set the entry point to be Thumb <symbol>--add-stdcall-alias                Export symbols with and without @nn--disable-stdcall-fixup            Don't link _sym to _sym@nn--enable-stdcall-fixup             Link _sym to _sym@nn without warnings--exclude-symbols sym,sym,...      Exclude symbols from automatic export--export-all-symbols               Automatically export all globals to DLL--kill-at                          Remove @nn from exported symbols--out-implib <file>                Generate import library--output-def <file>                Generate a .DEF file for the built DLL--warn-duplicate-exports           Warn about duplicate exports.--compat-implib                    Create backward compatible import libs;create __imp_<SYMBOL> as well.--enable-auto-image-base           Automatically choose image base for DLLsunless user specifies one--disable-auto-image-base          Do not auto-choose image base. (default)--dll-search-prefix=<string>       When linking dynamically to a dll witout animportlib, use <string><basename>.dll in preference to lib<basename>.dll Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org



lmutil - Copyright (C) 1989-2001 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
usage:  lmutil lmborrow -statuslmutil lmborrow -clearlmutil lmborrow {all|vendor} dd-mmm-yyyy:[time]lmutil lmdiag [-c licfile] [-n]lmutil lmdown [-c licfile] [-q] [-all] [-vendor name]lmutil lmhostid[-ether|-vsn|-flexid]lmutil lminstall [-i infile] [-o outfile][-overfmt {2, 3, 4, 5, 5.1, 6, 7.1, 8}][-odecimal] [-maxlen n]lmutil lmnewlog [-c licfile] vendor new-file, orlmutil lmnewlog [-c licfile] feature new-filelmutil lmpath -statuslmutil lmpath -set {all | vendor } pathlmutil lmpath -add {all | vendor } pathlmutil lmremove [-c licfile] feature user host displaylmutil lmremove [-c licfile] -h feature host port handlelmutil lmreread [-c licfile] [-vendor name] [-all]lmutil lmswitchr [-c licfile] vendor new-file, orlmutil lmswitchr [-c licfile] feature new-filelmutil lmstat [-c licfile] [lmstat-args]lmutil lmswitch [-c licfile] vendor new-file, orlmutil lmswitch [-c licfile] feature new-filelmutil lmver flexlm_binarylmutil lmver flexlm_binarylmutil -h[elp] (prints this message)


Usage: make.exe [options] [target] ...
Options:-b, -m                      Ignored for compatibility.-C DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORYChange to DIRECTORY before doing anything.-d, --debug                 Print lots of debugging information.-e, --environment-overridesEnvironment variables override makefiles.-f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILERead FILE as a makefile.-h, --help                  Print this message and exit.-i, --ignore-errors         Ignore errors from commands.-I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORYSearch DIRECTORY for included makefiles.-k, --keep-going            Keep going when some targets can't be made.-l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N]Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N.-n, --just-print, --dry-run, --reconDon't actually run any commands; just print them.-o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILEConsider FILE to be very old and don't remake it.-p, --print-data-base       Print make's internal database.-q, --question              Run no commands; exit status says if up to date.-r, --no-builtin-rules      Disable the built-in implicit rules.-s, --silent, --quiet       Don't echo commands.-S, --no-keep-going, --stopTurns off -k.-t, --touch                 Touch targets instead of remaking them.-v, --version               Print the version number of make and exit.-w, --print-directory       Print the current directory.--no-print-directory        Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly.-W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILEConsider FILE to be infinitely new.--warn-undefined-variables  Warn when an undefined variable is referenced.--always-print-commands     Always print commands, disregarding `-s', `.SILENT' and `@'.


File Not Found


Usage: memdrvbuild [ -o filebase ] [ -m mount ] directorydirectory     the files to be packed into a memDrv FS-o filebase   base name for the generated .c and .h files-m mount      name under which directory will bemounted on the target


Usage: mkdir.exe [OPTION] DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.-m, --mode=MODE   set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask-p, --parents     no error if existing, make parent directories as needed-v, --verbose     print a message for each created directory--help        display this help and exit--version     output version information and exitReport bugs to <bug-fileutils@gnu.org>.


Usage : mkprep.exe inputFile imageFile [Partition Name String]


Usage: nmppc.exe [OPTION]... [FILE]...
List symbols from FILEs (a.out by default).-a, --debug-syms       Display debugger-only symbols-A, --print-file-name  Print name of the input file before every symbol-B                     Same as --format=bsd-C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode low-level symbol names into user-level namesThe STYLE, if specified, can be `auto' (the default),`gnu', 'lucid', 'arm', 'hp', 'edg' or 'gnu-new-abi'--no-demangle      Do not demangle low-level symbol names-D, --dynamic          Display dynamic symbols instead of normal symbols--defined-only     Display only defined symbols-e                     (ignored)-f, --format=FORMAT    Use the output format FORMAT.  FORMAT can be `bsd',`sysv' or `posix'.  The default is `bsd'-g, --extern-only      Display only external symbols-h, --help             Display this information-l, --line-numbers     Use debugging information to find a filename andline number for each symbol-n, --numeric-sort     Sort symbols numerically by address-o                     Same as -A-p, --no-sort          Do not sort the symbols-P, --portability      Same as --format=posix-r, --reverse-sort     Reverse the sense of the sort-s, --print-armap      Include index for symbols from archive members--size-sort        Sort symbols by size-t, --radix=RADIX      Use RADIX for printing symbol values--target=BFDNAME   Specify the target object format as BFDNAME-u, --undefined-only   Display only undefined symbols-V, --version          Display this program's version number-X 32_64               (ignored)nmppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org.


Usage: nmsimpc.exe [OPTION]... [FILE]...
List symbols from FILEs (a.out by default).-a, --debug-syms       Display debugger-only symbols-A, --print-file-name  Print name of the input file before every symbol-B                     Same as --format=bsd-C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode low-level symbol names into user-level namesThe STYLE, if specified, can be `auto' (the default),`gnu', 'lucid', 'arm', 'hp', 'edg' or 'gnu-new-abi'--no-demangle      Do not demangle low-level symbol names-D, --dynamic          Display dynamic symbols instead of normal symbols--defined-only     Display only defined symbols-e                     (ignored)-f, --format=FORMAT    Use the output format FORMAT.  FORMAT can be `bsd',`sysv' or `posix'.  The default is `bsd'-g, --extern-only      Display only external symbols-h, --help             Display this information-l, --line-numbers     Use debugging information to find a filename andline number for each symbol-n, --numeric-sort     Sort symbols numerically by address-o                     Same as -A-p, --no-sort          Do not sort the symbols-P, --portability      Same as --format=posix-r, --reverse-sort     Reverse the sense of the sort-s, --print-armap      Include index for symbols from archive members--size-sort        Sort symbols by size-t, --radix=RADIX      Use RADIX for printing symbol values--target=BFDNAME   Specify the target object format as BFDNAME-u, --undefined-only   Display only undefined symbols-V, --version          Display this program's version number-X 32_64               (ignored)nmsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org.


Usage: objcopyppc.exe <switches> in-file [out-file]The switches are:-I --input-target <bfdname>      Assume input file is in format <bfdname>-O --output-target <bfdname>     Create an output file in format <bfdname>-F --target <bfdname>            Set both input and output format to <bfdname>--debugging                   Convert debugging information, if possible-p --preserve-dates              Copy modified/access timestamps to the output-j --only-section <name>         Only copy section <name> into the output-R --remove-section <name>       Remove section <name> from the output-S --strip-all                   Remove all symbol and relocation information-g --strip-debug                 Remove all debugging symbols--strip-unneeded              Remove all symbols not needed by relocations-N --strip-symbol <name>         Do not copy symbol <name>-K --keep-symbol <name>          Only copy symbol <name>-L --localize-symbol <name>      Force symbol <name> to be marked as a local-G --keep-global-symbol <name>   Localize all symbols except <name>-W --weaken-symbol <name>        Force symbol <name> to be marked as a weak--weaken                      Force all global symbols to be marked as weak-x --discard-all                 Remove all non-global symbols-X --discard-locals              Remove any compiler-generated symbols-i --interleave <number>         Only copy one out of every <number> bytes-b --byte <num>                  Select byte <num> in every interleaved block--gap-fill <val>              Fill gaps between sections with <val>--pad-to <addr>               Pad the last section up to address <addr>--set-start <addr>            Set the start address to <addr>{--change-start|--adjust-start} <incr>Add <incr> to the start address{--change-addresses|--adjust-vma} <incr>Add <incr> to LMA, VMA and start addresses{--change-section-address|--adjust-section-vma} <name>{=|+|-}<val>Change LMA and VMA of section <name> by <val>--change-section-lma <name>{=|+|-}<val>Change the LMA of section <name> by <val>--change-section-vma <name>{=|+|-}<val>Change the VMA of section <name> by <val>{--[no-]change-warnings|--[no-]adjust-warnings}Warn if a named section does not exist--set-section-flags <name>=<flags>Set section <name>'s properties to <flags>--add-section <name>=<file>   Add section <name> found in <file> to output--change-leading-char         Force output format's leading character style--remove-leading-char         Remove leading character from global symbols--redefine-sym <old>=<new>    Redefine symbol name <old> to <new>--srec-len <number>           Restrict the length of generated Srecords--srec-forceS3                Restrict the type of generated Srecords to S3--strip-symbols <file>        -N for all symbols listed in <file>--keep-symbols <file>         -K for all symbols listed in <file>--localize-symbols <file>     -L for all symbols listed in <file>--keep-global-symbols <file>  -G for all symbols listed in <file>--weaken-symbols <file>       -W for all symbols listed in <file>-r --relocateable                Produce relocatable output--reverse={2,4}               Reverse words and longwords--output-vector-sp=SP         Include the sp in the output--output-vector-pc=PC         Include the pc in the output--bios-rom                    bios style rom--ignore-vma                  Ignore the vma--extract-symbol              Extract symbols--binary-without-bss          Don't include the bss section--add-imi-section <file>      Add imi section-v --verbose                     List all object files modified-V --version                     Display this program's version number-h --help                        Display this output
objcopyppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: objcopysimpc.exe <switches> in-file [out-file]The switches are:-I --input-target <bfdname>      Assume input file is in format <bfdname>-O --output-target <bfdname>     Create an output file in format <bfdname>-F --target <bfdname>            Set both input and output format to <bfdname>--debugging                   Convert debugging information, if possible-p --preserve-dates              Copy modified/access timestamps to the output-j --only-section <name>         Only copy section <name> into the output-R --remove-section <name>       Remove section <name> from the output-S --strip-all                   Remove all symbol and relocation information-g --strip-debug                 Remove all debugging symbols--strip-unneeded              Remove all symbols not needed by relocations-N --strip-symbol <name>         Do not copy symbol <name>-K --keep-symbol <name>          Only copy symbol <name>-L --localize-symbol <name>      Force symbol <name> to be marked as a local-G --keep-global-symbol <name>   Localize all symbols except <name>-W --weaken-symbol <name>        Force symbol <name> to be marked as a weak--weaken                      Force all global symbols to be marked as weak-x --discard-all                 Remove all non-global symbols-X --discard-locals              Remove any compiler-generated symbols-i --interleave <number>         Only copy one out of every <number> bytes-b --byte <num>                  Select byte <num> in every interleaved block--gap-fill <val>              Fill gaps between sections with <val>--pad-to <addr>               Pad the last section up to address <addr>--set-start <addr>            Set the start address to <addr>{--change-start|--adjust-start} <incr>Add <incr> to the start address{--change-addresses|--adjust-vma} <incr>Add <incr> to LMA, VMA and start addresses{--change-section-address|--adjust-section-vma} <name>{=|+|-}<val>Change LMA and VMA of section <name> by <val>--change-section-lma <name>{=|+|-}<val>Change the LMA of section <name> by <val>--change-section-vma <name>{=|+|-}<val>Change the VMA of section <name> by <val>{--[no-]change-warnings|--[no-]adjust-warnings}Warn if a named section does not exist--set-section-flags <name>=<flags>Set section <name>'s properties to <flags>--add-section <name>=<file>   Add section <name> found in <file> to output--change-leading-char         Force output format's leading character style--remove-leading-char         Remove leading character from global symbols--redefine-sym <old>=<new>    Redefine symbol name <old> to <new>--srec-len <number>           Restrict the length of generated Srecords--srec-forceS3                Restrict the type of generated Srecords to S3--strip-symbols <file>        -N for all symbols listed in <file>--keep-symbols <file>         -K for all symbols listed in <file>--localize-symbols <file>     -L for all symbols listed in <file>--keep-global-symbols <file>  -G for all symbols listed in <file>--weaken-symbols <file>       -W for all symbols listed in <file>-r --relocateable                Produce relocatable output--reverse={2,4}               Reverse words and longwords--output-vector-sp=SP         Include the sp in the output--output-vector-pc=PC         Include the pc in the output--bios-rom                    bios style rom--ignore-vma                  Ignore the vma--extract-symbol              Extract symbols--binary-without-bss          Don't include the bss section--add-imi-section <file>      Add imi section-v --verbose                     List all object files modified-V --version                     Display this program's version number-h --help                        Display this output
objcopysimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: objdumpppc.exe OPTION... FILE...
Display information from object FILE.At least one of the following switches must be given:-a, --archive-headers    Display archive header information-f, --file-headers       Display the contents of the overall file header-p, --private-headers    Display object format specific file header contents-h, --[section-]headers  Display the contents of the section headers-x, --all-headers        Display the contents of all headers-d, --disassemble        Display assembler contents of executable sections-D, --disassemble-all    Display assembler contents of all sections-S, --source             Intermix source code with disassembly-s, --full-contents      Display the full contents of all sections requested-g, --debugging          Display debug information in object file-G, --stabs              Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file-t, --syms               Display the contents of the symbol table(s)-T, --dynamic-syms       Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table-r, --reloc              Display the relocation entries in the file-R, --dynamic-reloc      Display the dynamic relocation entries in the file-V, --version            Display this program's version number-i, --info               List object formats and architectures supported-H, --help               Display this informationThe following switches are optional:-b, --target=BFDNAME           Specify the target object format as BFDNAME-m, --architecture=MACHINE     Specify the target architecture as MACHINE-j, --section=NAME             Only display information for section NAME-M, --disassembler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disassembler-EB --endian=big               Assume big endian format when disassembling-EL --endian=little            Assume little endian format when disassembling--file-start-context       Include context from start of file (with -S)-l, --line-numbers             Include line numbers and filenames in output-C, --demangle[=STYLE]         Decode mangled/processed symbol namesThe STYLE, if specified, can be `auto', 'gnu','lucid', 'arm', 'hp', 'edg', or 'gnu-new-abi'-w, --wide                     Format output for more than 80 columns-z, --disassemble-zeroes       Do not skip blocks of zeroes when disassembling--start-address=ADDR       Only process data whoes address is >= ADDR--stop-address=ADDR        Only process data whoes address is <= ADDR--prefix-addresses         Print complete address alongside disassembly--[no-]show-raw-insn       Display hex alongside symbolic disassembly--adjust-vma=OFFSET        Add OFFSET to all displayed section addressesobjdumpppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org.


Usage: objdumpsimpc.exe OPTION... FILE...
Display information from object FILE.At least one of the following switches must be given:-a, --archive-headers    Display archive header information-f, --file-headers       Display the contents of the overall file header-p, --private-headers    Display object format specific file header contents-h, --[section-]headers  Display the contents of the section headers-x, --all-headers        Display the contents of all headers-d, --disassemble        Display assembler contents of executable sections-D, --disassemble-all    Display assembler contents of all sections-S, --source             Intermix source code with disassembly-s, --full-contents      Display the full contents of all sections requested-g, --debugging          Display debug information in object file-G, --stabs              Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file-t, --syms               Display the contents of the symbol table(s)-T, --dynamic-syms       Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table-r, --reloc              Display the relocation entries in the file-R, --dynamic-reloc      Display the dynamic relocation entries in the file-V, --version            Display this program's version number-i, --info               List object formats and architectures supported-H, --help               Display this informationThe following switches are optional:-b, --target=BFDNAME           Specify the target object format as BFDNAME-m, --architecture=MACHINE     Specify the target architecture as MACHINE-j, --section=NAME             Only display information for section NAME-M, --disassembler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disassembler-EB --endian=big               Assume big endian format when disassembling-EL --endian=little            Assume little endian format when disassembling--file-start-context       Include context from start of file (with -S)-l, --line-numbers             Include line numbers and filenames in output-C, --demangle[=STYLE]         Decode mangled/processed symbol namesThe STYLE, if specified, can be `auto', 'gnu','lucid', 'arm', 'hp', 'edg', or 'gnu-new-abi'-w, --wide                     Format output for more than 80 columns-z, --disassemble-zeroes       Do not skip blocks of zeroes when disassembling--start-address=ADDR       Only process data whoes address is >= ADDR--stop-address=ADDR        Only process data whoes address is <= ADDR--prefix-addresses         Print complete address alongside disassembly--[no-]show-raw-insn       Display hex alongside symbolic disassembly--adjust-vma=OFFSET        Add OFFSET to all displayed section addressesobjdumpsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org.



Error : Portserv : StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed.



ranlibppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Usage: ranlibppc.exe [-vV] archive
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


ranlibsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Usage: ranlibsimpc.exe [-vV] archive
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: readelf {options} elf-file(s)Options are:-a or --all               Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I-h or --file-header       Display the ELF file header-l or --program-headers or --segmentsDisplay the program headers-S or --section-headers or --sectionsDisplay the sections' header-e or --headers           Equivalent to: -h -l -S-s or --syms or --symbols Display the symbol table-n or --notes             Display the core notes (if present)-r or --relocs            Display the relocations (if present)-u or --unwind            Display the unwind info (if present)-d or --dynamic           Display the dynamic segment (if present)-V or --version-info      Display the version sections (if present)-A or --arch-specific     Display architecture specific information (if any).-D or --use-dynamic       Use the dynamic section info when displaying symbols-x <number> or --hex-dump=<number>Dump the contents of section <number>-w[liaprf] or --debug-dump[=line,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=ranges,=frames]Display the contents of DWARF2 debug sections-I or --histogram         Display histogram of bucket list lengths-v or --version           Display the version number of readelf-H or --help              Display this information
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: readelf {options} elf-file(s)Options are:-a or --all               Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I-h or --file-header       Display the ELF file header-l or --program-headers or --segmentsDisplay the program headers-S or --section-headers or --sectionsDisplay the sections' header-e or --headers           Equivalent to: -h -l -S-s or --syms or --symbols Display the symbol table-n or --notes             Display the core notes (if present)-r or --relocs            Display the relocations (if present)-u or --unwind            Display the unwind info (if present)-d or --dynamic           Display the dynamic segment (if present)-V or --version-info      Display the version sections (if present)-A or --arch-specific     Display architecture specific information (if any).-D or --use-dynamic       Use the dynamic section info when displaying symbols-x <number> or --hex-dump=<number>Dump the contents of section <number>-w[liaprf] or --debug-dump[=line,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=ranges,=frames]Display the contents of DWARF2 debug sections-I or --histogram         Display histogram of bucket list lengths-v or --version           Display the version number of readelf-H or --help              Display this information
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: rm.exe [OPTION]... FILE...
Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).-d, --directory       unlink directory, even if non-empty (super-user only)-f, --force           ignore nonexistent files, never prompt-i, --interactive     prompt before any removal-r, -R, --recursive   remove the contents of directories recursively-v, --verbose         explain what is being done--help            display this help and exit--version         output version information and exitTo remove a file whose name starts with a `-', for example `-foo',
use one of these commands:rm.exe -- -foorm.exe ./-fooNote that if you use rm to remove a file, it is usually possible to recover
the contents of that file.  If you want more assurance that the contents are
truly unrecoverable, consider using shred.Report bugs to <bug-fileutils@gnu.org>.


  usage: romsize <arch> [[-k nnn]|[-b xxx]] <filename>



Incorrect RunCMD version.  Reinstall Tornado
or contact Wind River Systems Customer Support.


Usage: sed.exe [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]...-n, --quiet, --silentsuppress automatic printing of pattern space-e script, --expression=scriptadd the script to the commands to be executed-f script-file, --file=script-fileadd the contents of script-file to the commands to be executed--help     display this help and exit-V, --version  output version information and exitIf no -e, --expression, -f, or --file option is given, then the first
non-option argument is taken as the sed script to interpret.  All
remaining arguments are names of input files; if no input files are
specified, then the standard input is read.E-mail bug reports to: bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org .
Be sure to include the word ``sed'' somewhere in the ``Subject:'' field.



GNU bash, version 2.04.7(2)-release-(i686-pc-cygwin)
Usage: sh.exe [GNU long option] [option] ...sh.exe [GNU long option] [option] script-file ...
GNU long options:--debug--dump-po-strings--dump-strings--help--login--noediting--noprofile--norc--posix--rcfile--restricted--verbose--version--wordexp
Shell options:-irsD or -c command  (invocation only)-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP or -o option
Type `sh.exe -c "help set"' for more information about shell options.
Type `sh.exe -c help' for more information about shell builtin commands.
Use the `bashbug' command to report bugs.


Usage: sizeppc.exe [-A | --format=sysv | -B | --format=berkeley][-o | --radix=8 | -d | --radix=10 | -h | --radix=16][-V | --version] [--target=bfdname] [--help] [file...]
default is --format=berkeley
sizeppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: sizesimpc.exe [-A | --format=sysv | -B | --format=berkeley][-o | --radix=8 | -d | --radix=10 | -h | --radix=16][-V | --version] [--target=bfdname] [--help] [file...]
default is --format=berkeley
sizesimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: stringsppc.exe [-afov] [-n min-len] [-min-len] [-t {o,x,d}] [-][--all] [--print-file-name] [--bytes=min-len] [--radix={o,x,d}][--target=bfdname] [--help] [--version] file...
stringsppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: stringssimpc.exe [-afov] [-n min-len] [-min-len] [-t {o,x,d}] [-][--all] [--print-file-name] [--bytes=min-len] [--radix={o,x,d}][--target=bfdname] [--help] [--version] file...
stringssimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: stripppc.exe <switches> in-file(s)The switches are:-I --input-target <bfdname>      Assume input file is in format <bfdname>-O --output-target <bfdname>     Create an output file in format <bfdname>-F --target <bfdname>            Set both input and output format to <bfdname>-p --preserve-dates              Copy modified/access timestamps to the output-R --remove-section <name>       Remove section <name> from the output-s --strip-all                   Remove all symbol and relocation information-g -S --strip-debug              Remove all debugging symbols--strip-unneeded              Remove all symbols not needed by relocations-N --strip-symbol <name>         Do not copy symbol <name>-K --keep-symbol <name>          Only copy symbol <name>-x --discard-all                 Remove all non-global symbols-X --discard-locals              Remove any compiler-generated symbols-r --relocateable                Relocatable-v --verbose                     List all object files modified-V --version                     Display this program's version number-h --help                        Display this output-o <file>                        Place stripped output into <file>
stripppc.exe: supported targets: elf32-powerpc aixcoff-rs6000 elf32-powerpcle ppcboot elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


Usage: stripsimpc.exe <switches> in-file(s)The switches are:-I --input-target <bfdname>      Assume input file is in format <bfdname>-O --output-target <bfdname>     Create an output file in format <bfdname>-F --target <bfdname>            Set both input and output format to <bfdname>-p --preserve-dates              Copy modified/access timestamps to the output-R --remove-section <name>       Remove section <name> from the output-s --strip-all                   Remove all symbol and relocation information-g -S --strip-debug              Remove all debugging symbols--strip-unneeded              Remove all symbols not needed by relocations-N --strip-symbol <name>         Do not copy symbol <name>-K --keep-symbol <name>          Only copy symbol <name>-x --discard-all                 Remove all non-global symbols-X --discard-locals              Remove any compiler-generated symbols-r --relocateable                Relocatable-v --verbose                     List all object files modified-V --version                     Display this program's version number-h --help                        Display this output-o <file>                        Place stripped output into <file>
stripsimpc.exe: supported targets: pe-i386 pei-i386 elf32-i386 elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
Report bugs to bug-binutils@gnu.org


A full featured TFTP server, a TFTP client and a SYSLOG server combined into a single program which takes less than 100kBytes.


This command creates a host based target server.   Use the commandtgtsvr [options] targetName -c corefileName
Options available are:
-Bt[imeout] value     WDB RPC Backend request timeout (default 1sec.).
-Br[esend] number     WDB RPC Backend request re-send number(default 3).
-p[ort] number        UDP port number to connect (default 0x4321).
-A[llsyms]            Include global and local core symbols.
-B[ackend] bkendName  Type of backend to use. (default wdbrpc).
-Bd[ebug] fileName    Log backend debug trace to named file.
-Bm[ax] wdbLogMaxSize Size max for the WDB log file.
-b[ps] bit/s          Host tty device speed.   (default 9600).
-C[onsole]            Start a console window.
-c[ore] fileName      Filename of target core.
-d[evice] device      Host tty device to use.  (default com2).
-display hostName:0   Where to display console window.
-f[ormat] formatName  Object module format (a.out, coff).
-h[elp]               Print help.
-hfc                  Include hardware flow control.
-L[ock]               Restrict access to targer server creator.
-m[emory] nbytes      Size of target server memory cache.
-n[ame] server-name   Name of target server.
-N[osyms]             Include no core symbols.
-noG[rowth]           Do not automatically grow tgtsvr's memory partition.
-redirectIO           Redirect the target global IO.
-redirectShell        Start a target console with target shell IO redirected.
-R[oot] directory     Enable Target Server file system with given root.
-RW                   Make Target Server file system read/write.
-s[ynchro]            Synchronize target/host symbol tables.
-use_portmapper       Use the local portmapper to register rpc services.
-u[sers] fileName     Filename of list of authorized server users.
-V[erbose]            Turn on verbose mode.
-v[ersion]            Display Tornado version.
-Wd[ebug] fileName    Log wtx debug trace to named file.
-Wf[ilter] request    Remove request from log (default: WTX_EVENT_GET)
-Wm[ax] wtxLogMaxSize Size max for the WTX log file.







  usage: vxsize <arch> [-v h_adr l_adr]|[-k nnn]|[-b xxx] <filename>


Usage: wc.exe [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Print line, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if
more than one FILE is specified.  With no FILE, or when FILE is -,
read standard input.-c, --bytes, --chars   print the byte counts-l, --lines            print the newline counts-L, --max-line-length  print the length of the longest line-w, --words            print the word counts--help             display this help and exit--version          output version information and exitReport bugs to <bug-textutils@gnu.org>.

WFTPD - The Windows FTP Daemon. The 'h' Option. If you run WFTPD with a command line argument of 'h' or 'H', then the program will run without an icon, and will not show up in the task switcher.  This means that WFTPD cannot be closed without exiting windows, and its options cannot be altered.  This is probably only useful for remote system administration, where (to quote an existing user) "you don't want bozos deciding they know how to rewire their systems".


This command creates a Tornado Shell.
usage: windsh [options] target-server-name.
Options available are:
-n[oinit]             Do not read home Tcl initialization file.
-T[clmode]            Start in Tcl mode.
-v[ersion]            Print Tornado version.
-h[elp]               Print help.
-p[oll]               Set event poll interval (msec) [default=200].
-e[xecute]            Execute Tcl expression after intialization.
-s[tartup]            Startup file of shell commands to execute.
-q[uiet]              Do not echo script commands as they are executed.
-c[plus]              C++ shell support library to load.


This command creates a Tornado Registry.  Use the commandwtxregd [options]
to start a Tornado Registry daemon.Options available are:-d[irectory] path    Specifies registry database location. The default location is $WIND_BASE/.wind.-h[elp]              Print help.-use_portmapper      Use local portmapper to register RPC services.-pd <pingDelay>      Specifies registry unsucessful ping delay inseconds (default = 120).-pn <pingNumber>     Specifies registry unsucessful ping numberallowed (default = 5).-V[erbose]           Turn on verbose mode.-v[ersion]           Display version of Tornado.


Wind Registry Service :: not intended to be run from command line



Wind View


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