英语翻译The cell floor and its composite liner system was sloped





The cell floor and its composite liner system was sloped at a minimum of 2 percent toward the sump to promote leachate flow.The composite bottom liner system - on the 1 vertical-- to-2.5 horizontal,i.e.40 percent - side slopes was similar,except the geonet was heat-bonded to two geotextiles.The composite liner system was located under the low-permeability cell berm separating the two cells.

A smooth 60-mil-thick HDPE geomembrane,underlaid by the CCL,was placed under the cell separation berm.This berm consisted of compacted clayey soils.The slopes of the cell separation berm were 1 vertical-to-2 horizontal and rose 6 feet above the geomembrane.The bean's crest width was a minimum of 15 feet.

To limit leachate migration through the cell separation berm during the lateral expansion's construction,a geomembrane flap was installed.This smooth 60-mil-thick HDPE geomembrane flap was extrusion-welded to the smooth HDPE geomembrane of the permanent liner system,which lay underneath the cell separation berm.The geomembrane flap extended 4 feet up the 1 vertical-to-2 horizontal side slope of the cell separation berm that faced the active placement area (Cell 2).

The geomembrane was anchored at 4 feet up the inside slope of the separation berm.Therefore,it did not cover the upper 2 feet of the separation berm facing Cell 2 and the cell separation berm side slope facing the lateral expansion (Cell 1).

The southern edge of the cell separation berm was located approximately 30 feet north of the extent of waste in Cell 2.The smooth geomembrane for the permanent liner system extended underneath the cell separation berm to within 1 foot to 2 feet of the bean's northern edge.To join or tie the geomembranes from Cell 2 and Cell 1 together,the northern 1 foot to 2 feet of the cell separation berm had to be excavated to expose the existing Cell 2 geomembranes prior to welding to the new Cell 1 geomembrane.

At the Cell's Intersection

To control the continual leachate outbreaks that occurred along the waste slopes' toe,soil fill was placed on the 1 vertical-to-3 horizontal waste slope.Initially,a 2-foot thick soil lift was placed over the slope toe but was unsuccessful in controlling the outbreaks.Several subsequent 2-foot thick soil lifts were also placed in unsuccessful attempts to control the outbreaks.Finally,an approximately 10-foot thick soil lift was placed over the slope and toe.The soil fill then extended into Cell 1 - the distance shown by the line at approximately a 1 vertical-to-2 horizontal slope.

It was assumed the outbreak's abundance and magnitude resulted from leachate recirculation,surface water infiltration and the lowest portion of the cell being along the toe of the interim waste slope.Additionally,the permanent sump was located at the northeastern end of the cell separation berm.It was concluded that leachate was building up behind the low-permeability cell separation berm causing the outbreaks.

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