从VS2008的What' new 来看,VS2008已经不在支持ATL属性编程.相关描述见下:

The ATL Project wizard no longer provides an option to create attributed ATL projects.

Beginning with Visual Studio 2008, the ATL Project wizard does not have an option to change the attributed status of a new project. All new ATL projects that the wizard creates are now unattributed.


If you open an attributed project in a wizard, the box will be checked, but
it will still be disabled.  There is obviously some reason the ATL Devs
decided to deprecate attributed ATL in this version.  We are trying to
contact Dev team for confirmation on this.
Anyway based on the template source, it is true that attributed ATL is
deprecated, so we recommend that you use non-attributed COM projects in
This is the text from MSDN comment: "According to the book ATL Internals (2ed) the use of attributes isdeprecated and should not be used in new ATL projects."

In ATL these attributes were a compiler trick. They were not a core part of the platform like attributes in C#. They were also more confusing to debug than macros's and the method of dumping generated attribute code was a hassle.

I suspect another issue is likely to have been C++ compiler compatibility and standards-adherence. Attributes didn't make for more beautiful C++ code, and perhaps this syntax may be used in a future version of a real C++ standard.

Appendix D of the book goes into this.

Attributed ATL requires compiler extensions, and the problems encountered include

  • debugging either code generated by the attribute or the interaction between the attribute and your code
  • no control over the code generated
  • bugs, especially around connection points


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