
def concatenate(tensors, axis=-1):"""Concatenates a list of tensors alongside the specified axis.# Argumentstensors: list of tensors to concatenate.axis: concatenation axis.# ReturnsA tensor."""if axis < 0:rank = ndim(tensors[0])if rank:axis %= rankelse:axis = 0if py_all([is_sparse(x) for x in tensors]):return tf.sparse_concat(axis, tensors)else:return tf.concat([to_dense(x) for x in tensors], axis)


axis=n表示从第n个维度进行拼接,对于一个三维矩阵,axis的取值可以为[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2]。虽然keras用模除允许axis的取值可以在这个范围之外,但不建议那么用。


import numpy as np
import cv2
import keras.backend as K
import tensorflow as tft1 = K.variable(np.array([[[1, 2], [2, 3]], [[4, 4], [5, 3]]]))
t2 = K.variable(np.array([[[7, 4], [8, 4]], [[2, 10], [15, 11]]]))
d0 = K.concatenate([t1 , t2] , axis=-2)
d1 = K.concatenate([t1 , t2] , axis=1)
d2 = K.concatenate([t1 , t2] , axis=-1)
d3 = K.concatenate([t1 , t2] , axis=2)init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as




[[[  1.   2.][  2.   3.][  7.   4.][  8.   4.]][[  4.   4.][  5.   3.][  2.  10.][ 15.  11.]]]d1:
[[[  1.   2.][  2.   3.][  7.   4.][  8.   4.]][[  4.   4.][  5.   3.][  2.  10.][ 15.  11.]]]d2:
[[[  1.   2.   7.   4.][  2.   3.   8.   4.]][[  4.   4.   2.  10.][  5.   3.  15.  11.]]]d3:
[[[  1.   2.   7.   4.][  2.   3.   8.   4.]][[  4.   4.   2.  10.][  5.   3.  15.  11.]]]


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