
Rong born in 1828 dead in 1912 named chun was born at guangdong province. He was a famous Chinese patron in recent years, a great social activist and the predecessor to learn from western countries.

Rong was born in a poor peasant family. When he was a child, he was sent to a British primary school in ? to accept enlightment education so that he may be trained as a buyer.

In 1847, with the help of English men in HongKong, Rong went to America to study in ? university. After graduation, he was accepted by year university. In university he was working hard to study and overcame many difficulties such as the bad mathematics and the lack of money. Eventually he got the  literature bachelor degree with good score. Rong is the first Chinese to graduate from American college.



Hong Rong, his literary name Chunpu, was born in Xiangshan ( now Zhongshan county), Guangdong Province in 1828 and died in 1912. He was an ardent patriot in modern China, a prominent social activist and a pioneer who encouraged learning from the west.

Though Rong Hong was born into a peasant's family, his father, in the hope of making him a comprador, managed to send him to a school in Macao set up and run by the British, for elementary education.

In 1847, sponsored by some Americans and Englishmen then living in Hong Kong, He went to the United States and entered Monson Academy in Massachussetts. After he graduated from Monson, he took entrance examinations and enrolled in the famous Yale University, where he worked very hard, overcoming difficulties in mathematics and shortage of funds and, finally, he got his bachelor degree with honors. He was the first Chinese ever to have graduated from an American university.

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