
# 项目一创建库、表、准备数据
# 创建库
create database stumis charset=utf8;
show databases;
use stumis;
create table department(
departid int primary key,
departname varchar(20),
office varchar(20),
tel varchar(14),
chairman varchar(20));#创建class表
create table class(
classid varchar(60) primary key,
departid int,
classname varchar(40),
monitor varchar(20),
foreign key(departid) references department (departid));#创建课程表
create table course(
cid varchar(10) primary key,
cname varchar(40) not null,
ctype varchar(20) not null,
ctime varchar(30) not null,
teacher varchar(10),
smallnum int not null,
registernum int not null);#创建学生表
create table student(
stuid varchar(10) primary key,
stuname varchar(10) not null,
stusex varchar(2) not null,
stupwd varchar(7) not null,
stuage int,
classid varchar(10),
address varchar(100) not null,
foreign key (classid) references class (classid));#创建成绩表
create table score(
stuid varchar(10),
cid varchar(10),
score int,
primary key(stuid,cid),
foreign key (stuid) references student (stuid),
foreign key (cid) references course (cid)
);desc department;
insert into department values(1,'计算机系','A502','4040','孙丰伟'),
select * from department;
desc class;
insert into class values
select * from class;
insert into course values
select * from class;#向学生表中插入数据
insert into student values
('1551105','艾青','男','1511205',19,'15511','黄石');insert into score values
('1523105','20106',53);select * from score;


UPDATE score set score = 55 WHERE stuid = "1511101";
#修改学生表中学号为1511102的学生的密码为abc123,年龄为20 (一次改变多字段的值)
UPDATE student set stupwd = "abc123", stuage = 20 WHERE stuid = "1511102";
UPDATE student set stusex = "女" WHERE stuname = "李爱华";
SELECT stuid, stuname FROM student;
SELECT stuname, address FROM student;
SELECT departname, tel FROM department;
SELECT cname, teacher FROM course;
SELECT classname, monitor FROM class;
select stuname as "名字", stusex as "性别" from student;
select stuname as "姓名", stuage as "性别", address as "家庭住址" from student;
SELECT departname as "名称", office as "办公室" from department;
SELECT cname as "课程名称", ctime as "授课时间", teacher as "授课教师" from course;
SELECT classname as "班级", monitor as "班长" from class;
select * from score LIMIT 0, 10;
select cname, registernum from course LIMIT 0,8;
SELECT * from department LIMIT 0, 1;
SELECT * from course LIMIT 4, 4;
SELECT DISTINCT classid as "班级" from student;
SELECT DISTINCT address as "家庭住址" from student;
SELECT DISTINCT  cid as "课程编号" from score;
SELECT DISTINCT ctime as "授课时间" from course;
SELECT DISTINCT ctype as "类型" from course;
SELECT DISTINCT stuage from student;
SELECT * from student where classid = "15221";
SELECT * from student where address = "武汉";
SELECT stuname, stusex, stuage, address from student WHERE address = "荆门";
SELECT * from student where stusex = "女";
SELECT * from course where ctype = "工程技术";
SELECT * from student where stupwd = stuid;
#班级编号为15221且生源地为. 武汉’的学生姓名、生源地信息。
SELECT stuname, address from student where classid = "15221" and address = "武汉";
SELECT * from student where stusex = "女" and address = "荆门";
SELECT classid, stuname, address from student where stuage = 20 and stusex = "男";
#周四1 ~2节上课的计算机类的课程信息。
SELECT * from course where ctime = "周四1-2节" and ctype = "计算机";
SELECT * from course where ctype = "计算机" and smallnum >= 30;
#班级编号为15221或者生源地为‘ 武汉’的学生全部信息。
SELECT * FROM student where classid = "15221" or address = "武汉" ;
SELECT * from course where ctype in("工程技术", "管理");
SELECT * from student where classid in("15112", "15221");
select * from student where address in("黄石","武汉");
SELECT * from department where departid in(2, 3);
SELECT * from student where stuage > 18;
SELECT * from student where stuage not in(18, 20);
SELECT * from course where smallnum > registernum;
SELECT * from score where score < 60;
SELECT * from course where registernum between 30 and 36;
#年龄为17、19、 21的所有学生信息。
SELECT * from student where stuage in (17, 19, 21);
SELECT stuid, stuname, stuage, address from student where stuage = 18 and stusex = "女" and address in ('黄冈','黄石','宜昌');
SELECT * from course where ctype in("计算机", "工程技术");
SELECT classid, stuname from student where stuage between 18 and 20;
#年龄在18 ~20之间的黄石所有学生信息。
SELECT * from student where address = "黄石" and stuage between 18 and 20;
SELECT * from student where stuage between 18 and 20;
SELECT * from student where address = "武汉";
#年龄不是18 ~ 20之间的所有学生信息(2 种方法)。
SELECT * from student where stuage not in (18, 19, 20);
SELECT * from student where stuage not in (stuage between 18 and 20);
SELECT * from department where tel  like "%03%";
SELECT * from department where chairman like "李%";
SELECT * from course where cname like "%计算机%";
SELECT * from course where cid like "3%";
SELECT * from course where ctime like "%3-4节%";
SELECT * from student where classid like "%31%";
SELECT cname, teacher, ctime from course where ctime like "周二%";
SELECT * from student where stuname like "周%" and stusex = '女';
SELECT * from course where ctype = "计算机" and ctime like "%1-2节";
SELECT * from student where stuname like "%军%";
SELECT * from course where teacher like "孙%" and smallnum < registernum;
SELECT * from course where ctime like "周一%";
SELECT * from student where stuname like "__" ;
SELECT * from student where stuname not in ("李%", "王%");
SELECT * from department where chairman not in ("张%","李%");
#办公室office中没有1和2 的所有系部信息。
SELECT * from department where office not in (1, 2);
SELECT stuname, classid from student where stuname like "__英";
#姓名的第二个字不是“文”的所有学生的学号和姓名信息。SELECT stuid, stuname from student where stuname not like "_文%";
SELECT * from student where stupwd like "%b%" or stupwd like "%7%";
SELECT cname, teacher, smallnum, registernum from course ORDER BY smallnum, registernum desc;
SELECT stuid, stuname, stusex, stuage from student ORDER BY stuage, stusex;
SELECT * from score ORDER BY cid, score desc;
SELECT * from student ORDER BY classid, stuid;
SELECT * from score ORDER BY cid, stuid;
SELECT * from course ORDER BY registernum desc;
SELECT MIN(stuage) from student;
SELECT MAX(stuage) from student;
SELECT AVG(stuage) from student;
SELECT SUM(score) from score;
SELECT COUNT(classname) from class;
SELECT COUNT(stuid) from student where classid = "15112";
SELECT COUNT(stuid) from score where cid = "30214";
SELECT * from course where registernum - smallnum = (SELECT abs(MAX(registernum - smallnum)) from course);
SELECT min(stuage) from student;
#十、group by having 分组查询。
SELECT COUNT(classname) from class GROUP BY departid;
SELECT classid, stusex, COUNT(stusex) from student GROUP BY  classid, stusex;
SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) from course GROUP BY cname;
SELECT cid, AVG(score) from score GROUP BY cid;
select address, AVG(stuage) from student GROUP BY address;
SELECT classid, AVG(stuage) from student GROUP BY classid;
SELECT stusex, COUNT(stuid) from student where classid = "15221" GROUP BY stusex;
SELECT cid, AVG(score) from score GROUP BY cid HAVING AVG(score) > 70;
SELECT classid, stusex, COUNT(stusex) from student GROUP BY  classid, stusex HAVING COUNT(stusex) > 3;
SELECT classid from student GROUP BY classid;
#case when。
SELECT stuid, cid, CASE WHEN score >= 80 THEN"优秀"WHEN score >= 70 and score <= 80 THEN"良好"WHEN score >= 60 and score <= 70 THEN"合格"ELSE"不合格"
END as "得分"
from score;
SELECT stuname, CASE WHEN stuage >= 18 THEN"成年"ELSE"未成年"
END  as age
from student;
#12 in的应用(子查询)。
SELECT * from class where departid in (SELECT departid from department where departname = "计算机系");
SELECT * from class where departid in (SELECT departid from department where departname in ("计算机系","经济管理系"));
SELECT * from student where classid in (SELECT classid from class where classname = "汽修一班");
SELECT * from class where departid in (SELECT departid from department where chairman = "孙丰伟");
SELECT * from student where classid in (SELECT classid from class where departid in(SELECT departid from department where chairman like "吴%")) and address = "武汉";
SELECT * from score where cid in (SELECT cid from course where ctype = "管理");
SELECT score from score where stuid  in (SELECT stuid from student where address in ("武汉", "荆门"));
SELECT score from score where cid in (SELECT cid from course where cname in ("计算机应用基础", "数据库技术及应用"));
SELECT a.departid, a.departname, b.classname, b.monitor from department as a LEFT JOIN class as b on a.departid = b.departid;
SELECT a.classid, a.classname, b.stuname from class as a LEFT JOIN student as b on a.classid = b.classid;
SELECT stuid, cid, score * 1.2  as score from score;
DELETE from student where stusex = "女";
DELETE from student where stusex = "男" and classid in (SELECT classid from class where departid in (SELECT departid from department where departname = "经济管理系"));

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