
./configure CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc --host=arm-linux-gnueabi

Usage: jbig2dec [options] <file.jbig2>
   or  jbig2dec [options] <global_stream> <page_stream>

When invoked with a single file, it attempts to parse it as
  a normal jbig2 file. Invoked with two files, it treats the
  first as the global segments, and the second as the segment
  stream for a particular page. This is useful for examining
  embedded streams.

available options:
    -h --help      this usage summary
    -q --quiet     suppress diagnostic output
    -v --verbose   set the verbosity level
    -d --dump      print the structure of the jbig2 file
                   rather than explicitly decoding
       --version   program name and version information
       --hash      print a hash of the decoded document
    -e --embedded  expect embedded bit stream without file header
    -o <file>      send decoded output to <file>
                   Defaults to the the input with a different
                   extension. Pass '-' for stdout.
    -t <type>      force a particular output file format
                   supported options are 'png' and 'pbm'


./jbig2dec image_102.jb2 -o unkn.png


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