1.检查 各个层的注解,尤其是Mapper层,看是否遗漏 @Mapper/@Repository

2.检查启动类注解,如若没问题,可加 @ComponentScan(“需要扫描的包路径”)

3.上面两种都不行时,clean & install maven,查看有无错误,有时可能会因为版本的问题出现mapper的注入失败问题



springboot 启动报错Field XXX required a bean of type XXX that could not be found的解决方案总结相关推荐

  1. springboot启动报错A component required a bean named ‘xxx‘ that could not be found.

    我刚开始学习springboot,在此记录学习过程中遇到的第一个问题. 1.首先我创建了一个简单的项目,但是启动报错. 2. 然后花了几个小时时间在网上找了很多材料,发现都不能解决我这个问题,后来无意 ...

  2. springboot 工程启动报错之Consider defining a bean of type ‘XXX’ in your configuration.

    一.前言: 使用springboot自动注入的方式搭建好了工程,结果启动的时候报错了!!!,错误如下图: Description:Field userEntityMapper in com.xxx.x ...

  3. 使用Feign服务远程调用项目启动时报错:Field xxx in xxx required a bean of type xxx that could not be found.

    报错: *************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START ***************************Description:F ...

  4. springboot使用junit单元测试是发生报错 Field taskUtils in com.xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx required a bean of type 'xxx.xxx.

    使用junit单元测试mybatis时发生如下错误 Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run ...

  5. springboot踩坑日记——Field xxx.xxx.xxx required a bean of type 'xxx.xxx.xxx' that could not be found

    使用feign时报创建的feign接口找不到 Field xxx.xxx.xxx required a bean of type 'xxx.xxx.xxx' that could not be fou ...

  6. Parameter 1 of constructor in xxx required a bean of type xxx‘ that could not be found.已经解决

    使用Mybatis Plus 时遇到问题Parameter 1 of constructor in xxx required a bean of type xxx' that could not be ...

  7. 解决:Parameter 0 of constructor in XXX required a bean of type ‘XXX‘ that could not be found

    解决:Parameter 0 of constructor in com.mise.smart.entity.HrmNoticeEntity required a bean of type 'java ...

  8. 解决:Parameter 0 of constructor in xxx required a bean of type ‘xxx‘ that could not be found.

    运行报错: Parameter 0 of constructor in com.xxx.Crawler required a bean of type 'java.lang.String' that ...

  9. springboot启动报错Field *Service in *.*.controller.*Controller required a single bean, but 2 were found:

    文章目录 报错: 解决 报错: Description: Field userService in com.atmae.agriculture.controller.UserController re ...


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