lowcal historyan

译我看了希伯来学者对此的看法,他们都同意,至少它是一个双关语。是的,它是一个表达“鸽子”的表弟,如Jonah aurally,并且它有词“miry”(根)的意思的一部分,并用于命名希腊(地名)。然而,加在一起的所有字母拼写意义“泥人”。这是一个理解的双关语,在希伯来语中提到回到亚当,而不是叫同名。

原I looked through what the Hebrew scholars had on this and they all agree at least it is a pun. Yes, it is a cousin of the word "dove" like Jonah aurally, and yes it has part of the meaning of the word "miry" (the root), and was used to name Greece (place name). However, all the letters added together spell the meaning "Mud-man". It was an understood pun in Hebrew to refer back to Adam without being called by the same name.



译爪哇意味着“miry”在一个不确定的立足点。 \u003cbr\u003e \u003cbr\u003e爪哇可能是一个非常聪明的梦想家,他喜欢避免确定性和繁重的承诺。他做出决定时有很大的困难,原来是社会上一个被遗弃的人。这最终驱使他到海,他爱上了。这是他逃离一个总是要求他的东西的冷世界的唯一方法。最后,最后,他可以无忧无虑。只有他和海浪的舒缓声音。

原Javan means "miry" as in an unsure foothold. Javan was likely a very intelligent dreamer who liked to avoid certainty and burdensome commitments. He had great difficulty making decisions, and turned out to be a bit of an outcast in society. This ultimately drove him to the sea, which he fell in love with. It was his only means of escape from a cold world that was always demanding things from him. Finally, at long last, he could be care-free. Just him and the soothing sound of ocean waves.




原Means Angel of Greece.


EgYpTiAn PrInCeSs


原I love this name. We chose this name for our baby boy!


Modern-Day Jane


原Another site listed a possible meaning for Javan as "effervescent", as in high-spirited or active.




原Even though this name ends in an, it is not a trendy name. Some find names trendy due to spelling and sound of what is "in" at the moment. But this is a historical name. It is not made up or kre8tive like some trendy names. This name is biblical and very historical. It is a classic unlike trendy names. It also isn't very popular. I like it that way. I don't like overly popular and trendy names. So I am so intrigued with this name. I love it!




原This is a wonderfully historic name. It is biblical and also historical in Greece. Also this is the name of Noah's grandson. Noah as in Noahs Ark. I love the meaning of Angel of Greece. And I love the sound of the name. This name is a classic. It would age well and it is adorable for a little baby boy. I just love this name.


Atarah Derek


原Actually, it means 'dove,' same as Jonah. Although I think I prefer the name Javan to Jonah. Something about the J and V sounds together in the name.




原Yes Javan has the meaning of Greece. But it actually means Angel of Greece. I love this name. It is a great name for a boy.




原My cousin's name is Javen, and she is a girl!


Atarah Derek

译从与yonah相同,一个希伯来词意思是鸽子。 Yonah是约拿的希伯来语形式。

原From the same as yonah, a Hebrew word meaning dove. Yonah is the Hebrew form of Jonah.




原I really like this name Javan. I have seen it spelled Javen before for a boy. I like the history of this name. This was the name of Noah's grandson in the bible. Also how it means Greece in Hebrew. I was once on a website that suggested the meaning could also mean Angel of Greece.


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