
The inclusion of Siri on macOS Sierra means you can now do all sorts of things with your voice that once required typing and clicking. You can even control system settings.

在MacOS Sierra上包含Siri意味着您现在可以用语音来完成各种事情,而这些事情一经需要键入和单击即可。 您甚至可以控制系统设置。

Say you’re using a standard USB keyboard with your Mac and it doesn’t have special function keys. You can use Siri to control and mute the volume, increase or decrease brightness, enable or disable Bluetooth, and even turn off Wi-Fi.

假设您在Mac上使用标准USB键盘,但它没有特殊的功能键。 您可以使用Siri来控制和静音音量,增加或减少亮度,启用或禁用蓝牙,甚至关闭Wi-Fi。

Let’s show you a few examples so you have a good idea how this is done. Here, we see that you can mute the volume, but it’s also possible to increase and decrease it as well, just tell it to turn it up (or down).

让我们向您展示一些示例,以便您很好地了解如何完成此操作。 在这里,我们看到您可以静音,但是也可以增大和减小音量,只需告诉它调高(或调低)即可。

Don’t worry if you’re listening to your favorite jam, Siri will automatically pause it so it can hear your command.

You can also increase or decrease brightness without ever touching the keyboard.


Bluetooth eating up your battery? Simply ask Siri to turn it off. Need to connect your Mac to some external speakers? Siri can turn it back on.

蓝牙吞噬了您的电池? 只需要求Siri将其关闭即可。 需要将Mac连接到某些外部扬声器吗? Siri可以重新打开它。

Wi-Fi is one of those items that you can only use Siri to turn off. You will need to turn it back on manually with the mouse, because Siri relies on an internet connection to function. Siri will be completely disabled when Wi-Fi is off.

Wi-Fi是您只能使用Siri关闭的那些项目之一。 您将需要使用鼠标手动将其重新打开,因为Siri依赖于Internet连接才能起作用。 关闭Wi-Fi时,Siri将被完全禁用。

But, you can still access any system preferences you want simply by asking Siri to open them.


This can conceivably save you considerable time versus opening the System Preferences and then clicking on the item you need.


You may notice that this functionality is a bit limited right now. You can’t for example, change your Macbook’s keyboard backlight or your display’s energy saver settings. Also, there’s also almost always a menu bar icon that will achieve the same result, such as Bluetooth, volume, and Wi-Fi adjustments.

您可能会注意到,此功能现在受到限制。 例如,您无法更改Macbook的键盘背光或显示器的节能设置。 另外,几乎总是有一个菜单栏图标可以实现相同的结果,例如蓝牙,音量和Wi-Fi调整。

Just like with anything else about Siri, we hope that as time goes on, Apple will continue to add functionality and refine it. Right now, much of what it can do can seem a little basic, but it’s a good start and can prove useful if you don’t want to take your hands off the keyboard.

就像其他有关Siri的事情一样,我们希望随着时间的流逝,Apple将继续添加功能并对其进行完善。 现在,它可以做的很多事情似乎都有些基础,但这是一个好的开始,如果您不想从键盘上松开手,它可能会很有用。



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