
想要在八到九个月内赚足够的钱,让您在一年中的剩余时间里做任何想做的事吗? (Want to make enough money in eight or nine months to last you for the rest of the year doing whatever the heck you want?)

So do we. That’s why we reached out to the man who does it – Paul Jarvis.

我们也是。 这就是为什么我们与做到这一点的人Paul Jarvis取得了联系。

For various reasons, there are more and more designers and developers entering the freelance economy than ever before.


At the same time, freelancing veterans are sort-of exiting it and transforming into amazing entrepreneurs by developing their very own products.


They’re working on building their personal brand by writing for major publications, designing their own courses and working on side-projects that generate passive income.


Paul is one of these unicorns, as I like to call them.


He is a maker, a writer, a teacher, a web developer and a designer.

他是一个制造者 , 作家 , 老师 , 网络开发人员和设计师 。

In this interview, Paul gives us insights into his budding successes and offers advice for freelancers looking to follow in his footsteps.


我读到您通常每年休假三到四个月。 您是如何做到这一点的? (I read you typically have three to four months off per year. How did you get to the point of being able to do this? )

I work backwards from “enough.” So I figure out how much I need to make in a year to cover costs and savings and only work to reach that number. I find, after working for myself for 17 years now, it only takes me 8-9 months to hit it, so the rest of the time I don’t need to focus on making money.

我从“足够”开始倒退。 因此,我想出了一年内我需要赚多少钱来支付成本和节省,并努力达到这个数字。 我发现,在为自己工作了17年之后,我只需要8-9个月就可以达到目标,因此剩下的时间我就不必专注于赚钱了。

That isn’t to say I’m sitting in my underwear and eating ice cream on the couch for those 3-4 months – I’m either travelling (and taking photos/writing) or working on my own side projects (which typically become products that are free or for sale).


I’ve always felt that time off is as important as work time – especially with creativity. It seems counter-intuitive, but sometimes the best productivity tip is to walk away from your work for a little bit and: go for a walk, have a shower, meditate, do something else to give your brain a break and make the space it needs to get back to creating.

我一直觉得休假和工作时间一样重要,尤其是在创造力方面。 这似乎是违反直觉的,但有时最好的生产力提示是离开您的工作片刻,然后去:散步,洗个澡,打坐,做其他事情以让您的大脑休息并腾出空间需要重新创建。

因此,您就像所有这些令人敬畏的事物一样-网页设计师,作家,老师,作家,...-您从哪里开始的? 您如何看待所有这些不同事物(它们做得如此出色)的故事是什么? (So you’re like all of these awesome things – a web designer, author, teacher, writer,… – where did you start? What’s your story of how you became all of these different things (and do them so well)?)

I started out by being really sick as a kid and having to spend pretty much 100% of my time either in bed or in my room. It sucked, sure, but it lead me to figure out that all you really need is an imagination. So I taught myself to draw and write and figure problems out on my own.

我从小时候就开始真正生病,不得不将几乎100%的时间花在床上或房间里。 当然,它很烂,但它使我明白,您真正需要的只是一个想象力。 因此,我自学了自己画画,写字和解决问题的方法。

School totally dropped the ball on me – I hated it, and it did nothing for me, and pushed me towards getting a university degree (simply because I got good grades – not because it was something I wanted to do). Luckily I came to my senses after the first year, quit, and got a job. I quit that job pretty quickly (I’m pretty good at quitting things) and started working for myself. That was in the late 90’s.

学校完全把球扔给了我–我讨厌它,对我没有任何帮助,并促使我获得大学学位(仅仅是因为我取得了良好的成绩–并不是因为我想做)。 幸运的是,第一年后,我开始振作起来,辞职,找到了工作。 我很快辞职了(我很擅长辞职),并开始为自己工作。 那是在90年代后期。

您创造的最好的课程,书籍或文章是什么? 为什么? (What’s the best class, book or article you’ve created? Why?)

Shit, that’s a toughie. And it changes daily.

该死,这是个强硬派。 而且它每天都在变化。

This is my favourite article currently. It was scary to publish that one, but as usual, the pieces I’m most nervous to release into the world end up resonating the best with the people who read them.

这是 我目前最喜欢的文章 。 出版这本书真是令人恐惧,但像往常一样,我最不愿意发布给世界的作品最终在阅读它们的人们中引起了共鸣。

The product I’m currently most proud of is The Creative Class. I’ve put more into this than anything else I’ve ever created and I think it shows. For once, I wanted to be more tactical and process-oriented in my content, which apparently helps people take action better.

我目前最引以为傲的产品是The Creative Class 。 我在此方面付出的努力比我创建过的任何事物都要多,我认为这表明了。 一次,我希望内容更具战术性和过程导向性,这显然可以帮助人们更好地采取行动。

对于想要扩展其服务范围并获得更多业务的网页设计师或开发人员,您有什么建议? 他们应采取哪些步骤来实现这些目标? (What advice do you have for a web designer or developer who wants to expand their service offerings and get more business? What are the steps they should take to reach these goals?)

The first step is to stop listening to advice. Advice is a crutch and a good way to stall. Most people know what they need to do – they just aren’t motivated or are too scared to do it.

第一步是停止听取建议。 咨询是拐杖,也是解决问题的好方法。 大多数人知道他们需要做什么-他们只是没有动力或太害怕这样做了。

If you want more business, actively go after more business (instead of sitting at your computer, hoping someone will email you looking to hire you). Everyone knows this, not many people actually do it. Learn about who your audience is, where they spend their time and what motivates them.

如果您想要更多的业务,请积极地从事更多的业务(而不是坐在电脑旁,希望有人会给您发送电子邮件来寻找您)。 每个人都知道这一点,实际上没有多少人这样做。 了解您的受众群体是谁,他们在哪里度过时间以及是什么激发了他们。

The other thing is to focus on the clients you’ve got. It makes sense, right? These are people who are paying you and who pulled the trigger on hiring you. If they’re happy, they’ll tell others. If they get your best work, their business will hopefully succeed more and lead to more work.

另一件事是专注于您拥有的客户。 有道理吧? 这些人在为您付款,并拉动了雇用您的机会。 如果他们快乐,他们会告诉其他人。 如果他们得到了最好的工作,他们的业务有望获得更大的成功并带来更多的工作。

您最喜欢的营销,自由职业或撰写博客是什么? 什么或谁启发了您? (What are your favorite marketing, freelancing or writing blogs? What or who inspires you?)

I hate marketing blogs – they’re full of bad marketing advice, haha.


The people that inspire me the most are the people who’d rather be doing things and making things than talking about what they’re doing or making. Specifically? Jason Zook, Sian Richardson, Shauna Haider, Justin Jackson (to name a few).

那些给我最大启发的人是宁愿做事和做事而不是谈论他们在做什么或做事的人。 特别? Jason Zook ,Sian Richardson,Shauna Haider, Justin Jackson (仅举几例)。

What inspires me is when others or even myself takes action and takes control of their own lives. Personally, I’m most inspired by things that have nothing to do with marketing or the Internet, like: nature, architecture, gardening, woodworking, boxing.

启发我的是别人甚至我自己采取行动并控制自己的生活。 就个人而言,我最受与营销或互联网无关的事物的启发,例如:自然,建筑,园艺,木工,拳击。

If you’re interested in checking out everything Paul has to offer, here are links to his online goodies:


他的产品(免费) (His Products (Some free))

  • His Product Hunt of goodies he’s made


  • The Creative Class: Master the pragmatic details of becoming a one-man business


他的著作 (His writings)

  • The Next Web


  • 99u


  • Medium

  • Inc


  • Personal website


您还希望我们采访谁? 告诉我们,我们可以联系他们,并回答您的问题。 (Who else would you like us to interview?! Tell us so we can reach out to them, and get your questions answered.)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/paul-jarvis/


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