
  • 链表
    • 1. 基本介绍
      • 1.1 定义
      • 1.2 链表分类
      • 3.不带头非循环单链表CURD
      • 4.不带头非循环双向链表CURD


1. 基本介绍

1.1 定义



1.2 链表分类







package demo3;/*** @author zq* 不带头非循环单链表相关操作*/
public class MySingleList {class Node {public int val;//存储数据public Node next;//存储下一个节点地址public Node(int val) {//不知道下一个节点位置,只需要valthis.val = val;}}public Node head;//代表当前头节点的引用//遍历链表//创建链表public void createLink(){Node node1 = new Node(12);Node node2 = new Node(45);Node node3 = new Node(23);Node node4 = new Node(90);node1.next = node2;node2.next = node3;node3.next = node4;head = node1;}//遍历链表,利用head遍历链表public void display() {while (head != null){System.out.println(head.val);head = head.next;}}//查找是否包含关键字key是否在单链表当中public boolean contains(int key){Node cur = head;while (cur != null){if (cur.val == key){return true;}cur = cur.next;}return false;}//头插法public void addFirst(int data){Node node = new Node(data);node.next = head;head = node;}//尾插法,需判断head是否为空public void addLast(int data){Node node = new Node(data);if (head == null) {head = node;return;}Node cur = head;while (cur.next != null) {cur = cur.next;}cur.next = node;}//任意位置插入,第一个数据节点为0号下标public void addIndex(int index,int data){checkindex(index);if (index == 0){addFirst(data);return;}if (index == size()){addLast(data);return;}Node cur = findIndexSubOne(index);Node node = new Node(data);node.next = cur.next;cur.next = node;}/*找到index-1处的节点*/private Node findIndexSubOne(int index){Node cur = head;int count = 0;while (count != index -1 ){cur = cur.next;count++;}return cur;}private void checkindex(int index){if (index<0||index>size()){throw new IndexOutOfException("index位置不合法");}}//删除第一次出现关键字为key的节点public void remove(int key){if (head.val == key){head = head.next;return;}Node cur = searchPrev(key);if (cur == null){return;}cur.next = cur.next.next;}//删除所有值为key的节点public void removeAllKey(int key){if (head == null){return;}//如果前俩个节点值均为key时。// 或者用if放到最后,直接删掉漏掉的节点while (head.val==key){head = head.next;}Node prev = head;Node cur = head.next;while (cur != null){if (cur.val == key){prev.next = cur.next;cur = cur.next;}else{prev = cur;cur = cur.next;}}}//找到关键字key的前一个节点private Node searchPrev(int key){if (head== null){return null;//链表为空时}Node cur = head;while (cur.next!= null){if (cur.next.val == key){return cur;}cur = cur.next;}return null;//没有需要删除的节点}//得到单链表的长度public int size(){int count = 0;Node cur = head;while (cur != null){count++;cur = cur.next;}return count;}/*保证列表中每一个节点都被回收*/public void clear() {ListNode cur = head;while(cur != null){ListNode curNext = cur.next;cur.prev = null;cur.next = null;cur = curNext;}head = null;last = null;}



package demo4;import demo3.MySingleList;import java.util.List;/*** @author zq* LinkedList的实现* 双向链表*/
public class MyLinkedList {static class ListNode{ListNode prev;ListNode next;int val;public ListNode(int val) {//不知道下一个节点位置,只需要valthis.val = val;}}public MyLinkedList.ListNode head;//代表当前头节点的引用public MyLinkedList.ListNode last;//代表最后节点的引用//头插法public void addFirst(int data){ListNode node = new ListNode(data);if (head == null) {head = node;last = node;}else{node.next = head;node.prev = null;head.prev = node;head = node;}}//尾插法public void addLast(int data){ListNode node = new ListNode(data);if (head == null){head = node;last = node;}else{last.next = node;node.prev = last;node.next = null;last = node;}}//任意位置插入,第一个数据节点为0号下标public void addIndex(int index,int data){ListNode node = new ListNode(data);checkindex(index);if (index==0){addFirst(data);return;}if (index==size()){addLast(data);return;}ListNode cur = findIndex(index);node.next = cur;cur.prev.next = node;node.prev = cur.prev;cur.prev = node;}//判断插入位置是否合法private void checkindex(int index){if (index<0||index>size()){throw new IndexOutOfException("index位置不合法");}}/*找到index处的节点*/private ListNode findIndex(int index){ListNode cur = head;while (index != 0){cur = cur.next;index--;}return cur;}//查找是否包含关键字key是否在单链表当中public boolean contains(int key){ListNode cur = head;while(cur != null){if (cur.val == key){return true;}cur = cur.next;}return false;}//删除第一次出现关键字为key的节点public void remove(int key){ListNode cur = head;while (cur != null) {if (cur.val == key) {//删除的是头节点if(cur == head) {head=head.next;//如果只有一个节点时处理方式//否则会有空指针异常if (head !=null) {head.prev = null;}}else{//中间,尾巴都能用此行代码。cur.prev.next = cur.next;if (cur.next != null){//不是尾巴节点cur.next.prev = cur.prev;}else {last = cur.prev;}}return;}cur = cur.next;}}//删除所有值为key的节点public void removeAllKey(int key){ListNode cur = head;while (cur != null) {if (cur.val == key) {//删除的是头节点if(cur == head) {head=head.next;//如果只有一个节点时处理方式//否则会有空指针异常if (head !=null) {head.prev = null;}}else{//中间,尾巴都能用此行代码。cur.prev.next = cur.next;if (cur.next != null){//不是尾巴节点cur.next.prev = cur.prev;}else {last = cur.prev;}}}cur = cur.next;}}//得到单链表的长度public int size(){int len = 0;ListNode cur = head;while (cur != null){cur = cur.next;len++;}return len;}public void display(){ListNode cur = head;while (cur !=null){System.out.print(cur.val + " ");cur = cur.next;}}public void clear(){head = null;}


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