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依赖包下载后,我们就可以干活了,按照国际惯例,写个hello world

public class SampleClass {public void test(){System.out.println("hello world");}public static void main(String[] args) {Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();enhancer.setSuperclass(SampleClass.class);enhancer.setCallback(new MethodInterceptor() {@Overridepublic Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy proxy) throws Throwable {System.out.println("before method run...");Object result = proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);System.out.println("after method run...");return result;}});SampleClass sample = (SampleClass) enhancer.create();sample.test();}
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before method run...
hello world
after method run...
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Enhancer可能是CGLIB中最常用的一个类,和Java1.3动态代理中引入的Proxy类差不多(如果对Proxy不懂,可以参考这里)。和Proxy不同的是,Enhancer既能够代理普通的class,也能够代理接口。Enhancer创建一个被代理对象的子类并且拦截所有的方法调用(包括从Object中继承的toString和hashCode方法)。Enhancer不能够拦截final方法,例如Object.getClass()方法,这是由于Java final方法语义决定的。基于同样的道理,Enhancer也不能对fianl类进行代理操作。这也是Hibernate为什么不能持久化final class的原因。

public class SampleClass {public String test(String input){return "hello world";}
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public void testFixedValue(){Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();enhancer.setSuperclass(SampleClass.class);enhancer.setCallback(new FixedValue() {@Overridepublic Object loadObject() throws Exception {return "Hello cglib";}});SampleClass proxy = (SampleClass) enhancer.create();System.out.println(proxy.test(null)); //拦截test,输出Hello cglibSystem.out.println(proxy.toString()); System.out.println(proxy.getClass());System.out.println(proxy.hashCode());
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Hello cglib
Hello cglib
class com.zeus.cglib.SampleClass$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$e3ea9b7java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Numberat com.zeus.cglib.SampleClass$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$e3ea9b7.hashCode(<generated>)...
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Enhancer.setSuperclass用来设置父类型,从toString方法可以看出,使用CGLIB生成的类为被代理类的一个子类,形如:SampleClass</span><span></span><span><script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1"></script>EnhancerByCGLIB</span><span></span><span><script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-2"></script>e3ea9b7



public void testInvocationHandler() throws Exception{Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();enhancer.setSuperclass(SampleClass.class);enhancer.setCallback(new InvocationHandler() {@Overridepublic Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {if(method.getDeclaringClass() != Object.class && method.getReturnType() == String.class){return "hello cglib";}else{throw new RuntimeException("Do not know what to do");}}});SampleClass proxy = (SampleClass) enhancer.create();Assert.assertEquals("hello cglib", proxy.test(null));Assert.assertNotEquals("Hello cglib", proxy.toString());
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为了避免这种死循环,我们可以使用MethodInterceptor,MethodInterceptor的例子在前面的hello world中已经介绍过了,这里就不浪费时间了。


public void testCallbackFilter() throws Exception{Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();CallbackHelper callbackHelper = new CallbackHelper(SampleClass.class, new Class[0]) {@Overrideprotected Object getCallback(Method method) {if(method.getDeclaringClass() != Object.class && method.getReturnType() == String.class){return new FixedValue() {@Overridepublic Object loadObject() throws Exception {return "Hello cglib";}};}else{return NoOp.INSTANCE;}}};enhancer.setSuperclass(SampleClass.class);enhancer.setCallbackFilter(callbackHelper);enhancer.setCallbacks(callbackHelper.getCallbacks());SampleClass proxy = (SampleClass) enhancer.create();Assert.assertEquals("Hello cglib", proxy.test(null));Assert.assertNotEquals("Hello cglib",proxy.toString());System.out.println(proxy.hashCode());
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public class SampleBean {private String value;public SampleBean() {}public SampleBean(String value) {this.value = value;}public String getValue() {return value;}public void setValue(String value) {this.value = value;}
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@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void testImmutableBean() throws Exception{SampleBean bean = new SampleBean();bean.setValue("Hello world");SampleBean immutableBean = (SampleBean) ImmutableBean.create(bean); //创建不可变类Assert.assertEquals("Hello world",immutableBean.getValue()); bean.setValue("Hello world, again"); //可以通过底层对象来进行修改Assert.assertEquals("Hello world, again", immutableBean.getValue());immutableBean.setValue("Hello cglib"); //直接修改将throw exception
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Bean generator


public void testBeanGenerator() throws Exception{BeanGenerator beanGenerator = new BeanGenerator();beanGenerator.addProperty("value",String.class);Object myBean = beanGenerator.create();Method setter = myBean.getClass().getMethod("setValue",String.class);setter.invoke(myBean,"Hello cglib");Method getter = myBean.getClass().getMethod("getValue");Assert.assertEquals("Hello cglib",getter.invoke(myBean));
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Bean Copier


public class OtherSampleBean {private String value;public String getValue() {return value;}public void setValue(String value) {this.value = value;}
public void testBeanCopier() throws Exception{BeanCopier copier = BeanCopier.create(SampleBean.class, OtherSampleBean.class, false);//设置为true,则使用converterSampleBean myBean = new SampleBean();myBean.setValue("Hello cglib");OtherSampleBean otherBean = new OtherSampleBean();copier.copy(myBean, otherBean, null); //设置为true,则传入converter指明怎么进行转换assertEquals("Hello cglib", otherBean.getValue());
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public void testBulkBean() throws Exception{BulkBean bulkBean = BulkBean.create(SampleBean.class,new String[]{"getValue"},new String[]{"setValue"},new Class[]{String.class});SampleBean bean = new SampleBean();bean.setValue("Hello world");Object[] propertyValues = bulkBean.getPropertyValues(bean);assertEquals(1, bulkBean.getPropertyValues(bean).length);assertEquals("Hello world", bulkBean.getPropertyValues(bean)[0]);bulkBean.setPropertyValues(bean,new Object[]{"Hello cglib"});assertEquals("Hello cglib", bean.getValue());
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1. 避免每次进行BulkBean.create创建对象,一般将其声明为static的
2. 应用场景:针对特定属性的get,set操作,一般适用通过xml配置注入和注出的属性,运行时才确定处理的Source,Target类,只需要关注属性名即可。


BeanMap类实现了Java Map,将一个bean对象中的所有属性转换为一个String-to-Obejct的Java Map

public void testBeanMap() throws Exception{BeanGenerator generator = new BeanGenerator();generator.addProperty("username",String.class);generator.addProperty("password",String.class);Object bean = generator.create();Method setUserName = bean.getClass().getMethod("setUsername", String.class);Method setPassword = bean.getClass().getMethod("setPassword", String.class);setUserName.invoke(bean, "admin");setPassword.invoke(bean,"password");BeanMap map = BeanMap.create(bean);Assert.assertEquals("admin", map.get("username"));Assert.assertEquals("password", map.get("password"));
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我们使用BeanGenerator生成了一个含有两个属性的Java Bean,对其进行赋值操作后,生成了一个BeanMap对象,通过获取值来进行验证



public interface SampleKeyFactory {Object newInstance(String first, int second);
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public void testKeyFactory() throws Exception{SampleKeyFactory keyFactory = (SampleKeyFactory) KeyFactory.create(SampleKeyFactory.class);Object key = keyFactory.newInstance("foo", 42);Object key1 = keyFactory.newInstance("foo", 42);Assert.assertEquals(key,key1);//测试参数相同,结果是否相等
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public class MixinInterfaceTest {interface Interface1{String first();}interface Interface2{String second();}class Class1 implements Interface1{@Overridepublic String first() {return "first";}}class Class2 implements Interface2{@Overridepublic String second() {return "second";}}interface MixinInterface extends Interface1, Interface2{}@Testpublic void testMixin() throws Exception{Mixin mixin = Mixin.create(new Class[]{Interface1.class, Interface2.class,MixinInterface.class}, new Object[]{new Class1(),new Class2()});MixinInterface mixinDelegate = (MixinInterface) mixin;assertEquals("first", mixinDelegate.first());assertEquals("second", mixinDelegate.second());}
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String switcher


public void testStringSwitcher() throws Exception{String[] strings = new String[]{"one", "two"};int[] values = new int[]{10,20};StringSwitcher stringSwitcher = StringSwitcher.create(strings,values,true);assertEquals(10, stringSwitcher.intValue("one"));assertEquals(20, stringSwitcher.intValue("two"));assertEquals(-1, stringSwitcher.intValue("three"));
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Interface Maker

正如名字所言,Interface Maker用来创建一个新的Interface

public void testInterfaceMarker() throws Exception{Signature signature = new Signature("foo", Type.DOUBLE_TYPE, new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE});InterfaceMaker interfaceMaker = new InterfaceMaker();interfaceMaker.add(signature, new Type[0]);Class iface = interfaceMaker.create();assertEquals(1, iface.getMethods().length);assertEquals("foo", iface.getMethods()[0].getName());assertEquals(double.class, iface.getMethods()[0].getReturnType());
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上述的Interface Maker创建的接口中只含有一个方法,签名为double foo(int)。Interface Maker与上面介绍的其他类不同,它依赖ASM中的Type类型。由于接口仅仅只用做在编译时期进行类型检查,因此在一个运行的应用中动态的创建接口没有什么作用。但是InterfaceMaker可以用来自动生成代码,为以后的开发做准备。

Method delegate


interface BeanDelegate{String getValueFromDelegate();
public void testMethodDelegate()  throws Exception{SampleBean bean = new SampleBean();bean.setValue("Hello cglib");BeanDelegate delegate = (BeanDelegate) MethodDelegate.create(bean,"getValue", BeanDelegate.class);assertEquals("Hello cglib", delegate.getValueFromDelegate());
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1. 第二个参数为即将被代理的方法
2. 第一个参数必须是一个无参数构造的bean。因此MethodDelegate.create并不是你想象的那么有用
3. 第三个参数为只含有一个方法的接口。当这个接口中的方法被调用的时候,将会调用第一个参数所指向bean的第二个参数方法

1. 为每一个代理类创建了一个新的类,这样可能会占用大量的永久代堆内存
2. 你不能代理需要参数的方法
3. 如果你定义的接口中的方法需要参数,那么代理将不会工作,并且也不会抛出异常;如果你的接口中方法需要其他的返回类型,那么将抛出IllegalArgumentException


  1. 多重代理和方法代理差不多,都是将代理类方法的调用委托给被代理类。使用前提是需要一个接口,以及一个类实现了该接口
  2. 通过这种interface的继承关系,我们能够将接口上方法的调用分散给各个实现类上面去。
  3. 多重代理的缺点是接口只能含有一个方法,如果被代理的方法拥有返回值,那么调用代理类的返回值为最后一个添加的被代理类的方法返回值
public interface DelegatationProvider {void setValue(String value);
}public class SimpleMulticastBean implements DelegatationProvider {private String value;@Overridepublic void setValue(String value) {this.value = value;}public String getValue() {return value;}
public void testMulticastDelegate() throws Exception{MulticastDelegate multicastDelegate = MulticastDelegate.create(DelegatationProvider.class);SimpleMulticastBean first = new SimpleMulticastBean();SimpleMulticastBean second = new SimpleMulticastBean();multicastDelegate = multicastDelegate.add(first);multicastDelegate  = multicastDelegate.add(second);DelegatationProvider provider = (DelegatationProvider) multicastDelegate;provider.setValue("Hello world");assertEquals("Hello world", first.getValue());assertEquals("Hello world", second.getValue());
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Constructor delegate

为了对构造函数进行代理,我们需要一个接口,这个接口只含有一个Object newInstance(…)方法,用来调用相应的构造函数

interface SampleBeanConstructorDelegate{Object newInstance(String value);
}/*** 对构造函数进行代理* @throws Exception*/
public void testConstructorDelegate() throws Exception{SampleBeanConstructorDelegate constructorDelegate = (SampleBeanConstructorDelegate) ConstructorDelegate.create(SampleBean.class, SampleBeanConstructorDelegate.class);SampleBean bean = (SampleBean) constructorDelegate.newInstance("Hello world");assertTrue(SampleBean.class.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass()));System.out.println(bean.getValue());
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Parallel Sorter(并行排序器)


public void testParallelSorter() throws Exception{Integer[][] value = {{4, 3, 9, 0},{2, 1, 6, 0}};ParallelSorter.create(value).mergeSort(0);for(Integer[] row : value){int former = -1;for(int val : row){assertTrue(former < val);former = val;}}
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顾明思义,FastClass就是对Class对象进行特定的处理,比如通过数组保存method引用,因此FastClass引出了一个index下标的新概念,比如getIndex(String name, Class[] parameterTypes)就是以前的获取method的方法。通过数组存储method,constructor等class信息,从而将原先的反射调用,转化为class.index的直接调用,从而体现所谓的FastClass。

public void testFastClass() throws Exception{FastClass fastClass = FastClass.create(SampleBean.class);FastMethod fastMethod = fastClass.getMethod("getValue",new Class[0]);SampleBean bean = new SampleBean();bean.setValue("Hello world");assertEquals("Hello world",fastMethod.invoke(bean, new Object[0]));
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  1. Java动态代理只能够对接口进行代理,不能对普通的类进行代理(因为所有生成的代理类的父类为Proxy,Java类继承机制不允许多重继承);CGLIB能够代理普通类;
  2. Java动态代理使用Java原生的反射API进行操作,在生成类上比较高效;CGLIB使用ASM框架直接对字节码进行操作,在类的执行过程中比较高效
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- http://jnb.ociweb.com/jnb/jnbNov2005.html
- http://www.iteye.com/topic/799827
- http://mydailyjava.blogspot.kr/2013/11/cglib-missing-manual.html

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