个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 23502-h20过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。

在自己学习的同时,也将翻译内容分享给给广大网友。由于个人能力有限,翻译不到位的地方还请各位网友们指正。 Specific NEF service operations information flow for loss of connectivity and UE reachability

The procedure is used by the AF to subscribe to notifications and to explicitly cancel a previous subscription for loss of connectivity and UE reachability.


Figure Nnef_EventExposure_Subscribe, Unsubscribe and Notify operations or loss of connectivity and UE reachability

1. Step 1 to step 3b of Figure are performed with the following differences:


- For Loss of Connectivity, the subscription request may include Maximum Detection Time (see Table

-对于Loss of Connectivity,订阅请求可能包括Maximum Detection Time(见表4.15.3.1-1)。

- For UE reachability, the subscription request may include Maximum Latency, Maximum Response Time and/or Suggested number of downlink packets (see Table In step 3a of Figure, the UDM may include Maximum Response Time in the subscription request to the AMF.

-对于UE可达性,订阅请求可以包括Maximum Latency、Maximum Response Time和/或Suggested number of downlink packets(见表4.15.3.1-1)。在图4.的步骤3a中,UDM可以在对AMF的订阅请求中包括Maximum Response Time。

NOTE 1: It is expected that Maximum Latency, Maximum Response Time and/or Suggested number of downlink packets included in the subscription request is only used by the AF that does not support Parameter Provisioning procedure specified in clause

注1:预计订阅请求中包含的Maximum Latency、Maximum Response Time和/或Suggested number of downlink packets仅由不支持第4.15.6.3a条中规定的Parameter Provisioning程序的AF使用。

- For UE reachability, the AF may include Idle Status Indication request. If Idle Status Indication request is included, the NEF includes it in Nudm_EventExposure_Subscribe message. If the UDM receives Idle Status Indication request, it includes it in Namf_EventExposure_Subscribe message. If the NEF does not support the requested Idle Status Indication, then depending on operator policies, the NEF rejects the request.

-对于UE可达性,AF可包括Idle Status Indication请求。如果包括Idle Status Indication请求,则NEF将其包括在Nudm_EventExposure_Subscribe消息中。如果UDM收到Idle Status Indication请求,它会将其包含在Namf_EventExposure_Subscribe消息中。如果NEF不支持请求的Idle Status Indication,则根据运营商策略,NEF将拒绝该请求。

2. [Conditional] If the subscribed periodic registration timer has not been set according to any subscription request, or a Network Configuration as defined in clause the UDM shall set the subscribed periodic registration timer using the Maximum Detection Time or Maximum Latency; otherwise if the subscribed periodic registration timer was previously set by a different subscription identified by a different Notification Target Address (+ Notification Correlation ID), or set by a different Network Configuration identified by a different NEF reference ID for the same UE, and if the newly received Maximum Detection Time or Maximum Latency is lower than the provided subscribed periodic registration timer, the UDM shall set the subscribed periodic registration timer using the newly received Maximum Detection Time or Maximum Latency.

2.【有条件】如果未根据任何订阅请求或第4.15.6.3a条中定义的Network Configuration设置订阅的定期注册计时器。UDM应使用Maximum Detection Time或Maximum Latency设置订阅的定期注册计时器;否则,如果订阅的定期注册计时器先前由不同的Notification Target Address(+ Notification Correlation ID)标识的不同订阅设置,或者由相同UE的不同NEF参考ID标识的不同Network Configuration设置,如果新接收的Maximum Detection Time或Maximum Latency低于提供的订阅周期注册计时器,UDM应使用新接收的Maximum Detection Time或Maximum Latency设置订阅周期注册计时器。

If Nudm_EventExposure_Unsubscribe request is performed in step 1, the UDM shall recalculate the subscribed periodic registration timer based on the remaining event subscriptions and/or Network Configurations.

如果在步骤1中执行Nudm_EventExposure_Unsubscribe请求,UDM应根据剩余的事件订阅和/或Network Configuration重新计算订阅的定期注册计时器。

In addition for UE reachability subscription, if the newly received Maximum Response Time is longer than the provided subscribed Active Time (i.e. previously provided Maximum Response Time), the UDM shall set the subscribed Active Time using the newly received Maximum Response Time. If the suggested number of downlink packets is newly received, the UDM shall add the newly received suggested number of downlink packets to the currently used value of suggested number of downlink packets if the aggregated value is within the operator defined range.

除了对于UE可达性订阅,如果新接收的Maximum Response Time长于提供的订阅Active Time(即,先前提供的Maximum Response Time),UDM应使用新接收的Maximum Response Time设置订阅Active Time。如果建议数量的下行链路分组是新接收的,则如果聚合值在操作员定义的范围内,则UDM应将新接收的建议数量的下行链路分组添加到建议数量的当前使用值。

If Nudm_EventExposure_Unsubscribe request is performed in step 1, the UDM shall recalculate the subscribed Active Time and/or Suggested Number of Downlink Packets based on the remaining event subscriptions and/or Network Configurations.

如果在步骤1中执行了Nudm_EventExposure_Unsubscribe请求,UDM应根据剩余的事件订阅和/或Network Configuration重新计算订阅的Active Time和/或Suggested Number of Downlink Packets。

If the subscribed periodic registration timer or the subscribed Active Time are set or modified, the UDM sends the Nudm_SDM_Notification request to related serving AMF(s). If the AMF receives a subscribed periodic registration timer value from the UDM, it allocates the received value to the UE as the periodic registration timer at subsequent Registration procedure. The AMF starts monitoring of the expiration of the mobile reachable timer for Loss of Connectivity (if required) and starts monitoring of the UE entering connected mode for UE reachability (if required).

如果设置或修改了订阅的定期注册计时器或订阅的Active Time,UDM将向相关的服务AMF发送Nudm_SDM_Notification请求。如果AMF从UDM接收到订阅的定期注册计时器值,则在后续Registration过程中将接收到的值分配给UE作为定期注册计时器。AMF开始监测移动可到达计时器的到期时间是否存在Loss of Connectivity(如果需要),并开始监测进入连接模式的UE的可到达性(如果需要)。

If the suggested number of downlink packets are set or modified, the UDM sends the Nudm_SDM_Notification request to related serving SMF(s). The SMF configures the data buffer at the SMF/UPF according the suggested number of downlink packets.


If the provided value is updated by the UDM, the UDM may notify the NEF (which then notifies the AF) of the actual value that is being applied in the 3GPP network.


3. Step 4 to step 5 of Figure are performed.


4. Step 6c to step 6d of Figure are performed with the following differences:


- For Loss of Connectivity, the event is detected when the mobile reachability timer expires.

-对于Loss of Connectivity,当移动可达性计时器过期时会检测到该事件。

- For UE reachability, the event is detected when the UE changes to connected mode or when the UE will become reachable for paging.


- For UE reachability, if Idle Status Indication request was included in step 1 and the AMF supports Idle Status Indication, the AMF includes also the Idle Status Indication.

-对于UE可达性,如果在步骤1中包括Idle Status Indication请求并且AMF支持Idle Status Indication,则AMF还包括Idle Status Indication。

5. Step 8 of Figure is performed.


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