CRM exception when customizing download is executed in ERP due to empty table gt_crm
customizing download在ERP端执行时,发生了一个exception。
Issue: The customizing object DNL_CUST_PROD0 is still "Running" in tcode R3AM1 for a long time.

  1. check in CRM system using SMQ1, to check whether the customizing download request has already been successfully sent out to ERP.

in this example, we see three blocked queue, this is the reason why the status is still running.

We can manually send them to ERP.

Double click on the first line, the queue has status "SYSFAIL".

double click the queue once again:

inside this FM CRS_CUSTOMIZING_EXTRACT, there is a dump, you can find it in ST22:

The internal table gt_crmtab[] should not be empty in customizing download

CRM exception when customizing download is executed in ERP due to empty table gt_crm相关推荐

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