apple tv 开发

The new Apple TV comes with a ton of features including the ability to manage subscriptions right from your device, which you may find more useful than doing so from iTunes.

新的Apple TV具有大量功能,其中包括可以直接从设备管理订阅的功能,您可能会发现这些功能比从iTunes进行的操作更有用。

In the past, we’ve explained how to cancel your Apple Music subscription, which also covers how to cancel others as well. It’s pretty easy but it’s even better if you can just manage subscriptions from the Apple TV itself.

过去,我们已经解释了如何取消Apple Music订阅 ,其中还介绍了如何取消其他订阅 。 这很容易,但是如果您仅可以从Apple TV本身管理订阅,那就更好了。

With the newest version of Apple TV running tvOS, you can manage subscriptions right from the device making it a cinch to add or cancel special channels whenever you want.

使用运行tvOS的最新版本的Apple TV,您可以直接在设备上管理订阅,从而随时随地添加或取消特殊频道。

To get started, first click on the “Settings” tile on the Apple TV home screen.

首先,请先在Apple TV主屏幕上单击“设置”图块。

From the resulting screen, click the “Accounts” option.


On the Accounts screen, scroll to the bottom and click open “Manage Subscriptions…”.


When prompted, use the remote to enter your password and sign into the iTunes Store.

出现提示时,使用遥控器输入密码并登录iTunes Store。

You will see an overview of your subscriptions, and you can click on any one to see further information pertaining to them.


Here in this example, we’re going to sign up for HBO NOW, which renews monthly at $14.99.

在此示例中,我们将注册HBO NOW,其每月续订价为14.99美元。

When you try to subscribe, you’ll be asked to confirm or cancel.


Once you’ve confirmed your subscription, you’ll be returned to the service’s screen. Note, there’s now a new option you can select. This option will let you turn off automatic renewal, which basically means to cancel. Regardless of when you cancel, you’ll have access to your subscription until the date indicated (December 6th in our example).

确认订阅后,您将返回到该服务的屏幕。 注意,现在可以选择一个新选项。 此选项将使您关闭自动更新,这基本上意味着取消。 无论何时取消,您都可以在指定的日期(本示例中的12月6日)之前访问您的订阅。

When you attempt to turn off automatic renewal, you’ll be once again asked to confirm or cancel.  Again, keep in mind that this won’t outright cancel your subscription, you’ll still have access to the service until the date indicated.

当您尝试关闭自动更新时,系统会再次要求您确认或取消。 同样,请记住,这不会立即取消您的订阅,直到指示的日期,您仍然可以使用该服务。

You can go through and attend to your other subscriptions as well, such as here with the previously mentioned Apple Music.

您也可以浏览并参加其他订阅,例如此处提到的Apple Music。

Being able to manage subscriptions on the Apple TV is an important feature that will be of great use to many users, particularly those who don’t use iOS devices or Macs, or anyone who simply doesn’t want to deal with iTunes.

能够在Apple TV上管理订阅是一项重要功能,它将对许多用户(特别是那些不使用iOS设备或Mac的用户,或者根本不想使用iTunes的用户)非常有用。

We hope you found this article useful, if you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.



apple tv 开发

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