


题目分值 20

提交次数 分值 原因 解决方案
1 12 答案错误 重复n次
2 12 答案错误 未解决



#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>using namespace std;int main()
{vector <string> fins, win;int n, m, k, flag;char str[25];int num = 0;scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &k);vector<string>::iterator it, its;while(n--){scanf("%s", str);its = find(fins.begin(), fins.end(), str);if(its == fins.end())num ++;fins.push_back(str);}flag = 0;for(it = fins.begin(); it != fins.end(); ++it ){flag++;if(flag == k){its = find(win.begin(), win.end(), *it);if(its != win.end()){flag--;}else{win.push_back(*it);flag = -1;m--;if(m==0)break;}}}for(it = win.begin(); it != win.end(); ++it){cout << *it << endl;}if(m!=0)printf("Keep going...\n");return 0;

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