论文:: Consolidation of Unorganized Point Clouds for Surface Reconstruction(WLOP)



#pragma once #include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "KDTreeFlann.h"
#include "KDTreeSearchParam.h"
#include <random>
#include <omp.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>namespace DDX {class WLOP
private:double mRadius;double mMu;int mSelect_percentage;bool require_uniform_sampling;std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& original_point;std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> sample_points ;public:WLOP(std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point , double radius ,int percentage  ,double mu = 0.45 ,bool density = false):original_point(point),mRadius (radius) ,mMu(mu) ,mSelect_percentage(percentage) ,require_uniform_sampling (density){};void Run (int iter_number) {size_t number_of_original = original_point.size() ;size_t number_of_sample = static_cast<size_t> (float(number_of_original) * (mSelect_percentage / float(100.0))) ;std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> update_sample_points(number_of_sample);// 1 按照百分比生成下采样的点sample_points.reserve (number_of_sample);generate_sample_points(number_of_original ,number_of_sample);std::cout << "number_of_sample " << number_of_sample << std::endl;std::cout << "sample_points size " << sample_points.size() << std::endl;// 2 初始化一个原始的kd tree const auto original_kd_tree = create_Kdtree (original_point);std::vector<double> original_density (number_of_original);std::vector<double> samples_density (number_of_sample);if (require_uniform_sampling) {for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)original_point.size() ;++i){original_density[i] = compute_density_weight_for_original_point (original_kd_tree ,original_point[i] ,mRadius);}}// 3 迭代更新for (int iter_n = 0; iter_n < iter_number; ++iter_n) {std::cout << "iter " << iter_n << std::endl;// 创建采样点的kd tree const auto sample_kd_tree = create_Kdtree (sample_points);for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)sample_points.size() ; ++i){samples_density[i] = compute_density_weight_for_sample_point (sample_kd_tree ,sample_points[i] ,mRadius);}for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)sample_points.size() ; ++i) {update_sample_points[i] = compute_update_sample_point (i ,original_kd_tree ,sample_kd_tree ,original_density ,samples_density ,mRadius);}for (int i = 0 ; i < (int)update_sample_points.size() ; ++i) {sample_points[i] = update_sample_points[i];}}} ;void write_obj (const std::string& path) {std::ofstream delaunay3d (path.c_str());for (int i = 0 ; i < sample_points.size() ; ++i) {delaunay3d << "v " << sample_points[i][0] << " "<< sample_points[i][1] << " "<< sample_points[i][2] << std::endl ;}delaunay3d.close ();}
private:    std::unique_ptr<KDTreeFlann> create_Kdtree (std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point) {Eigen::MatrixXd dataset0 = Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>(reinterpret_cast<double*>(point.data()),3,point.size());return std::make_unique<KDTreeFlann> (dataset0) ;};void generate_sample_points (size_t number_of_original, size_t number_of_sample ) {size_t diff_number = number_of_original - number_of_sample;std::random_device rd ; std::mt19937 gen(rd()) ; constexpr int int_max = std::numeric_limits<int>::max () ;std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dis(int(0),int_max) ;std::vector<int> vist (number_of_original ,-1);int count_indx = 0;while (count_indx < diff_number ){int randint = dis (gen) ;const auto i13x = randint % (int)number_of_original ;if (vist[i13x] < 0) {vist[i13x] = 1;count_indx++;}}for (size_t i = 0 ; i < number_of_original ; ++i) {if (vist[i] < 0)sample_points.push_back (original_point[i]);}}double compute_density_weight_for_original_point (const std::unique_ptr<KDTreeFlann>& original_kd_tree ,Eigen::Vector3d const&p ,double radius ){double radius2 = radius * radius;double density_weight = (double)1.0;double iradius16 = -(double)4.0 / radius2;std::vector<int> index ;std::vector<double> distance ;const auto k = original_kd_tree->SearchRadius (p ,radius ,index ,distance) ;for (int i = 0 ; i < k ; ++i) {if (distance[i] < 1e-8) continue;density_weight += std::exp(distance[i] * iradius16);}return double(1.0) / density_weight;};double compute_density_weight_for_sample_point (const std::unique_ptr<KDTreeFlann>& sample_kd_tree  ,Eigen::Vector3d const&p ,double radius){//Compute density weightdouble radius2 = radius * radius;double density_weight = (double)1.0;double iradius16 = -(double)4.0 / radius2;std::vector<int> index ;std::vector<double> distance ;const auto k = sample_kd_tree->SearchRadius (p ,radius ,index ,distance) ;for (int i = 0 ; i < k ; ++i) {density_weight += std::exp(distance[i] * iradius16);}return density_weight;};Eigen::Vector3d compute_update_sample_point (int indx ,const std::unique_ptr<KDTreeFlann>& original_kd_tree,const std::unique_ptr<KDTreeFlann>& sample_kd_tree ,const std::vector<double>& sample_densities ,const std::vector<double> original_densities ,double radius) {bool is_original_densities_empty = original_densities.empty();bool is_sample_densities_empty = sample_densities.empty();double radius2 = radius * radius;double iradius16 = -(double)4.0 / radius2;// Compute Average TermEigen::Vector3d average (0 , 0 ,0);if (true) {    double average_weight_sum = (double)0.0;std::vector<int> index ;std::vector<double> distance ; const auto k = original_kd_tree->SearchRadius (sample_points[indx] , radius ,index ,distance);for (int j = 0 ; j < k ; j++){double dist2 = distance[j];if (dist2 < 1e-10) continue;double weight = (double)0.0;weight = std::exp(dist2 * iradius16);if (!is_original_densities_empty){weight *= original_densities[index[j]];}average_weight_sum += weight;average += original_point[index[j]] * weight;}if (k == 0 || average_weight_sum < 1e-20){average = sample_points[indx] ;}else{average = average / average_weight_sum;}}//Compute repulsion termEigen::Vector3d repulsion (0.0 , 0.0 ,0.0);if (true) {double weight = (double)1.0;double repulsion_weight_sum = (double)0.0;std::vector<int> index ;std::vector<double> distance ; const auto k = sample_kd_tree->SearchRadius (sample_points[indx] , radius ,index ,distance);for (int j = 0 ; j < k ; j++){double dist2 = distance[j];if (dist2 < 1e-10) continue;double dist = std::sqrt(dist2);weight = std::exp(dist2 * iradius16) * std::pow(double(1.0) / dist ,2); // L1if (!is_sample_densities_empty){weight *= sample_densities[index[j]];}Eigen::Vector3d diff = sample_points[indx] - sample_points[index[j]];repulsion_weight_sum += weight;repulsion = repulsion + diff * weight;}if (k < 3 || repulsion_weight_sum < double(1e-20)) {repulsion = Eigen::Vector3d(0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0);}else {repulsion = repulsion / repulsion_weight_sum;}}return average + mMu * repulsion ;  };};}#endif /* DDX_WLOP_HEADER */

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