
Man, what a week! GDC ’09 has now slipped past us and slowly we’re recovering and getting our heads back above water. I thought I’d take a few minutes and share some thoughts from our end about the incredible week we just had. Not only did GDC prove useful for us as fellow members of the larger game development community, but it also proved useful for us as a technology provider as we had a great showing both on and off the expo floor. Needless to say we’ll be back at GDC again as they always prove to be an amazing time for us on all levels.

伙计,这一周! GDC '09现在已经溜过了我们,慢慢地我们正在恢复并使自己的头脑回到水面之上。 我以为我会花几分钟时间,并从最后分享一些关于我们刚刚度过的令人难以置信的一周的想法。 作为大型游戏开发社区的同伴,GDC不仅对我们有用,而且对于我们作为技术提供者的事实也证明了我们有用,因为我们在博览会的场内外都有出色的展示。 毋庸置疑,我们将再次回到GDC,因为对于所有级别的人们而言,它们总是对我们而言是一个了不起的时光。

The Booth Our first GDC showing in 2007 saw us huddled together with other Nordic companies in the Nordic Games pavilion, it was tight quarters that barely allowed us room for one demo machine. We followed that up in 2008 by breaking out on our own and getting a 10 foot x 10 foot booth on the expo floor, this allowed us two demo machines and it was a crowded affair due to all the foot traffic. This year, our third in a row at GDC, saw us in a 20 foot x 20 foot booth with three demo machines and it still wasn’t enough! Our booth was constantly crowded, our demo machines in continuous use and the response to Unity was incredible! We were able to demo the product and talk to folks from about every background you can imagine. Developers, publishers, students, teachers, artists and executives, all stopped by to check out what we have to offer. Of course we also managed to go through well over 1000 handouts and give out 500 t-shirts, needless to say we were one of the stars of the show!

展位我们在2007年的首届GDC 展上看到我们和其他北欧公司在北欧运动会展馆中hu缩在一起,狭窄的空间几乎没有给我们提供一台演示机的空间。 我们在2008年采取了后续行动,自行突破并在博览会地板上获得了10英尺x 10英尺的展位,这使我们有了两台演示机,由于人流众多,这是一个拥挤的事务。 今年,我们连续第三次在GDC上看到我们在20英尺x 20英尺的展位上,配备了三台演示机,但这还不够! 我们的展位一直很拥挤,我们的演示机不断使用,对Unity的React令人难以置信! 我们能够演示该产品,并与您可以想象到的每个背景进行交流。 开发人员,出版商,学生,教师,艺术家和管理人员都停下来查看我们所提供的服务。 当然,我们还成功地完成了1000多次讲义,分发了500件T恤衫,不用说我们是展会的明星之一!

The Meetings GDC wouldn’t be GDC without the chance to meet up with folks so we made sure to book a dedicated meeting room for use by David Helgason, Joachim Ante and the rest of us as needed. That room was in constant use as we had a steady train of people wanting to specifically arrange meetings with various staff members. Additionally we had folks want to meet with us off the expo floor, whether they were from various media outlets (I was interviewed for online/print/TV usage no less than 5 times!) or from publishers, schools or development shops. All of those meetings provided us with ample opportunity to spread the word about Unity in a more in-depth fashion than we could on the expo floor where things were a bit noisy, crowded and often focused on 5-10 minute demo run throughs. Again, the consistently high-level of interest in us helped show that we’re on the right track and generating a ton of buzz around the industry.

如果没有机会与人们见面, Meetings GDC就不会成为GDC,因此我们确保预定一间专用的会议室,供David Helgason,Joachim Ante和我们其他人根据需要使用。 那个房间一直在使用中,因为我们有一群人想特别安排与各种工作人员的会议。 此外,无论是来自各种媒体(我接受过不少于5次在线/印刷/电视使用的采访!),还是来自出版商,学校或开发商店的人们,我们都希望与我们在世博会场见面。 所有这些会议为我们提供了足够的机会,比我们在会场上嘈杂,拥挤且通常集中在5-10分钟的演示运行中的展览会上更深入地传播有关Unity的信息。 同样,对我们一贯的高度兴趣表明,我们处在正确的轨道上,并在整个行业引起了极大的轰动。

The Parties & The People Ok, GDC wouldn’t be GDC without all the parties and chances to meet up and socialize with other folks in the industry. The parties were wide and varied, but all of them were of course incredibly fun. For myself the big parties I attended were our own team nights out, the Nordic Games Party and then the coolest party of them all (I’m biased), our Unity 2.5 GDC Launch Party on Thursday night. We rented out the entire Anon Gallery in San Francisco, hired a DJ, had an open bar and food service, all in a very cool location. On top of that, we had our party run from 6pm all the way until 2am so as not to conflict with other events and guess what, we had people hanging out until the very end! The entire week was awesome, we got to meet loads of new people and hang out with plenty of old friends (Graveck, Flashbang, Three Melons, Sticky Studios, and on and on and on). All of that was solid goodness!

政党与人民好吧,如果没有所有政党和与业界其他人见面并社交的机会,GDC就不会成为GDC。 派对很多种多样,但是当然所有人都很有趣。 对我自己而言,我参加的大型聚会是我们自己的团队之夜,是北欧运动会,然后是他们当中最酷的聚会(我有偏见),我们在周四晚上举行的Unity 2.5 GDC发布会。 我们把整个旧金山的Anon画廊出租了,租了一个DJ,开了一家酒吧,提供餐饮服务,都在一个非常酷的地方。 最重要的是,我们的聚会从下午6点一直持续到凌晨2点,以免与其他事件发生冲突并猜测是什么,我们一直在闲逛直到最后! 整个星期真棒,我们不得不结识新朋友,并与许多老朋友(Graveck,Flashbang,三个瓜子,Sticky Studios等)闲逛。 所有这些都是坚实的善良!

The Summary The week is over and we’re of course all abuzz about the stir we’re creating and the attention we’re getting. Of course we are also all incredibly motivated to keep working hard and continue to move Unity forward. The pressure is on, folks are looking at us to “do the right things”, and we’re ready for it. So along with that “high” from last week comes a healthy list of things we can do to improve as well. We spent a lot of time together as a team building camaraderie (after an awesome day sailing on the bay!) and to plan and map out the coming months as there’s a lot to do. We’re on it.

总结一周结束了,我们当然对正在引起的轰动和获得的关注都感到困惑。 当然,我们所有人也都非常有动力去继续努力,继续推动Unity的发展。 压力越来越大,人们正在看着我们“做正确的事”,我们已经为此做好了准备。 因此,除了上周的“高”值外,还列出了我们可以改进的健康清单。 我们花了很多时间作为团队建设友善的朋友(在海湾度过了很棒的一天!),并计划和规划未来几个月的工作,因为还有很多事情要做。 我们在。

As always, it’s Unity FTW!

一如既往,这是Unity FTW!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/03/31/unity-gdc-trip-report/


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