
New Unity Pro and Unity Plus are on the store now! Read on to get more details on our new subscription based licenses and what you can do if you already have Unity Pro.

新的Unity Pro和Unity Plus现已上市 ! 继续阅读以获取有关我们新的基于订阅的许可证的更多详细信息,以及如果您已经拥有Unity Pro可以做什么。

All new licenses now include all engine features to create and optimize high-end games and publish them on all platforms. We want to make the Unity engine available to all, so the main idea behind our new product structure is that you pay according to your needs and means. Also, there are no royalties. If your company has revenues under $100,000/year, you can always use the free Unity Personal.

现在,所有新许可证均包含用于创建和优化高端游戏并将其发布在所有平台上的所有引擎功能。 我们希望使所有人都能使用Unity引擎,因此我们新产品结构的主要思想是,您可以根据需要和方式付费。 另外,没有使用费。 如果您的公司年收入低于100,000美元,则可以随时使用免费的Unity Personal。

The new Unity Pro includes all platforms, as we announced at Unite Europe. It doesn’t have any revenue cap. It includes higher tiers of all services, with all the bells and whistles. You can pay for it month by month (with a 12 month commitment), or pay for 12 or 24 months in advance. After you’ve been subscribing for 24 consecutive months, you get to keep and use the version you have when you notify us that you are terminating your subscription. We call it Pay to Own. See more details on the Unity Pro features in the store and on Pay to Own in our previous blog post.

正如我们在Unite Europe上宣布的那样,新的Unity Pro包括所有平台。 它没有任何收入上限。 它包括所有服务的更高层次,包括所有的风吹草动。 您可以按月付款(承诺12个月),也可以提前12或24个月付款。 连续订购24个月后,当您通知我们您即将终止订阅时,便可以保留并使用您拥有的版本。 我们称其为“自己拥有”。 有关 商店中 Unity Pro功能的详细信息 以及 我们以前的博客文章中的“ 自己拥有的付款方式”, 请参见 。

If you’re a micro studio or a professional freelancer with revenues under $200,000/year, Unity Plus is your new option for $35/month (with a 12 month commitment). You’ll get Priority Queue for Unity Cloud Build, so you can build new versions of your game faster. To find out how people play your game, you’ll get a higher tier of Unity Analytics. You’ll also be able to host up to 50 simultaneous players with Unity Networking, which is great for testing a multiplayer game with your friends. In case people run into issues with your app, you can use Unity Performance Reporting to automatically capture and prioritize errors across different devices. More details on these and all other Unity Plus features are on the store.

如果您是微型工作室或专业自由职业者,年收入在200,000美元以下,则Unity Plus是您每月$ 35的新选择(承诺12个月)。 您将获得Unity Cloud构建的Priority Queue,因此可以更快地构建游戏的新版本。 要了解人们如何玩您的游戏,您将获得更高级别的Unity Analytics。 您还可以通过Unity Networking托管多达50位同时玩的玩家,这非常适合与您的朋友一起测试多人游戏。 万一有人遇到您的应用程序问题,您可以使用Unity Performance Reporting自动捕获不同设备上的错误并确定其优先级。 这些和所有其他Unity Plus功能的更多详细信息都在 商店中 。

现有Unity Pro许可证的过渡优惠 (Transition offers for existing Unity Pro licenses)

If you already have Unity Pro licenses, you’re going to get an offer to switch to the new Pro subscription. We have many different groups of customers who have all kinds of licenses, from 3x and 4x perpetual to Unity 5 subscriptions with mobile add-ons or large studios with multiple account owners. To ensure that everything goes smoothly on the technical side, we’ll offer different groups to upgrade to the new system in batches over the coming months. If you have a Unity 5 perpetual licenses, you can already get some details on your offer in this blog post.

如果您已经拥有Unity Pro许可证,那么您将获得切换到新Pro订阅的报价。 我们有许多不同类别的客户,他们拥有各种许可证,从3x和4x永久许可证到带有移动附加组件的Unity 5订阅,或具有多个帐户所有者的大型工作室。 为了确保技术方面的一切顺利进行,我们将在接下来的几个月内提供不同的小组,以批量升级到新系统。 如果您拥有Unity 5永久许可证,则可以 在此博客文章中获得有关您的报价的一些详细信息 。

We haven’t just updated our web store. We’ve also replaced our back end system. As a result, we need to transition existing licenses to the new infrastructure. That’s why we had to launch the new store first before we can send conversion offers to those of you who already have Unity licenses. There’s more information on the timing on the migration roadmap and we will email you as soon as your offer’s ready. Talk to you then!

我们不仅更新了我们的网上商店。 我们还更换了后端系统。 因此,我们需要将现有许可证过渡到新的基础架构。 因此,我们必须先启动新商店,然后才能将转换优惠发送给已经拥有Unity许可证的你们。 有关 迁移路线图 上的时间安排的更多信息 ,我们将在您的报价准备就绪后尽快给您发送电子邮件。 然后和你谈谈!

想要查询更多的信息 (For more information)

Read the updated Unity Subscription FAQ.

阅读 更新的Unity订阅常见问题解答。

Talk to us on the forum.

在论坛上与我们交谈 。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/28/new-unity-store-is-live/



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