
期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence          12        1


Its editorial board strives to present most important research results in areas within TPAMI's scope. This includes all traditional areas of computer vision and image understanding, all traditional areas of pattern analysis and recognition, and selected areas of machine intelligence. Areas of such machine learning, search techniques, document and handwriting analysis, medical image analysis, video and image sequence analysis, content-based retrieval of image and video, face and gesture recognition and relevant specialized hardware and/or software archictectures are also covered.

《Accurate Image Search Using the Contextual Dissimilarity Measure》


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine                            4         1

IEEE Transactions on Robotics                                     6         4


This magazine deals with prototyping, demonstration and evaluation, and commercialization of robotic and automation technology and systems. It serves as the major forum for the application of theory to real-world systems, with an emphasis on implementation.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics                         12        1

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control                            12        2


The theory, design and application of Control Systems. It shall encompass components, and the integration of these components, as are necessary for the construction of such systems. The word `systems' as used herein shall be interpreted to include physical, biological, organizational and other entities and combinations thereof, which can be represented through a mathematical symbolism. The Field of Interest: shall include scientific, technical, industrial or other activities that contribute to this field,or utilize the techniques or products of this field, subject, as the art develops, to additions, subtractions, or other modifications directed or approved by the IEEE Technical Activities Board.


期刊名                                                  出版频率     SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Neural Neworks                         12           2

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking                         6            9


This publication is devoted to the timely release of high quality papers that advance the state-of-the-art and practical applications of computer networks, this journal covers such topics as: network architecture and design, communication protocols, network software, network technologies, network services and applications, and network operations management.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence         12        1

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation                     6         3


Papers on application, design, and theory of evolutionary computation, with emphasis given to engineering systems and scientific applications. Evolutionary optimization, machine learning, intelligent systems design, image processing and machine vision, pattern recognition, evolutionary neurons computing, evolutionary fuzzy systems, applications in biomedicine and biochemistry, robotics and control, mathematical modeling, civil, chemical, aeronautical, and industrial engineering applications.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering                          12      2


Specific topic areas include: a) development and maintenance methods and models, e.g., techniques and principles for the specification, design, and implementation of software systems, including notations and process models; b) assessment methods, e.g., software tests and validation, reliability models, test and diagnosis procedures, software redundancy and design for error control, and the measurements and evaluation of various aspects of the process and product; c) software project management, e.g., productivity factors, cost models, schedule and organizational issues, standards; d) tools and environments, e.g., specific tools, integrated tool environments including the associated architectures, databases, and parallel and distributed processing issues; e) system issues, e.g., hardware-software trade-off; and f) state-of-the-art surveys that provide a synthesis and comprehensive review of the historical development of one particular area ofinterest.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory                            12      3


The fundamental nature of the communication process; storage, transmission and utilization of information; coding and decoding of digital and analog communication transmissions; study of random interference and information-bearing signals; and the development of information-theoretic techniques in diverse areas, including data communication and recording systems, communication networks, cryptography, detection systems, pattern recognition, learning, and automata.


期刊名                                                    出版频率  SCI排名

Network, IEEE                                               6          5


This magazine covers topics which include: network protocols and architecture; protocol design and validation; communications software; network control, signaling and management; network implementation (LAN, MAN, WAN); and micro-to-host communications.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems             6          1

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology                        9          7


The theoretical, experimental, and operational aspects of electrical and electronics engineering and information technologies as applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Intelligent Transportation Systems are defined as those systems utilizing synergistic technologies and systems engineering concepts to develop and improve transportation systems of all kinds. The scope of this interdisciplinary activity includes the promotion, consolidation, and coordination of ITS technical activities among IEEE entities, and providing a focus for cooperative activities, both internally and externally.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging                             12        1

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine         6          8

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine                 6         11




期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on                12         2


This publication focuses on all telecommunications, including telephone, telegraphy, facsimile, and point-to-point television, by electromagnetic propagation, including radio; wire; aerial, underground, coaxial, and submarine cables; waveguides, communication satellites, and lasers; in marine, aeronautical, space, and fixed station services; repeaters, radio relaying, signal storage, and regeneration; telecommunication error detection and correction; multiplexing and carrier techniques; communication switching systems; data communications; and communication theory.


期刊名                                                     出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics                       6         4

IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging                       4         8


Published jointly by the IEEE and ASME. It encompasses all practical aspects of the theory and methods of mechatronics, the synergetic integration of mechanical engineering with electronic and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes. The ten technical areas included are: Modeling and Design, Manufacturing, Motion Control, System Integration, Vibration and Noise Control, Actuators and Sensors, Micro Devices and Opto-Electronics Systems, Intelligent Control, Automotive Systems, Robotics, and Other Applications.


期刊名                                                       出版频率  SCI排名

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,                              6         2

and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,                              6          7

and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews


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