
  • 一、项目介绍
  • 二、编译运行
    • 1、编译过程
    • 2、所需文件


俄罗斯方块:顾名思义,俄罗斯方块自然是俄罗斯人发明的。这人叫阿列克谢·帕基特诺夫(Алексей Пажитнов 英文:Alexey Pazhitnov)。俄罗斯方块原名是俄语Тетрис(英语是Tetris),这个名字来源于希腊语tetra,意思是“四”,而游戏的作者最喜欢网球(tennis)。于是,他把两个词tetra和tennis合而为一,命名为Tetris,这也就是俄罗斯方块名字的由来。




  • centos环境:


yum install gcc-c++


 yum install ncurses-devel







  • tinytetris-commented.cpp
#include <ctime>
#include <curses.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>// block layout is: {w-1,h-1}{x0,y0}{x1,y1}{x2,y2}{x3,y3} (two bits each)
int x = 431424, y = 598356, r = 427089, px = 247872, py = 799248, pr,c = 348480, p = 615696, tick, board[20][10],block[7][4] = {{x, y, x, y},{r, p, r, p},{c, c, c, c},{599636, 431376, 598336, 432192},{411985, 610832, 415808, 595540},{px, py, px, py},{614928, 399424, 615744, 428369}},score = 0;// extract a 2-bit number from a block entry
int NUM(int x, int y) { return 3 & block[p][x] >> y; }// create a new piece, don't remove old one (it has landed and should stick)
void new_piece() {y = py = 0;p = rand() % 7;r = pr = rand() % 4;x = px = rand() % (10 - NUM(r, 16));
}// draw the board and score
void frame() {for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {move(1 + i, 1); // otherwise the box won't drawfor (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {board[i][j] && attron(262176 | board[i][j] << 8);printw("  ");attroff(262176 | board[i][j] << 8);}}move(21, 1);printw("Score: %d", score);refresh();
}// set the value fo the board for a particular (x,y,r) piece
void set_piece(int x, int y, int r, int v) {for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {board[NUM(r, i * 2) + y][NUM(r, (i * 2) + 2) + x] = v;}
}// move a piece from old (p*) coords to new
int update_piece() {set_piece(px, py, pr, 0);set_piece(px = x, py = y, pr = r, p + 1);
}// remove line(s) from the board if they're full
void remove_line() {for (int row = y; row <= y + NUM(r, 18); row++) {c = 1;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {c *= board[row][i];}if (!c) {continue;}for (int i = row - 1; i > 0; i--) {memcpy(&board[i + 1][0], &board[i][0], 40);}memset(&board[0][0], 0, 10);score++;}
}// check if placing p at (x,y,r) will be a collision
int check_hit(int x, int y, int r) {if (y + NUM(r, 18) > 19) {return 1;}set_piece(px, py, pr, 0);c = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {board[y + NUM(r, i * 2)][x + NUM(r, (i * 2) + 2)] && c++;}set_piece(px, py, pr, p + 1);return c;
}// slowly tick the piece y position down so the piece falls
int do_tick() {if (++tick > 30) {tick = 0;if (check_hit(x, y + 1, r)) {if (!y) {return 0;}remove_line();new_piece();} else {y++;update_piece();}}return 1;
}// main game loop with wasd input checking
void runloop() {while (do_tick()) {usleep(10000);if ((c = getch()) == 'a' && x > 0 && !check_hit(x - 1, y, r)) {x--;}if (c == 'd' && x + NUM(r, 16) < 9 && !check_hit(x + 1, y, r)) {x++;}if (c == 's') {while (!check_hit(x, y + 1, r)) {y++;update_piece();}remove_line();new_piece();}if (c == 'w') {++r %= 4;while (x + NUM(r, 16) > 9) {x--;}if (check_hit(x, y, r)) {x = px;r = pr;}}if (c == 'q') {return;}update_piece();frame();}
}// init curses and start runloop
int main() {srand(time(0));initscr();start_color();// colours indexed by their position in the blockfor (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {init_pair(i, i, 0);}new_piece();resizeterm(22, 22);noecho();timeout(0);curs_set(0);box(stdscr, 0, 0);runloop();endwin();
  • Makefile
LDFLAGS=-lcursesall: tinytetris-commentedclean:rm -f tinytetris tinytetris-commented

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