For the last two weekends in January, creators inspired and dazzled the Sundance Film Festival audience with creative and technical breakthroughs across VR experiences, mobile and wearable AR applications, 360 videos, and interactive films.


These experiences showcased how storytelling has evolved along with the tools to tell them, challenging audiences by presenting heavy issues in a new way. The often wonderful (and sometimes quirky) ways in which visionaries have leveraged Unity to bring groundbreaking experiences to life is a testament to the ingenuity of creators worldwide.

这些经验展示了讲故事的方式以及告诉他们的工具的发展,通过以新的方式提出重大问题来挑战受众。 有远见卓识的人利用Unity来带来突破性的体验的方式常常是奇妙的(有时是古怪的)方式,这证明了全世界创作者的独创性。


开拓新领域 (Forging a New Frontier)

Among the many highlights and surprises at the Sundance Film Festival 2019 New Frontier exhibit, several key projects stood out for their unique use of Unity to create experiences that bring together the craft of storytelling, interactivity, and technology.

在圣丹斯电影节2019 New Frontier展览的众多亮点和惊喜中,几个关键项目因其独特地使用Unity来创造体验,将讲故事,互动性和技术的手法融合在一起而脱颖而出。

阴郁的眼睛 (Gloomy Eyes)

Lead Artists: Jorge Tereso, Fernando Maldonado


Key Collaborators: Antoine Cayrol, German Heller, Santiago Amigorena

主要合作者: Antoine Cayrol,German Heller,Santiago Amigorena

Gloomy Eyes pushes forward the genre of table-top, near field animation. Characters move through the game world to take viewers on an adventure in a dark city plagued by zombies. Despite its dark themes, Gloomy Eyes leverages a whimsical art style that makes the undead into endearing characters, whose mission becomes more sympathetic for the viewer as they watch their stories unfold.

Gloomy Eyes推动了桌面近场动画的类型。 角色在游戏世界中移动,带领观众进入一个充满僵尸困扰的黑暗城市的冒险之旅。 尽管主题是黑暗的,但《阴沉的眼睛》仍运用了异想天开的艺术风格,使不死生物变成了可爱的角色,当观看者观看故事时,他们的任务变得更加同情。

体现 (Embody)

Lead Artists: Melissa Painter, Thomas Wester, Siân Slawson


Key Collaborators: Joey Verbeke, Jordan Goldfarb, Ben Purdy, Peter Rubin, Eric Adrian Marshall

关键合作者:乔伊·韦贝克(Joey Verbeke),乔丹·戈德法布(Jordan Goldfarb),本·普迪(Ben Purdy),彼得·鲁宾(Peter Rubin),埃里克·阿德里安·马里斯(Eric Adrian Marshall)

Created in partnership with lululemon Whitespace and MAP Design Lab, “Embody” is piloted by movement, whole body engagement, and dialogue. The viewer simulates a fusion of yoga, dance, and aikido movements into VR, leveraging sensors placed beneath the player’s feet in a yoga mat. The experience, which takes viewers on a shared journey of trading and transforming avatars, aims to leave players with a deep feeling of physical embodiment and surprise at their bodies’ forgotten potential.

与lululemon Whitespace和MAP设计实验室合作创建的“ Embody”以运动,全身参与和对话为先导。 观看者利用置于瑜伽垫上玩家脚下的传感器,将瑜伽,舞蹈和合气道运动融合到虚拟现实中。 该体验将使观众带入共同交易和化身化身的旅程中,目的是使玩家对身体具有深刻的体会,并为自己的身体被遗忘的潜力感到惊讶。

表盘 (The Dial)

Lead Artists: Peter Flaherty, Jesse Garrison, Trey Gilmore


Key Collaborators: Jake Sally, Sal Mannino, Ela Topcuoglu, Julia Bembenek, Brian Chasalow

关键合作者:杰克·萨利(Jake Sally),萨尔·曼尼诺(Sal Mannino),埃拉·托普库鲁(Ela Topcuoglu),Julia·本贝内克(Julia Bembenek),布莱恩·查萨洛(Brian Chasalow)

The Dial is a technical achievement, combining projection mapping with dynamic ambient lighting with handheld AR. This murder mystery is a three-person experience with two roles: a single navigator controlling the pacing of the story, and two “passengers” observing the story. The Dial provides a multiplayer experience, with combined augmented reality and location-based entertainment, with overall beautiful execution.

表盘是一项技术成就,将投影映射与动态环境照明与手持式AR相结合。 这个谋杀之谜是三人经历,扮演两个角色:一个导航​​员控制故事的节奏,以及两个“乘客”观察故事。 Dial提供多人游戏体验,结合了增强现实技术和基于位置的娱乐功能,整体执行效果佳。

格里萨耶 (Grisaille)

Lead Artist: Teek Mach

首席艺术家: Teek Mach

Key Collaborators: Joel Douek, Andrew Sales

关键合作者: Joel Douek,Andrew Sales

One of the most striking uses of Tilt Brush, Grisaille offers users a mind-bending trip through a series of hand-painted portraits from artist Teek Mach, much like walking through an art gallery. This experience combines VR, holograms, sound panels, and projections. The end (spoiler warning!) offers a surprise real-life encounter with the artist, where she traces the user’s outline with Tilt Brush. It then becomes part of the experience forever.

Grisaille是Tilt Brush最为引人注目的用途之一,它通过一系列艺术家Teek Mach的手绘肖像为用户提供了一次令人激动的旅程,就像在美术馆中漫步一样。 这种体验结合了VR,全息图,音板和投影。 最后(剧透警告!)提供了与艺术家的惊喜现实生活,她用倾斜笔刷跟踪了用户的轮廓。 然后,它将永远成为体验的一部分。

小丑的故事 (A Jester’s Tale)

Lead Artist: Asad J. Malik

首席艺术家: Asad J. Malik

Key Collaborators: Jake Sally, Jack Daniel Gerrard, Mariana Irazu, Ela Topcuoglu, Philipp Schaeffer

关键合作者:杰克·萨利(Jake Sally),杰克·丹尼尔·杰拉德(Jack Daniel Gerrard),马里亚纳·伊拉祖(Mariana Irazu),埃拉·托普库鲁(Ela Topcuoglu),菲利普·舍弗(Philipp Schaeffer)

A psychologically taxing children’s fable merging the physicality of the world as the viewer comes home cold and tired just in time for a bedtime story. In this interactive augmented reality narrative, the characters are hollow meshes and the viewer is left wondering if they are too. The project is created by RYOT and 1RIC, and directed by Asad J. Malik, creator of “Terminal 3,” an augmented reality documentary that premiered at Tribeca Film Festival in 2018.

观看者寓言在心理上令人费解,将观看者的寒冷和疲倦带回家中,适时就读一个睡前故事。 在这种交互式增强现实叙事中,角色是空心的网格,观众不得不怀疑它们是否也是。 该项目由RYOT和1RIC创建,并由“终端3”的创作者Asad J. Malik指导,这是一部增强现实纪录片,于2018年在翠贝卡电影节上首映。

庆祝创作者是我们的核心价值观之一 (Celebrating creators is one of our core values)

We brought together AR/VR creators, investors, and industry innovators to celebrate the achievements of all the creators exhibiting Unity experiences in New Frontier.  In the midst of networking, attendees were treated to a sensational live performance from Reggie Watts, who, along with director/writer Kiira Benzing debuted their VR experience at New Frontier called Runnin’. If you want to take a trip to a psychedelic dance club, filled with costumed dancers pulling off gravity-defying moves, check out this experience that leveraged Intel’s volumetric capture technology to capture real life dancers. Congratulations to Reggie Watts, Kiira Benzing, John Tejada, Amy O’Neal, Ani Taj, Adam Rogers on this fun, immersive dance party experience!

我们召集了AR / VR创作者,投资者和行业创新者,以庆祝所有在New Frontier中展示Unity体验的创作者所取得的成就。 在社交网络中,雷吉·瓦茨(Reggie Watts)向与会人员展示了激动人心的现场表演,他与导演/编剧基拉·本津(Kiira Benzing)一起在名为《 Runnin'》的《新边疆》中首次展示了他们的VR体验。 如果您想去一个充满迷幻装扮的舞者的迷幻舞蹈俱乐部旅行,体验引力的动作,那就来看看这种利用英特尔的体积捕捉技术捕捉现实生活中的舞者的体验。 恭喜Reggie Watts,Kiira Benzing,John Tejada,Amy O'Neal,Ani Taj,Adam Rogers参加了这场有趣的沉浸式舞会体验!

零售从讲故事的技术中汲取教训 (Retail takes lessons from storytelling technology)

Unity’s own Tony Parisi participated in a panel called The Future of Retail, with panelists from Technicolor, Verizon Media, Brightline Interactive, and Endeavor VR. The panel, hosted at the Fly Lounge on Main Street, explored the impact XR is having on the retail business, from making representations of physical products in 3D, to experiential marketing activations and advertising platforms like Unity’s AR ads. The panelists also dove deep into the realities of production and distribution and acknowledged that while XR is still a work in progress, it is going to be at the heart of all retail planning and marketing activities in the near future.

Unity自己的Tony Parisi参加了一个名为“零售的未来”的小组,来自Technicolor,Verizon Media,Brightline Interactive和Endeavor VR的小组成员。 该小组在Main Street的Fly Lounge主持,探讨了XR对零售业务的影响,从以3D形式展示物理产品到体验营销激活和广告平台(如Unity的AR广告)。 小组成员还深入研究了生产和分销的现实,并承认尽管XR仍在进行中,但它将在不久的将来成为所有零售计划和营销活动的核心。

讲者 (Speakers)

  • Sophia Moshasha: Vice President of DC Chapter at VR AR Association/Director of Brightline Interactive

    Sophia Moshasha: VR AR协会DC分会副主席/ Brightline Interactive董事

  • Amy Peck: XR Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Future Tech Evangelist, Board Advisor, CEO at EndeavorVR

    艾米·派克(Amy Peck): XR战略家,主讲人,未来技术传播者,董事会顾问,EndeavorVR首席执行官

  • Abra Potkin: Head of Talent Relations and Strategy at Verizon

    Abra Potkin: Verizon的人才关系和战略主管

  • Nicole Winnaman: Founder of WINNAMAN & ASSOCIATES

    Nicole Winnaman: WINNAMAN&ASSOCIATES的创始人

  • Tony Parisi: Head of AR/VR Ad Innovation at Unity Technologies

    Tony Parisi: Unity Technologies的AR / VR广告创新主管

  • Marcie Jastrow: SVP Immersive Media, Head of The Technicolor Experience Center at Technicolor

    Marcie Jastrow:沉浸式媒体高级副总裁,Technicolor的Technicolor体验中心负责人

讲故事的未来 (The future of storytelling)

Sundance Film Festival continues to push the boundaries of storytelling, as seen through Made with Unity creators who unveiled unprecedented, immersive experiences this year. Unity hopes to inspire the existing and future storytellers to take risks, be bold, and try new things.  Click here to learn more about Unity’s Sundance presence and the experiences that showcase the evolution of storytelling.

圣丹斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival)继续推动讲故事的领域,例如从《与团结》(Made with Unity)创作者身上所看到的,他们在今年推出了前所未有的沉浸式体验。 Unity希望激发现有和未来的讲故事者冒险,大胆尝试新事物。 单击此处以了解有关Unity在圣丹斯(Sundance)的业务以及展示故事发展的经验的更多信息。



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