
typedef struct AVCodec {
    const char *name;
    enum CodecType type;
    enum CodecID id;
    int priv_data_size;
    int (*init)(AVCodecContext *);
    int (*encode)(AVCodecContext *, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, void *data);
    int (*close)(AVCodecContext *);
    int (*decode)(AVCodecContext *, void *outdata, int *outdata_size,
                  uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
    int capabilities;
    struct AVCodec *next;
    void (*flush)(AVCodecContext *);
    const AVRational *supported_framerates; ///array of supported framerates, or NULL if any, array is terminated by {0,0}
    const enum PixelFormat *pix_fmts;       ///array of supported pixel formats, or NULL if unknown, array is terminanted by -1
} AVCodec;
AVCodec cook_decoder =
    .name           = "cook",
    .type           = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO,
    .id             = CODEC_ID_COOK,
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(COOKContext),
    .init           = cook_decode_init,
    .close          = cook_decode_close,
    .decode         = cook_decode_frame,
enum CodecID {
sed -n 's/^[^#]*DEC.*, *\(.*\)).*/\1_decoder/p' libavcodec/allcodecs.c
所以在allcodecs.c中增加一个REGISTER_DECODER(NEW, new)条和重新配置足够增加需要的定义。现在我们有连接一个编解码器的一切。
OBJS-$(CONFIG_COOK_DECODER)            += cook.o mdct.o fft.o
FFmpeg demuxer连接
如果我们认为ffmpeg将处理一个虚构的rm文件则发生的第一件事是它作为一个rm文件被识别。它被传递到rm demuxer上(rmdec.c)。rm demuxer审查该文件和发现它是一个cook文件。
} else if (!strcmp(buf, "cook")) {
st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_COOK;

libavcodec/cook.c Init
libavcodec/cook.c Close
libavcodec/cook.c Decode
static int cook_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx,
            void *data, int *data_size,
            uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) {
 avctx是一个到AVCodecContext的指针
 data是到输出缓存的指针
 data_size是一个应被设成输出缓存字节尺寸的变量(这实际是解码的采样数*通道数*一个样本的字节尺寸)
 buf是到输入缓存的指针
 buf_size是输入缓存的字节尺寸
解码函数将返回输入缓存消耗的字节数或在一个错误的情况下返回-1。如果解码期间没有错误则返回值通常是buf_size as buf应仅包含一帧数据。比特流分析器分解比特流成被用为编解码器部分的“帧”所以一个到解码函数的调用消耗不少于来自buf的buf_size。现在鼓励独立的码流分析器。

/* The following includes have the bitstream reader, various dsp functions and the various defaults */
#include "avcodec.h"
#include "bitstream.h"
#include "dsputil.h"

/* This includes the tables needed for the Glue codec template */
#include "gluedata.h"

/* Here we declare the struct used for the codec private data */
typedef struct {
    GetBitContext       gb;
    FFTContext          fft_ctx;
    VLC                 vlc_table;
    MDCTContext         mdct_ctx;
    float*              sample_buffer;
} GLUEContext;

/* The init function */
static int glue_decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
    GLUEContext *q = avctx->priv_data;

/* This imaginary codec uses one fft, one mdct and one vlc table. */
    ff_mdct_init(&q->mdct_ctx, 10, 1);    // 2^10 == size of mdct, 1 == inverse mdct
    ff_fft_init(&q->fft_ctx, 9, 1);       // 2^9 == size of fft, 0 == inverse fft
    init_vlc (&q->vlc_table, 9, 24,
           vlctable_huffbits, 1, 1,
           vlctable_huffcodes, 2, 2, 0);  // look in bitstream.h for the meaning of the arguments

/* We also need to allocate a sample buffer */
    q->sample_buffer = av_mallocz(sizeof(float)*1024);  // here we used av_mallocz instead of av_malloc
                                                        // av_mallocz memsets the whole buffer to 0

/* Check if the allocation was successful */
    if(q->sample_buffer == NULL)
        return -1;

/* return 0 for a successful init, -1 for failure */
    return 0;

/* This is the main decode function */
static int glue_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avctx,
           void *data, int *data_size,
           uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
    GLUEContext *q = avctx->priv_data;
    int16_t *outbuffer = data;

/* We know what the arguments for this function are from above
       now we just have to decode this imaginary codec, the made up
       bitstream format is as follows:
       12 bits representing the amount of samples
       1 bit fft or mdct coded coeffs, 0 for fft/1 for mdct
         read 13 bits representing the amount of vlc coded fft data coeffs
         read 10 bits representing the amount of vlc coded mdct data coeffs
       (...bits representing the coeffs...)
       5 bits of dummy data that should be ignored
       32 bits the hex value 0x12345678, used for integrity check

/* Declare the needed variables */
    int samples, coeffs, i, fft;
    float mdct_tmp[1024];

/* Now we init the bitstream reader, we start at the beginning of the inbuffer */
    init_get_bits(&q->gb, buf, buf_size*8);  //the buf_size is in bytes but we need bits

/* Now we take 12 bits to get the amount of samples the current frame has */
    samples = get_bits(&q->gb, 12);
    /* Now we check if we have fft or mdct coeffs */
    fft = get_bits1(&q->gb);
    if (fft) {
        //fft coeffs, get how many
        coeffs = get_bits(&q->gb, 13);
    } else {
        //mdct coeffs, get how many
        coeffs = get_bits(&q->gb, 10);

/* Now decode the vlc coded coeffs to the sample_buffer */
    for (i=0 ; i<coeffs ; i++)
        q->sample_buffer[i] = get_vlc2(&q->gb, q->vlc_table.table, vlc_table.bits, 3);  //read about the arguments in bitstream.h

/* Now we need to transform the coeffs to samples */
    if (fft) {
        //The fft is done inplace
        ff_fft_permute(&q->fft_ctx, (FFTComplex *) q->sample_buffer);
        ff_fft_calc(&q->fft_ctx, (FFTComplex *) q->sample_buffer);
    } else {
        //And we pretend that the mdct is also inplace
        ff_imdct_calc(&q->mdct_ctx, q->sample_buffer, q->sample_buffer, mdct_tmp);

/* To make it easy the stream can only be 16 bits mono, so let's convert it to that */
    for (i=0 ; i<samples ; i++)
        outbuffer[i] = (int16_t)q->sample_buffer[i];

/* Report how many samples we got */
    *data_size = samples;

/* Skip the dummy data bits */
    skip_bits(&q->gb, 5);

/* Check if the buffer was consumed ok */
    if (get_bits(&q->gb,32) != 0x12345678) {
        av_log(avctx,AV_LOG_ERROR,"Stream error, integrity check failed!\n");
        return -1;

/* The decision between erroring out or not in case of unexpected data
       should be made so that the output quality is maximized.
       This means that if undamaged data is assumed then unused/resereved values
       should lead to warnings but not failure. (assumption of slightly non compliant
       OTOH if possibly damaged data is assumed and it is assumed that the original
       did contain specific values in reserved/unused fields then finding unexpected
       values should trigger error concealment code and the decoder/demuxer should
       attempt to resync.
       The decision between these 2 should be made by using
       AVCodecContext.error_recognition unless its a clear case where only one of
       the 2 makes sense.

/* Return the amount of bytes consumed if everything was ok */
    return *data_size*sizeof(int16_t);

/* the uninit function, here we just do the inverse of the init */
static int glue_decode_close(AVCodecContext *avctx)
    GLUEContext *q = avctx->priv_data;

/* Free allocated memory buffer */

/* Free the fft transform */

/* Free the mdct transform */

/* Free the vlc table */

/* Return 0 if everything is ok, -1 if not */
    return 0;

AVCodec glue_decoder =
    .name           = "glue",
    .type           = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO,
    .id             = CODEC_ID_GLUE,
    .priv_data_size = sizeof(GLUEContext),
    .init           = glue_decode_init,
    .close          = glue_decode_close,
    .decode         = glue_decode_frame,


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