

test = matrix(rnorm(200), 20, 10)

test[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] = test[1:10, seq(1, 10, 2)] + 3

test[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] = test[11:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 2

test[15:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] = test[15:20, seq(2, 10, 2)] + 4

colnames(test) = paste("Test", 1:10)

rownames(test) = paste("Gene", 1:20, sep = "_")






the number of kmeans clusters to make, if we want to aggregate the rows before drawing heatmap. If NA then the rows are not aggregated.看来这个参数是控制将行合并,

>pheatmap(test, kmeans_k = 3)

>pheatmap(test, kmeans_k = 4)



character indicating if the values should be centered and scaled in either the row direction or the column direction, or none. Corresponding values are "row", "column" and "none"



distance measure used in clustering rows. Possible values are "correlation" for Pearson correlation and all the distances supported by dist, such as "euclidean", etc. If the value is none of the above it is assumed that a distance matrix is provided.


distance measure used in clustering columns. Possible values the same as for clustering_distance_rows.

这两个参数指的是聚类距离的计算方式 皮尔逊相关系数是对欧几里德距离的优化?

> pheatmap(test, scale = "row", clustering_distance_rows = "correlation")



> pheatmap(test, color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(50))

这个配的很好看,color:vector of colors used in heatmap,应该是指的右边的注释条,这个参数的输入格式应该是一个向量

> pheatmap(test, cluster_row = FALSE)

cluster_rows   boolean values determining if rows should be clustered or hclust object,

cluster_cols    boolean values determining if columns should be clustered or hclust object.


> pheatmap(test, legend = FALSE) -- logical to determine if legend should be drawn or not.

# Show text within cells

pheatmap(test, display_numbers = TRUE)

pheatmap(test, display_numbers = TRUE, number_format = "\%.1e")

pheatmap(test, display_numbers = matrix(ifelse(test > 5, "*", ""), nrow(test)))

pheatmap(test, cluster_row = FALSE, legend_breaks = -1:4, legend_labels = c("0","1e-4", "1e-3", "1e-2", "1e-1", "1"))

> pheatmap(test, display_numbers = TRUE)

logical determining if the numeric values are also printed to the cells. If this is a matrix (with same dimensions as original matrix), the contents of the matrix are shown instead of original values.


> pheatmap(test, display_numbers = TRUE, number_format = "\%.1e")

format strings (C printf style) of the numbers shown in cells. For example "%.2f" shows 2 decimal places and "%.1e" shows exponential notation (see more in sprintf).


pheatmap(test, display_numbers = matrix(ifelse(test > 5, "*", ""), nrow(test)))

matrix(ifelse(test > 5, "*", ""), nrow(test))构建的新矩阵,其实他的代码我没看懂,我根据自己的理解> pheatmap(test, display_numbers = ifelse(test > 5, "*", "")),因为

>ifelse(test > 5, "*", "")的输出结果就是矩阵的形式,可以作为display_numbers的input.

> pheatmap(test, cluster_row = FALSE, legend_breaks = -1:4, legend_labels = c("0","1e-4", "1e-3", "1e-2", "1e-1", "1"))

legend_breaks:vector of breakpoints for the legend.

legend_labels :vector of labels for the legend_breaks—对色度注释进行操作,好像没什么意思。。。。

Lengths of legend_breaks and legend_labels must be the same

# Fix cell sizes and save to file with correct size    好像是没啥用

>pheatmap(test, cellwidth = 15, cellheight = 12, main = "Example heatmap")

cellwidth :individual cell width in points. If left as NA, then the values depend on the size of plotting window.

Cellheig:individual cell height in points. If left as NA, then the values depend on the size of plotting window.


Main:the title of the plot

>pheatmap(test, cellwidth = 15, cellheight = 12, fontsize = 8, filename = "test.pdf")

Fontsize:base fontsize for the plot

filename:file path where to save the picture. Filetype is decided by the extension in the path. Currently following formats are supported: png, pdf, tiff, bmp, jpeg. Even if the plot does not fit into the plotting window, the file size is calculated so that the plot would fit there, unless specified otherwise.

保存图片的文件路径。 文件类型由路径中的扩展名决定。 当前支持以下格式:png,pdf,tiff,bmp,jpeg。 除非另有说明,否则即使绘图不适合绘图窗口,也会计算文件大小,以使绘图适合此处。

# Generate annotations for rows and columns

annotation_col = data.frame(  CellType = factor(rep(c("CT1", "CT2"), 5)),   Time = 1:5)

rownames(annotation_col) = paste("Test", 1:10, sep = "")

annotation_row = data.frame(  GeneClass = factor(rep(c("Path1", "Path2", "Path3"), c(10, 4, 6))))

rownames(annotation_row) = paste("Gene", 1:20, sep = "")

# Display row and color annotations

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col)

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_legend = FALSE)

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_row = annotation_row)



data frame that specifies the annotations shown on left side of the heatmap. Each row defines the features for a specific row. The rows in the data and in the annotation are matched using corresponding row names. Note that color schemes takes into account if variable is continuous or discrete.


similar to annotation_row, but for columns.

# Change angle of text in the columns

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_row = annotation_row, angle_col = "45")

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, angle_col = "0")

angle_col:angle of the column labels, right now one can choose only from few predefined options (0, 45, 90, 270 and 315)

# Specify colors

ann_colors = list(

Time = c("white", "firebrick"),

CellType = c(CT1 = "#1B9E77", CT2 = "#D95F02"),

GeneClass = c(Path1 = "#7570B3", Path2 = "#E7298A", Path3 = "#66A61E")


pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_colors = ann_colors, main = "Title")

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_row = annotation_row,

annotation_colors = ann_colors)

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_colors = ann_colors[2])

annotation_colors 注释用的颜色

list for specifying annotation_row and annotation_col track colors manually. It is possible to define the colors for only some of the features. Check examples for details.


# Show custom strings as row/col names

labels_row = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",

"", "", "Il10", "Il15", "Il1b")

pheatmap(test, annotation_col = annotation_col, labels_row = labels_row)


custom labels for rows that are used instead of rownames.


similar to labels_row, but for columns.


# Specifying clustering from distance matrix

drows = dist(test, m(ethod = "minkowski"))

dcols = dist(t(test), method = "minkowski")

pheatmap(test, clustering_distance_rows = drows, clustering_distance_cols = dcols)



This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.


# Modify ordering of the clusters using clustering callback option

callback = function(hc, mat){

sv = svd(t(mat))$v[,1]

dend = reorder(as.dendrogram(hc), wts = sv)



pheatmap(test, clustering_callback = callback)


callback function to modify the clustering.

Is called with two parameters: original hclust object and the matrix used for clustering. Must return a hclust object.



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