
$ cat 1.c  #include <stdio.h>int main(void)
{printf("hello,world\n");return 0;
gcc 1.c -g -o 1 -fPIC -pie

fPIC 和 pie选项是为了让 executable成为一个 shared object.

$ cat 0.c
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>typedef int (*myMainType)(void);
int main(void)
{void *handle = dlopen("./1", RTLD_LAZY );if(handle == 0){printf("%s\n", dlerror());}myMainType pMain = dlsym(handle, "main");pMain();return 0;
gcc 0.c  -g -o 0 -ldl
$ ./0

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