
One of my students asked me last night for a definition of data being “in the cloud”, and I realized I had not written an article on the topic, so here goes.


“In the cloud” simply refers to applications and/or data being stored on the Internet, rather than on a specific device. This means that your data can be retrieved, shared and modified from any device with an Internet connection.

“在云中”仅指存储在Internet而不是特定设备上的应用程序和/或数据。 这意味着可以从具有Internet连接的任何设备上检索,共享和修改您的数据。

Cloud computing is nothing new: it is a derivation of a practice common since the 60’s. Modern browsers, databases, and technology such as AJAX have meant the idea of storage of individual data on a central server can be transferred to the web.

云计算并不是什么新鲜事物:它是60年代以来的一种普遍做法。 现代的浏览器,数据库和诸如AJAX之类的技术意味着可以将单个数据存储在中央服务器上的想法可以转移到Web上。

Some advantages and examples of cloud-based services include:


iTunes stores your purchased music on a server, which every Internet-enabled device can draw from wherever you happen to be. iTunes将您购买的音乐存储在服务器上,而不用将音乐的副本保存在不同的设备上,而是要求您在添加新的购买时重新同步它们,而每台启用Internet的设备都可以从任何地方提取信息。成为。
Mitigation of loss 减轻损失

Dropbox , Dropbox , iCloud and iCloud和Carbonite back up your important data in the cloud, allowing you to recover it even if your devices are destroyed. Carbonite)将您的重要数据备份在云中,即使您的设备被破坏,也可以将其恢复。

Synchronization of data across multiple devices 跨多个设备同步数据
Google Sync” on the Chrome browser or mobile device (and similar services for others, such as Xmarks或iCloud)上启用“ Xmarks or iCloud) means that other copies of your browser (like the one on your office machine or mobile device) share browsing history, bookmarks, extensions, gMail data, and login information. Google Sync ”意味着您的浏览器的其他副本(例如办公计算机或移动设备上的副本)共享浏览历史记录,书签,扩展名,gMail数据和登录信息。
Constant availability 持续可用性

Google Docs avoids the often-experienced scenario of “Oh, no! I left the presentation on my laptop at home!” So long as your location has an internet connection and you have a device with a browser, you can retrieve it. Google Docs等基于云的服务上可以避免经常遇到的“哦,不! 我将演示文稿放在家里的笔记本电脑上!” 只要您的位置具有互联网连接并且您的设备带有浏览器,就可以检索它。

Easy sharing 轻松分享
CloudConnect, Google Docs and other services, allows nominated users to contribute changes to a single, shared document that is updated in real time for everyone to see. CloudConnect ,Google Docs和其他服务,使指定用户可以对单个共享文档进行更改,并实时更新,以供所有人查看。

Cloud computing is not perfect, and does have a few requirements:


Server uptime 服务器正常运行时间
If the servers that hold your information go down for any reason, you lose access to your data. Most cloud-based services offer some form of local storage option to mitigate this, allowing you to backup your data from the cloud onto your own device.
如果保存您的信息的服务器由于任何原因宕机,您将无法访问数据。 大多数基于云的服务都提供了某种形式的本地存储选项来缓解这种情况,使您可以将云中的数据备份到自己的设备上。
High-speed connection 高速连接
Especially for online backups or large documents, having a reliable broadband internet connection is a must, as you will be downloading and uploading data to and from the service on a regular basis.
Security 安全
Keeping personal data perpetually on a central server creates a rich target for black-hat hackers, with potentially a single point of failure, as Sony PS3 users have recently discovered. Any personal information saved on a cloud-based service should be encrypted, and accessed via a secure connection.
正如索尼PS3用户最近发现的那样,将个人数据永久保存在中央服务器上可以为黑帽黑客创造一个丰富的目标,并且可能会出现单点故障。 保存在基于云的服务上的任何个人信息都应进行加密,并通过安全连接进行访问。

Cloud-based services are useful - I employ all of the services I have discussed here, with the exception of online backups. (With 16 terabytes of data at home, no Internet-based backup service is going to make economic or practical sense for me, at least at this time.)  Increasing penetration of broadband and mobile devices is also likely to make cloud services are inevitable; I encourage you to check them out, and provide your own recommendations in the comments.

基于云的服务非常有用-我使用了这里讨论的所有服务,但在线备份除外。 (在家中拥有16 TB的数据,至少在目前,没有基于Internet的备份服务对我来说具有经济或实用意义。)宽带和移动设备的普及率提高也有可能使云服务成为必然; 我鼓励您检查一下,并在评论中提供您自己的建议。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/350/Cloud-Computing-A-Primer



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