

select t.bid_unit,unit_id from unit t
where t.unit_id=1947;result=> 中国信息通信研究院;北京市海淀区学院-- by zhengkai.blog.csdn.net

select unnest(string_to_array(t.bid_unit,';')),unit_id from unit t
where t.unit_id=1947;result=>
北京市海淀区学院-- by zhengkai.blog.csdn.net


Function Return Type Description Example Result
string_to_array(text, text [, text]) text[] splits string into array elements using supplied delimiter and optional null string (使用提供的分隔符和可选的空字符串将字符串分割为数组元素) string_to_array(‘xx^yy^zz’, ‘^’, ‘yy’) {xx,NULL,zz}
unnest(anyarray) setof anyelement expand an array to a set of rows(将数组展开到一组行) unnest(ARRAY[1,2]) 1 2 (2 rows)



-- by zhengkai.blog.csdn.net
create table sales(year int, month int, qty int);
insert into sales values(2022, 1, 1000);
insert into sales values(2022, 2, 1500);
insert into sales values(2022, 7, 500);
insert into sales values(2022, 11, 1500);
insert into sales values(2022, 12, 2000);
insert into sales values(2023, 1, 1200);select * from crosstab('select year, month, qty from sales order by 1','select m from generate_series(1,12) m'
) as (year int,"Jan" int,"Feb" int,"Mar" int,"Apr" int,"May" int,"Jun" int,"Jul" int,"Aug" int,"Sep" int,"Oct" int,"Nov" int,"Dec" int
);year | Jan  | Feb  | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov  | Dec
------+------+------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------2022 | 1000 | 1500 |     |     |     |     | 500 |     |     |     | 1500 | 20002023 | 1200 |      |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |      |
(2 rows)


Function Returns Description
normal_rand(int numvals, float8 mean, float8 stddev) setof float8 Produces a set of normally distributed random values(产生一组正态分布的随机值)
crosstab(text sql) setof record Produces a “pivot table” containing row names plus N value columns, where N is determined by the row type specified in the calling query(生成一个包含行名和N个值列的“数据透视表”,其中N个由调用查询中指定的行类型决定)
crosstabN(text sql) setof table_crosstab_N Produces a “pivot table” containing row names plus N value columns. crosstab2, crosstab3, and crosstab4 are predefined, but you can create additional crosstabN functions as described below(生成一个包含行名和N个值列的“数据透视表”。交叉表2、交叉表3和交叉表4都是预定义的,但是您可以创建额外的跨表n函数,如下面所述)
crosstab(text source_sql, text category_sql) setof record Produces a “pivot table” with the value columns specified by a second query(生成具有由第二个查询指定的值列的“数据透视表”)
crosstab(text sql, int N) setof record Obsolete version of crosstab(text). The parameter N is now ignored, since the number of value columns is always determined by the calling query(过时版本的交叉表(文本)。参数N现在被忽略,因为值列的数量总是由调用查询决定)
connectby(text relname, text keyid_fld, text parent_keyid_fld [, text orderby_fld ], text start_with, int max_depth [, text branch_delim ]) setof record Produces a representation of a hierarchical tree structure(生成层次树结构的表示)


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