
例 4.4.1

/*  马克-to-win:

parseInt() (Function/global)

Parse a string to extract an integer value.

Property/method value type: Number primitive

JavaScript syntax: - parseInt(aNumericString, aRadixValue)

Argument list: aNumericString A string that comprises a meaningful numeric value.

aRadixValue A numeric value indicating the radix for conversion

The parseInt() function produces an integer value dictated by interpreting the string argument according to the specified radix. It can happily cope with hexadecimal values specified with the leading 0x or 0X notation. During conversion parseInt() will remove any leading whitespace characters. You don't need to do that to the string before parsing it.

Note also that parseInt() may only interpret the leading portion of a string. As soon as it encounters an invalid integer numeric character it will assume the scanning is complete. It will then silently ignore any remaining characters in the input argument.

Typical radix values are:

2 - Binary

8 - Octal

10 - Decimal

16 - Hexadecimal


var x = parseInt("77")

var y = parseInt("77xyz")


var x1 = window.parseInt("77",2)

var y1 = parseInt("77",8)



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