VirusTotal API

How to install


$ pip install vt-py


git clone git://
cd vt-py


tar -zxvf vt-py-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd vt-py-X.Y.Z


sudo python3 install


Get information about a file

Start by importing the vt module:

>>>import vt

Create a client, replace <apikey> with your actual VirusTotal API key:

>>>client = vt.Client("<apikey>")

Ask for the file you are interested in, you can replace the hash in the example with some other SHA-256, SHA-1 or MD5:

>>> file = client.get_object("/files/44d88612fea8a8f36de82e1278abb02f")

Now file is an instance of vt.Object that contains information about the requested file. This object have the attributes returned in the API response which are listed in the VirusTotal API v3 documentation. Some examples:



>>> file.sha256
>>> file.type_tag
>>> file.last_analysis_stats
{'failure': 0, 'harmless': 0, 'malicious': 62, 'suspicious': 0, 'timeout': 0, 'type-unsupported': 9, 'undetected': 2}

Get information about an URL

>>> url_id = vt.url_id("")
>>> url = client.get_object("/urls/{}", url_id)
>>> url = client.get_object("/urls/{}".format(url_id))
>>> url.times_submitted
>>> url.last_analysis_stats
{'harmless': 61, 'malicious': 0, 'suspicious': 1, 'timeout': 0, 'undetected': 8}

Scan a file

在扫描文件之前,强烈建议您按照“Get information about a file”中的描述查找它。如果文件已经存在,并且lastest analysis足够新,您可以使用它而不是再次扫描文件。如果没有,你可以用:

>>> with open("/path/to/file", "rb") as f:
>>>   analysis = client.scan_file(f)

当vt.Client.scan file()返回分析尚未完成时,返回的对象只有分析ID,没有属性。为了跟踪分析的状态,你必须请求分析对象,直到它的状态完成:

>>> while True:
>>>   analysis = client.get_object("/analyses/{}",
>>>   print(analysis.status)
>>>   if analysis.status == "completed":
>>>      break
>>>   time.sleep(30)

或者你也可以使用wait for completion参数:

>>> with open("/path/to/file", "rb") as f:
>>>   analysis = client.scan_file(f, wait_for_completion=True)

Scan an URL

>>> analysis = client.scan_url('')

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