Adrien and Austin are playing a game with rocks.
Initially, there are N rocks, indexed from 1 to N. In one move, the player chooses at least 1 and at most
K consecutively indexed rocks (all of them should not have been removed) and removes them from the
Adrien always starts the game, and then Adrien and Austin take turns making moves. The player who is
unable to make a move (because all rocks are removed) loses.
Given N, K, find who is going to win the game (assuming they are smart and are playing optimally).
The first line contains two integers N, K (0 ≤ N ≤ 106
, 1 ≤ K ≤ 106).
Print a name (“Adrien” or “Austin”, without the quotes) — the person who is going to win the game.
1 1 Adrien
9 3 Adrien

当n!=0时, 当k>=n时,Ad可以直接拿走所有的石子

using namespace std;
int main(){int n,k;cin>>n>>k;int flag;if(k>=n&&n!=0) flag=1;else{if(n==0) flag=2;if(n%2==1){flag=1;}if(n%2==0&&n!=0){if(k==1){flag=2;}elseflag=1; } }if(flag==1)printf("Adrien\n");else {printf("Austin\n");}

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