

【恋上数据结构与算法 第二季】【04】图-基础实现_遍历_拓扑排序

  • 图的实现方案
  • 邻接矩阵
  • 邻接表
  • 图的基础接口
  • 顶点、边的定义
  • 图的基础实现
  • 图的遍历
  • 广度优先搜索
  • 深度优先搜索
  • 修改遍历接口
  • AOV网
  • 拓扑排序
  • 参考








public interface Graph<V, E> {int vertexSize(); // 顶点的数量int edgeSize(); // 边的数量void addVertex(V v); // 添加一个顶点void removeVertex(V v); // 删除一个顶点void addEdge(V from, V to); // 添加一条边void addEdge(V from, V to, E weight); // 添加一条边(带权值)void removeEdge(V from, V to); // 删除一条边


public class ListGraph<V, E> implements Graph<V, E> {// 顶点private static class Vertex<V, E> {V value; // 顶点存储的元素Set<Edge<V, E>> inEdges = new HashSet<>(); // 以该顶点为终点的边(到达该顶点的边)Set<Edge<V, E>> outEdges = new HashSet<>(); // 以该顶点为起点的边(从该顶点出发的边)Vertex(V value) {this.value = value;}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object o) {Vertex<V, E> vertex = (Vertex<V, E>) o;return Objects.equals(value, vertex.value);}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {return value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return value == null ? "null" : value.toString();}}// 边private static class Edge<V, E> {E weight; // 边的权值Vertex<V, E> from; // 这条边从哪个顶点出发Vertex<V, E> to; // 这条边要到达哪个顶点Edge(Vertex<V, E> from, Vertex<V, E> to, E weight) {this.from = from;this.to = to;this.weight = weight;}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object o) {Edge<V, E> edge = (Edge<V, E>) o;return from.equals(edge.from) && to.equals(edge.to);}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {int result = 0;result = 31 * result + from.hashCode();result = 31 * result + to.hashCode();return result;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Edge{" +"from=" + from +", to=" + to +", weight=" + weight +'}';}}


public class ListGraph<V, E> implements Graph<V, E> {private final Map<V, Vertex<V, E>> vertices = new HashMap<>();private final Set<Edge<V, E>> edges = new HashSet<>();public void print() {System.out.println("顶点:");vertices.forEach((k, v) -> {System.out.println(k);System.out.println("in:");System.out.println(v.inEdges);System.out.println("out:");System.out.println(v.outEdges);System.out.println("---------------------");});System.out.println("边:");edges.forEach(System.out::println);}@Overridepublic int vertexSize() {return vertices.size();}@Overridepublic int edgeSize() {return edges.size();}@Overridepublic void addVertex(V v) {if (vertices.containsKey(v)) return;vertices.put(v, new Vertex<>(v));}@Overridepublic void removeVertex(V v) {//        Vertex<V, E> vertex = vertices.get(v);
//        if (null == vertex) return;final Vertex<V, E> removeVertex = vertices.remove(v);if (null == removeVertex) return;for (Iterator<Edge<V, E>> iterator = removeVertex.outEdges.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {final Edge<V, E> edge = iterator.next();edges.remove(edge);edge.to.inEdges.remove(edge);
//            iterator.remove();}
//        removeVertex.outEdges.clear();removeVertex.outEdges = null;for (Iterator<Edge<V, E>> iterator = removeVertex.inEdges.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {final Edge<V, E> edge = iterator.next();edges.remove(edge);edge.from.outEdges.remove(edge);
//            iterator.remove();}
//        removeVertex.inEdges.clear();removeVertex.inEdges = null;}@Overridepublic void addEdge(V from, V to) {addEdge(from, to, null);}// 如果发现某个顶点不存在那么需要创建该顶点@Overridepublic void addEdge(V from, V to, E weight) {Vertex<V, E> fromVertex = vertices.get(from);Vertex<V, E> toVertex = vertices.get(to);if (fromVertex == null) {fromVertex = new Vertex<>(from);vertices.put(from, fromVertex);}if (toVertex == null) {toVertex = new Vertex<>(to);vertices.put(to, toVertex);}Edge<V, E> edge = new Edge<>(fromVertex, toVertex, weight);if (fromVertex.outEdges.remove(edge)) { // 如果已经存在这条边了toVertex.inEdges.remove(edge);edges.remove(edge);}fromVertex.outEdges.add(edge);toVertex.inEdges.add(edge);edges.add(edge);}@Overridepublic void removeEdge(V from, V to) {Vertex<V, E> fromVertex = vertices.get(from);Vertex<V, E> toVertex = vertices.get(to);if (fromVertex == null || toVertex == null) {return;}Edge<V, E> edge = new Edge<>(fromVertex, toVertex, null);if (edges.remove(edge)) { // 如果存在这条边的话,才需要删除toVertex.inEdges.remove(edge);fromVertex.outEdges.remove(edge);}}// 顶点private static class Vertex<V, E> {V value; // 顶点存储的元素Set<Edge<V, E>> inEdges = new HashSet<>(); // 以该顶点为终点的边(到达该顶点的边)Set<Edge<V, E>> outEdges = new HashSet<>(); // 以该顶点为起点的边(从该顶点出发的边)Vertex(V value) {this.value = value;}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object o) {Vertex<V, E> vertex = (Vertex<V, E>) o;return Objects.equals(value, vertex.value);}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {return value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return value == null ? "null" : value.toString();}}// 边private static class Edge<V, E> {E weight; // 边的权值Vertex<V, E> from; // 这条边从哪个顶点出发Vertex<V, E> to; // 这条边要到达哪个顶点Edge(Vertex<V, E> from, Vertex<V, E> to, E weight) {this.from = from;this.to = to;this.weight = weight;}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object o) {Edge<V, E> edge = (Edge<V, E>) o;return from.equals(edge.from) && to.equals(edge.to);}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {int result = 0;result = 31 * result + from.hashCode();result = 31 * result + to.hashCode();return result;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Edge{" +"from=" + from +", to=" + to +", weight=" + weight +'}';}}




    // 广度优先搜索@Overridepublic void bfs(V begin) {final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;Queue<Vertex<V, E>> queue = new LinkedList<>();Set<Vertex<V, E>> set = new HashSet<>();queue.offer(beginVertex);set.add(beginVertex);while (!queue.isEmpty()) {final Vertex<V, E> vertex = queue.poll();System.out.println(vertex); // 这里的遍历只是简单的打印一下顶点for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;queue.offer(edge.to);set.add(edge.to);}}}




    // 深度优先搜索——递归实现@Overridepublic void dfs(V begin) {final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;dfs(beginVertex, new HashSet<>());}private void dfs(Vertex<V, E> vertex, Set<Vertex<V, E>> set) {System.out.println(vertex);set.add(vertex);for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;dfs(edge.to, set);}}

    // 深度优先搜索——非递归实现@Overridepublic void dfs(V begin) {final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;Set<Vertex<V, E>> set = new HashSet<>();Stack<Vertex<V, E>> stack = new Stack<>();stack.push(beginVertex);set.add(beginVertex);System.out.println(beginVertex);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {final Vertex<V, E> vertex = stack.pop();for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;stack.push(edge.from);stack.push(edge.to);set.add(edge.to);System.out.println(edge.to);break;}}}


public interface Graph<V, E> {int vertexSize(); // 顶点的数量int edgeSize(); // 边的数量void addVertex(V v); // 添加一个顶点void removeVertex(V v); // 删除一个顶点void addEdge(V from, V to); // 添加一条边 // 如果发现某个顶点不存在那么自动创建该顶点void addEdge(V from, V to, E weight); // 添加一条边(带权值) // 如果发现某个顶点不存在那么自动创建该顶点void removeEdge(V from, V to); // 删除一条边//    void bfs(V begin); // 广度优先搜索遍历
//    void dfs(V begin); // 深度优先搜索遍历void bfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor); // 广度优先搜索遍历void dfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor); // 深度优先搜索遍历interface Visitor<V> {void vertex(V v);}
    // 广度优先搜索@Overridepublic void bfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor) {if (null == visitor) return;final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;Queue<Vertex<V, E>> queue = new LinkedList<>();Set<Vertex<V, E>> set = new HashSet<>();queue.offer(beginVertex);set.add(beginVertex);while (!queue.isEmpty()) {final Vertex<V, E> vertex = queue.poll();visitor.vertex(vertex.value);for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;queue.offer(edge.to);set.add(edge.to);}}}// 深度优先搜索——非递归实现@Overridepublic void dfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor) {if (null == visitor) return;final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;Set<Vertex<V, E>> set = new HashSet<>();Stack<Vertex<V, E>> stack = new Stack<>();stack.push(beginVertex);set.add(beginVertex);visitor.vertex(beginVertex.value);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {final Vertex<V, E> vertex = stack.pop();for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;stack.push(edge.from);stack.push(edge.to);set.add(edge.to);visitor.vertex(edge.to.value);break;}}// 深度优先搜索——递归实现public void dfs2(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor) {if (null == visitor) return;final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;dfs2(beginVertex, new HashSet<>(), visitor);}private void dfs2(Vertex<V, E> vertex, Set<Vertex<V, E>> set, Visitor<V> visitor) {visitor.vertex(vertex.value);set.add(vertex);for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;dfs2(edge.to, set, visitor);}}}


    void bfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor); // 广度优先搜索遍历void dfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor); // 深度优先搜索遍历
// 可以停止遍历interface Visitor<V> {boolean vertex(V v); // 返回true,就终止遍历}
// 可以停止遍历// 广度优先搜索@Overridepublic void bfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor) {if (null == visitor) return;final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;Queue<Vertex<V, E>> queue = new LinkedList<>();Set<Vertex<V, E>> set = new HashSet<>();queue.offer(beginVertex);set.add(beginVertex);while (!queue.isEmpty()) {final Vertex<V, E> vertex = queue.poll();if (visitor.vertex(vertex.value)) return;for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;queue.offer(edge.to);set.add(edge.to);}}}// 深度优先搜索——非递归实现@Overridepublic void dfs(V begin, Visitor<V> visitor) {if (null == visitor) return;final Vertex<V, E> beginVertex = vertices.get(begin);if (null == beginVertex) return;Set<Vertex<V, E>> set = new HashSet<>();Stack<Vertex<V, E>> stack = new Stack<>();stack.push(beginVertex);set.add(beginVertex);if (visitor.vertex(beginVertex.value)) return;while (!stack.isEmpty()) {final Vertex<V, E> vertex = stack.pop();for (Edge<V, E> edge : vertex.outEdges) {if (set.contains(edge.to)) continue;stack.push(edge.from);stack.push(edge.to);set.add(edge.to);if (visitor.vertex(edge.to.value)) return;break;}}}





    // 使用卡恩算法对DAG进行拓扑排序@Overridepublic List<V> topologicalSort() {List<V> list = new ArrayList<>(); // list用来存放遍历结果,返回给使用者Queue<Vertex<V, E>> queue = new LinkedList<>(); // queue用来存放入度为0的顶点Map<Vertex<V, E>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); // 顶点的入度表// 初始化入度表和queue(将度为0的节点都放入队列)vertices.forEach((v, vertex) -> {int inSize = vertex.inEdges.size();if (inSize == 0) queue.offer(vertex);else// 初始化入度表时,没有必要将入度为0的顶点放入入度表中map.put(vertex, inSize);});while (!queue.isEmpty()) {Vertex<V, E> vertex = queue.poll();list.add(vertex.value);vertex.outEdges.forEach(edge -> {Integer integer = map.get(edge.to);integer--;if (integer == 0)// 将这个顶点入队后,就不用更新该顶点的入度了queue.offer(edge.to);else map.put(edge.to, integer);});}return list;}


public class Data {public static final Object[][] TOPO = {{0, 2},{1, 0},{2, 5}, {2, 6},{3, 1}, {3, 5}, {3, 7},{5, 7},{6, 4},{7, 6}};
    /*** 有向图*/private static Graph<Object, Double> directedGraph(Object[][] data) {Graph<Object, Double> graph = new ListGraph<>();for (Object[] edge : data) {if (edge.length == 1) {graph.addVertex(edge[0]);} else if (edge.length == 2) {graph.addEdge(edge[0], edge[1]);} else if (edge.length == 3) {double weight = Double.parseDouble(edge[2].toString());graph.addEdge(edge[0], edge[1], weight);}}return graph;}/*** 无向图*/private static Graph<Object, Double> undirectedGraph(Object[][] data) {Graph<Object, Double> graph = new ListGraph<>();for (Object[] edge : data) {if (edge.length == 1) {graph.addVertex(edge[0]);} else if (edge.length == 2) {graph.addEdge(edge[0], edge[1]);graph.addEdge(edge[1], edge[0]);} else if (edge.length == 3) {double weight = Double.parseDouble(edge[2].toString());graph.addEdge(edge[0], edge[1], weight);graph.addEdge(edge[1], edge[0], weight);}}return graph;}private static void testTopologicalSort() {Graph<Object, Double> graph = directedGraph(Data.TOPO);graph.topologicalSort().forEach(System.out::println);}public static void main(String[] args) {testTopologicalSort();}


小码哥李明杰老师课程: 恋上数据结构与算法 第二季.


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