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The fire acquisitions of the Spring Festival party

Just now I chatted with my friend in QQ on Spring Festival party. I asked about the splendid program he liked. His answered disputed me because he considered no program was satisfactory. And I told to him that the feeling for watching the party was surprising. I hate it but I accept it.

I believe that kind of feeling is suitable for every body. In my mind, Spring Festival party is valueless and tasteless. So many people told it as rubbish. However, every year so many people watch the program and it is still so popular that so many friends propose the short points and faults.

Right now I read some article which mentioned that the Spring Festival party was most satisfactory. More than 17.98 percent give full mark on it. There should be many highlights in it. To cater for the trend, I refined some highlights to give one reference.

First, rational arrangement, high integrity

I have enjoyed some commentary on Spring Festival party. They often talked that the party can’t cater for every spectator. There always is some rubbish in it. you know there are so many kinds of programs. It can’t be perfect.

But this time, the Spring Festival party is almost the best one. The arrangement is rational and every program matches well with each other. They have showed their features. There are two outstanding acrobatics. From the aspects of the programs, all hot topic such as Olympic, Stock have been involved. The form is also felicitous.

Second, full of stars and popularity

I estimated that many spectators like the stars other than the programs for example jay. As a matter of fact, there are just one or two highlights. but because of so many programs the audience rating is high.

No matter where they are from, Jay is star and Benshan Zhao is also star. But they are of different kinds. For the young people, the fashionable stars are the best favor. SHE and Jay have been involved. But what is more important, the program of “Warm 2008” has been perfectly shown by many stars. But there are no super girls and boys, what a pity, although I don’t like them and I don’t think they are qualified for it.

Third, so many large scale programs

The number of the programs is fewer. That leads large scale for every program. I have analyzed the features. The scale of the programs is so larger that there should be many kinds of actors took part in. that have two good points. One is the scale become larger second is that it provides more opportunities.

Of course it caters for the idea of “large and all-inclusive”. But it is not overstaffed. More than half of the programs are of this kind. The program become shorter but the content is not shorter. So the program of Jay is glorious because no body plunders the stage with him.

Forth, the flexible form and feature

Xue Han is one singer. This time she played as another kind of role. So it is with Tao Zhou. Some friends think it is not suitable but flexible. It is one flexible mirror.

Some days ago, one hot topic is that whether Jing Luo can sing the song of Jay. We can see the hot topic are disputable and beyond our imagination. The tiger is so powerful and the photos of Guanxi Chen are so attractive. That’s the same theory. But there is still principle for the Spring Festival party. So that’s the way of groping and trying.

Fifth , almost perfect party

Last year, one serious fault happened. It caused heavy criticized. We know there are always some friends take the faults. But it is common for the faults. Now this time the party can be most perfect.

For some friends, the program of Zhao is still most favorable. That’s contrary to the statement of “exhausted power”. What is simple is the feature and character of Zhao is unchanged and no body can get one better choice. So he is the best choice. If we pick out some faults for one thing but we can not bring forward the better choice, that means it is best.



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