本文Ambire钱包CEO兼创始人Ivo Georgiev将为大家解答用户最想了解的9个问题。


Ivo 是 Ambire 的首席执行官兼创始人,Ambire 是一款专注于 DeFi 的智能钱包,旨在提供比 MetaMask 更好的用户体验,同时具有高级用户功能。 Ivo 具有技术背景,从 11 岁开始编码,曾参与过游戏、广告技术、视频流、加密、安全和算法交易领域的各种项目。 Ivo 于 2015 年推出了他的第一家成功创业公司,如今拥有超过 2000 万的用户群。

Q1:欢迎Ivo Georgiev,请先介绍一下Ambire钱包。

Ambire 旨在通过提供更好的用户体验来颠覆 MetaMask,同时具有高级用户功能。 Ambire 的与众不同之处在于它是一个智能钱包,它可以使用稳定币支付 gas、自动化flashbots/基于 eden的自动保护、打包处理(在同一个 tx处理多项事务!)、硬件钱包(Trezor/Ledger)。 Ambire 是无需扩展的基于 Web 的钱包,您可以使用 WalletConnect 连接到任何 dApp。 您也可以直接使用信用卡或银行转账存入法定货币。


Ambire 的商业模式是收费的:交换代币需要付费。 交易费用将与底层网络费用相同,但我们有 gas 优化技术,可以节省一点网络费用:节省的一部分也将是我们的协议收入。


与 MetaMask 相比,我们提供了更好的用户体验:例如,交易以人性化的方式显示(例如“以至少 0.5 美元的价格交换 1 个钱包”而不是一些十六进制数据)。 我们也是基于网络的,不需要扩展程序,也不需要写下种子短语:同样地,您可以像普通应用程序一样使用电子邮件/密码进行注册。

与 Argent 相比,我们还有一个web版本,而不仅仅是移动版本。



Ambire 是我们的新品牌,它的意思是“向往”、“为之奋斗”。 我们发现这种激励意义非常符合我们的团队精神。

AdEx 曾经是我们曾经的品牌:我们开发了一个名为 AdEx Network 的透明且保护隐私的广告网络,现在我们将其移交给了它的社区。

目前,我们的团队完全专注于Ambire 钱包的开发与进程。


Ambire 钱包处于测试阶段,正式版将在未来几天内推出。您可以在 https://wallet.ambire.com 上注册。


- 使用电子邮件/密码、Metamask/浏览器钱包或 Trezor/Ledger 硬件钱包注册

- 使用加密或法币充值账户,可使用多种方法,包括 Ramp.network

- 支持以太坊、Polygon、Avalanche和 BSC

- 使用内置的 SushiSwap 交换代币;无需 ERC20 批准

- 在支持的网络上发送或接收任何令牌

- 使用 Ambire 钱包中的 AAVE 赚取被动收入

- 使用 WalletConnect 连接到任何 dApp

- 交易解析:您可以清晰知道知道交易细节,我们具有人性化的解析,例如“Swap 2 SUSHI for at least 14.12 USDT”

- 交易批量:可以批量发送多笔交易,节省Gas费用

- 以稳定币支付交易费用

- 查看和发送您的 NFT

- 轻松的分类帐支持:适用于 Firefox 和 Chrome 以及基于 Chrome 的浏览器,无需扩展


WALLET 是我们的治理代币:它用于制定项目决策,例如集成、代币列表、资金插件等。

WALLET总量是 10 亿。


●10% 给早期支持者,1 年线性释放

● 10% 给团队以绩效为基础,3 年线性释放

● 10% 给 ADX 质押者; 作为 AdEx 社区参与的一种方式,在 18 个月内作为额外的质押奖励分发

● 30% 分配给早期用户和质押者,分 4 年释放

● 35% 分配给 DAO

●5% 的初始流动性,通过启动拍卖释放




更重要的是,DAO 将决定收入的分配方式:整个协议收入都归 DAO 所有,它可以决定是重新分配给利益相关者,还是进行回购和销毁,或者将收入再投资于新的风险投资和发展。


我们目前募集到300万美元的资金,投资方包括Ascensive Assets、LaunchHub Ventures、Spark、Momentum、Daedalus、0x5432、Genblock等公司。










Introduction:Ivo is the CEO and founder of Ambire, a DeFi-focused smart wallet called Ambire that aims to provide better UX than MetaMask, while still having power user features. Ivo comes from a technical background, and has been coding since 11 years old, having worked on various projects in the fields of gaming, adtech, video streaming, crypto, security and algotrading. Ivo launched his first successful startup in 2015, which has a userbase of over 20 million today.

Q1: Ivo Georgiev,welcome to our community, please introduce the Ambire wallet first.

Ambire Wallet is a full featured non-custodial DeFi wallet that unifies the best earning opportunities, while solving common pain points of DeFi and Ethereum. It's the first DeFi wallet that combines power, security and ease of use.

Ambire aims disrupt MetaMask by providing a way better user experience, while still having power user features. What sets Ambire apart is that it is a smart wallet, which enables paying gas in stablecoins, automatic flashbots/eden-based frontrunning protection, batching (doing multiple things in one tx!), hardware wallets (Trezor/Ledger). Ambire is web based, there's no extension neded, and you can connect to any dApp with WalletConnect. You can also deposit fiat money directly with a credit card or bank transfer.

Q2: What are the main businesses in Ambire wallet?

Ambire’s business model is fee-based: there will be a fee for swapping tokens. Transaction fees will be the same as the underlying network fees, but we have gas optimization techniques which save a bit of the network fee: a portion of what’s saved will also be protocol revenue.

Q3: Compared with Metamask and Argent, what are the advantages of Ambire wallet?

Compared to MetaMask, we provide much better UX: for example, transactions are displayed in a human friendly manner (eg “swap 1 WALLET for at least $0.5” instead of some hex data). We’re also web based, there’s no extension required, and we don’t require writing down a seed phrase: instead, you can signup with an email/password just like a regular app.
Compared to Argent, we also have a web (desktop) version rather than just being mobile-only.

You can read more about our non-custodial email accounts here: https://twitter.com/AmbireWallet/status/1470421970185592835?s=20

Q4: We noticed that the previous project was called AdEx Wallet and now it is renamed Ambire. Is there any story behind this? What does this word mean?

Ambire is our new brand and it means “to aspire”, “to strive for”. We find this motivational meaning to be really fitting to our team and mindset.

AdEx used to be our previous brand: we developed a transparent and privacy-preserving ad network called AdEx Network, which we now transitioned into the hands of it’s community and users.

Currently our team is fully focused on the Ambire Wallet.

Q5: What is the current progress of the project? Can you explain it to us?

The Ambire Wallet is in beta and it’s going to be launched in only a few days. You can sign up at https://wallet.ambire.com

So far, we’ve implemented many features such as:

- Sign up using email/password, Metamask/Browser Wallet or Trezor/Ledger hardware wallet

- Top-up account with crypto or FIAT, several methods available including Ramp.network

- Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche and BSC supported

- Swap tokens using the built-in SushiSwap; no ERC20 approvals required

- Send or receive any token on the supported networks

- Earn passive income using AAVE within Ambire Wallet

- Connect to any dApp using WalletConnect

- Transaction parsing: you always know what transactions are doing, with human-friendly parsing such as "Swap 2 SUSHI for at least 14.12 USDT"

- Transaction batching: you can send multiple transactions as one batch, saving gas and effort

- Pay transaction fees in stablecoins

- View and send your NFTs

- Effortless Ledger support: works both on Firefox and Chrome and Chrome-based browsers, no extensions needed

Q6: We have learned that there is a new token called $wallet. Can you introduce us to the basic information of the token, such as the total amount of tokens, distribution and other information?

WALLET is our governance token: it is used for making project decisions such as integrations, token lists, funding plugins, etc.

There will be 1 billion WALLET.

The total distribution is as follows:

● 10% to the early backers with 1 year linear vesting

● 10% to the team on a merit basis, with 3 year linear vesting

● 10% to ADX stakers; as a way of involving the AdEx community, distributed over 18 months as additional staking rewards

● 30% allocation for early users and stakers, distributed over 4 years

● 35% allocation to the DAO

● 5% for initial liquidity, distributed over a launch auction

Q7: What role does $Wallet play in the entire Ambire ecosystem?

WALLET is a governance token: it is used for making project decisions such as integrations, token lists, funding plugins, etc.

For example, if someone wants to develop a plugin for Ambire, they may ask the DAO for funding, and then the token holders can vote on that proposal.

More importantly, the DAO will decide how revenue gets distributed: the whole protocol revenue goes to the DAO and it can decide whether to redistribute to stakers, or do a buyback-and-burn, or reinvest the revenue into new ventures and developments.

Q8: How is the current project financing situation? What are the highlights?

We raised a $3M funding round from Ascensive Assets, LaunchHub Ventures, Spark, Momentum, Daedalus, 0x5432, Genblock and others.

You can read more about our strategic round here:



Q9: What’s the plan of launching the tokens? How could we participate as a normal user?

We are going to announce a public token auction very soon, stay tuned and subscribe to our communication channels:





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