
Enter a two-digit number: 45
You entered the number forty-five.

# include <stdio.h>int main()
{int a1, a2;printf("Enter a two-digit number: ");scanf("%1d%1d", &a1, &a2);//先解决10-19 的数字if(a1 < 2){switch(a2){case 0: printf("You entered the number ten.\n"); break;case 1: printf("You entered the number eleven.\n"); break;case 2: printf("You entered the number twelve.\n"); break;case 3: printf("You entered the number thirteen.\n"); break;case 4: printf("You entered the number fourteen.\n"); break;case 5: printf("You entered the number fifteen.\n"); break;case 6: printf("You entered the number sixteen.\n"); break;case 7: printf("You entered the number seventeen.\n"); break;case 8: printf("You entered the number eighteen.\n"); break;case 9: printf("You entered the number nineteen.\n"); break;}}else{//十位数switch(a1){case 2: printf("You entered the number twenty"); break;case 3: printf("You entered the number thirty"); break;case 4: printf("You entered the number forty"); break;case 5: printf("You entered the number fifty"); break;case 6: printf("You entered the number sixty"); break;case 7: printf("You entered the number seventy"); break;case 8: printf("You entered the number eighty"); break;case 9: printf("You entered the number ninety"); break;}//个位数switch(a2){case 0: printf(".\n"); break;case 1: printf("-one.\n"); break;case 2: printf("-two.\n"); break;case 3: printf("-three.\n"); break;case 4: printf("-four.\n"); break;case 5: printf("-five.\n"); break;case 6: printf("-six.\n"); break;case 7: printf("-seven.\n"); break;case 8: printf("-eight.\n"); break;case 9: printf("-nine.\n"); break;}}return 0;}


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