在类Unix操作系统里面,。dup2和dup都通过系统调用来产生一份file descriptor 的拷贝。
   int dup(int filedes);
   int dup2(int filedes1,int filedes2);
   int dup2(int oldfd,int newfd)
   With dup2, we specify the value of the new descriptor with the fd2 argument.
   If fd2 is already open, it is first closed. If fd equals fd2,t hen dup2 re turns fd2 without closing it.
   Otherwise, theFD_CLOEXECfile descriptor flag is cleared forfd2, so that fd2 is left open if the process calls exec
   dup2是返回错误还是 “fd2 is already open, it is first closed”呢?
   Just test it.
   int main()
   int file_descriptor;
   if((file_descriptor = open("./text.t",O_RDWR)) < 0)
   printf("file descriptor is %d\n",file_descriptor);
   printf("dup2 return value:%d\n dup return value\
   printf("dup2 return value:%d\ndup return value\
   printf("dup2 return value:%d\ndup return value\
   return 0;
   Aha! Something interesting happened.
   file descriptor is 3
   dup2 return value:0
   dup return value 4
   问题都在第二个printf语句中调用的dup2 www.jx-jf.com
   dup2的第二个参数是1,1是什么?STDIN_FILENO宏的本质就是1.这里还是那句话“fd2 is already open, it is first closed”
   三个标准流在文件进程开始的时候肯定是都被打开的,already open是一定的事情 www.yzyedu.com
   int main()
   int file_descriptor;
   if((file_descriptor = open("./text.t",O_RDWR)) < 0)
   printf("file descriptor is %d\n",file_descriptor);
   printf("dup2 return value:%d\n dup return value\
   printf("dup2 return value:%d\ndup return value\
   printf("dup2 return value:%d\ndup return value\
   return 0;
   file descriptor is 3
   dup2 return value:0
   dup return value 4
   dup2 return value:10
   dup return value 5
   dup2 return value:11
   dup return value 6
   Similarly,the call
   dup2(fd, fd2);
   is equivalent to
   fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, fd2);
   1. dup2 is an atomic operation, whereas the alternate form involves two function
   calls. It is possible in the latter case to have a signal catcher called between the
   closeand the fcntlthat could modify the file descriptors. (W edescribe
   signals in Chapter 10.) The same problem could occur if a different thread
   changes the file descriptors. (Wedescribe threads in Chapter 11.)
   2. Ther eare s ome errnodifferences between dup2 and fcntl.


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