
As breadcrumb menùs are quite popular today, I won't digress much on explaining them, leaving the wiki link to do all the dirty work in my place.

What might not be so trivial is instead to get a decent breadcrumb from your current url. For this kata, your purpose is to create a function that takes a url, strips the first part (labelling it always HOME) and then builds it making each element but the last a <a> element linking to the relevant path; last has to be a <span> element getting the active class.

All elements need to be turned to uppercase and separated by a separator, given as the second parameter of the function; the last element can terminate in some common extension like .html.htm.php or .asp; if the name of the last element is index.something, you treat it as if it wasn't there, sending users automatically to the upper level folder.

A few examples can be more helpful than thousands of words of explanation, so here you have them:

generate_bc("mysite.com/pictures/holidays.html", " : ") == '<a href="/">HOME</a> : <a href="/pictures/">PICTURES</a> : <span class="active">HOLIDAYS</span>'
generate_bc("www.codewars.com/users/GiacomoSorbi", " / ") == '<a href="/">HOME</a> / <a href="/users/">USERS</a> / <span class="active">GIACOMOSORBI</span>'
generate_bc("www.microsoft.com/docs/index.htm", " * ") == '<a href="/">HOME</a> * <span class="active">DOCS</span>'

Seems easy enough?

Well, probably not so much, but we have one last extra rule: if one element (other than the root/home) is longer than 30 characters, you have to shorten it, acronymizing it (i.e.: taking just the initials of every word); url will be always given in the format this-is-an-element-of-the-url and you should ignore words in this array while acronymizing: ["the","of","in","from","by","with","and", "or", "for", "to", "at", "a"]; a url composed of more words separated by - and equal or less than 30 characters long needs to be just uppercased with hyphens replaced by spaces.

Ignore anchors (www.url.com#lameAnchorExample) and parameters (www.url.com?codewars=rocks&pippi=rocksToo) when present.


generate_bc("mysite.com/very-long-url-to-make-a-silly-yet-meaningful-example/example.htm", " > ") == '<a href="/">HOME</a> > <a href="/very-long-url-to-make-a-silly-yet-meaningful-example/">VLUMSYME</a> > <span class="active">EXAMPLE</span>'
generate_bc("www.very-long-site_name-to-make-a-silly-yet-meaningful-example.com/users/giacomo-sorbi", " + ") == '<a href="/">HOME</a> + <a href="/users/">USERS</a> + <span class="active">GIACOMO SORBI</span>'

You will always be provided valid url to webpages in common formats, so you probably shouldn't bother validating them.

If you like to test yourself with actual work/interview related kata, please also consider this one about building a string filter for Angular.js.

Special thanks to the colleague that, seeing my code and commenting that I worked on that as if it was I was on CodeWars, made me realize that it could be indeed a good idea for a kata :)


def generate_bc(url, separator):if '//' in url:url = url[url.index('//') + 2:]url = url.rstrip('/')try:for i, c in enumerate(url):if c in ['?', '#']:url = url[0:i]breakmenus = url.split('/')[1:]if menus and 'index.' == menus[-1][0:6]:menus = menus[:-1]if not menus:return '<span class="active">HOME</span>'breadcrumb = '<a href="/">HOME</a>'for i, e in enumerate(menus[:-1]):breadcrumb += separator + '<a href="/{}/">{}</a>'.format('/'.join(menus[:i + 1]), get_element_name(e))breadcrumb += separator + '<span class="active">{}</span>'.format(get_element_name(menus[-1]))return breadcrumbexcept:return urlignore_words = ["the", "of", "in", "from", "by", "with", "and", "or", "for", "to", "at", "a"]def get_element_name(element):acronyms = element.split('-')for i, c in enumerate(acronyms[-1]):if c == '.':acronyms[-1] = acronyms[-1][:i]breakif len(element) > 30:for i, c in reversed(list(enumerate(acronyms))):if c in ignore_words:acronyms.pop(i)return ''.join([s[0].upper() for s in acronyms])return ' '.join([s.upper() for s in acronyms])#另解
from re import subignoreList = ["THE", "OF", "IN", "FROM", "BY", "WITH", "AND",  "OR",  "FOR",  "TO",  "AT",  "A"]def generate_bc(url, separator):# remove leading http(s):// and trailing /url = sub("https?://", "", url.strip("/"))# skip index filesurl = sub("/index\..+$", "", url)# split url for processingurl = url.split("/")# remove file extensions, anchors and parametersurl[-1] = sub("[\.#\?].*", "", url[-1])# first element is always "home"menu = ["HOME"]# generate breadcrumb itemsfor item in url[1:]:# replace dashes and set to uppercaseitem = sub("-", " ", item.upper())# create acronym if too longif len(item) > 30:item = "".join([w[0] for w in item.split() if w not in ignoreList])menu.append(item)# generate pathspath = ["/"]for i in range(len(url) - 1):path.append(path[i] + url[i+1] + "/")# generate html codehtml = []for i in range(len(url) - 1):html.append("<a href=\"" + path[i] + "\">" + menu[i] +"</a>")html.append("<span class=\"active\">" + menu[-1] +"</span>")return separator.join(html)

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