

在前两篇文章中简单阐述了Java Future 和Guava ListenableFuture及其相关的应用。我们发现Guava ListenableFuture提供了比Java Future更加强大的功能,而在Google Guava并发包中,某些情况下,Futures这个类起到了不可或缺的作用,而ListenableFuture实现非阻塞的原理是其提供了回调机制(机制),下面将阐述其中的回调机制的实现,主要对Futures的addCallback方法源码进行详细的剖析。

2、Guava Futures简介

Google Guava框架的 com.google.common.util.concurrent包是并发相关的包,它是对JDK自带concurrent包中Future和线程池相关类的扩展,从而衍生出一些新类,并提供了更为广泛的功能。在项目中常用的该包中类如下所示:




AsyncRestTemplate tp = new AsyncRestTemplate();
org.springframework.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<ResponseEntity<Object>> response = tp.getForEntity("http://blog.csdn.net/pistolove", Object.class);
ListenableFuture<ResponseEntity<Object>> listenInPoolThread = JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(response);
Futures.addCallback(listenInPoolThread, new FutureCallback<Object>() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess(Object result) {System.err.println(result.getClass());System.err.printf("success", result);}@Overridepublic void onFailure(Throwable t) {System.out.printf("failure");}


//com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futurespublic static <V> void addCallback(ListenableFuture<V> future,FutureCallback<? super V> callback) {addCallback(future, callback, directExecutor());}

在addCallback方法中,我们发现多了一个 directExecutor()方法,这里的 directExecutor()方法返回的是一个枚举类型的线程池,这样做的目的是提高性能,而线程池中的execute方法实质执行的是所的传入参数Runnable 的run方法,可以把这里的线程池看作一个”架子”。

//创建一个单实例的线程 接口需要显著的性能开销 提高性能public static Executor directExecutor() {return DirectExecutor.INSTANCE;}/** See {@link #directExecutor} for behavioral notes. */private enum DirectExecutor implements Executor {INSTANCE;@Override public void execute(Runnable command) {command.run();}}


//增加回调public static <V> void addCallback(final ListenableFuture<V> future,final FutureCallback<? super V> callback, Executor executor) {Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback);//每一个future进来都会创建一个独立的线程运行Runnable callbackListener = new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {final V value;try {// TODO(user): (Before Guava release), validate that this// is the thing for IE.//这里是真正阻塞的地方,直到获取到请求结果value = getUninterruptibly(future);} catch (ExecutionException e) {callback.onFailure(e.getCause());return;} catch (RuntimeException e) {callback.onFailure(e);return;} catch (Error e) {callback.onFailure(e);return;}//调用callback的onSuccess方法返回结果callback.onSuccess(value);}};//增加监听,其中executor只提供了一个架子的线程池future.addListener(callbackListener, executor);}


      @Overridepublic void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor exec) {//将监听任务和线程池加入到执行列表中executionList.add(listener, exec);//This allows us to only start up a thread waiting on the delegate future when the first listener is added.//When a listener is first added, we run a task that will wait for the delegate to finish, and when it is done will run the listeners.//这允许我们启动一个线程来等待future当第一个监听器被加入的时候//当第一个监听器被加入,我们将启动一个任务等待future完成,一旦当前的future完成后将会执行监听器//判断是否有监听器加入if (hasListeners.compareAndSet(false, true)) {//如果当前的future完成则立即执行监听列表中的监听器,执行完成后返回if (delegate.isDone()) {// If the delegate is already done, run the execution list// immediately on the current thread.//执行监听列表中的监听任务executionList.execute();return;}//如果当前的future没有完成,则启动线程池执行其中的任务,阻塞等待直到有一个future完成,然后执行监听器列表中的监听器adapterExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {try {/** Threads from our private pool are never interrupted. Threads* from a user-supplied executor might be, but... what can we do?* This is another reason to return a proper ListenableFuture* instead of using listenInPoolThread.*/getUninterruptibly(delegate);} catch (Error e) {throw e;} catch (Throwable e) {// ExecutionException / CancellationException / RuntimeException// The task is done, run the listeners.}//执行链表中的任务executionList.execute();}});}}}


  //将任务放入ExecutionList中public void add(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) {// Fail fast on a null.  We throw NPE here because the contract of// Executor states that it throws NPE on null listener, so we propagate// that contract up into the add method as well.Preconditions.checkNotNull(runnable, "Runnable was null.");Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor, "Executor was null.");// Lock while we check state.  We must maintain the lock while adding the// new pair so that another thread can't run the list out from under us.// We only add to the list if we have not yet started execution.//判断是否执行完成,如果没有执行完成,则放入待执行的链表中synchronized (this) {if (!executed) {runnables = new RunnableExecutorPair(runnable, executor, runnables);return;}}// Execute the runnable immediately. Because of scheduling this may end up// getting called before some of the previously added runnables, but we're// OK with that.  If we want to change the contract to guarantee ordering// among runnables we'd have to modify the logic here to allow it.//执行监听executeListener(runnable, executor);}


    //执行监听链表中的任务public void execute() {// Lock while we update our state so the add method above will finish adding// any listeners before we start to run them.//创建临时变量保存列表,并将成员变量置空让垃圾回收RunnableExecutorPair list;synchronized (this) {if (executed) {return;}executed = true;list = runnables;runnables = null;  // allow GC to free listeners even if this stays around for a while.}// If we succeeded then list holds all the runnables we to execute.  The pairs in the stack are// in the opposite order from how they were added so we need to reverse the list to fulfill our// contract.// This is somewhat annoying, but turns out to be very fast in practice.  Alternatively, we // could drop the contract on the method that enforces this queue like behavior since depending// on it is likely to be a bug anyway.// N.B. All writes to the list and the next pointers must have happened before the above // synchronized block, so we can iterate the list without the lock held here.//因为先加入的监听任务会在连边的末尾,所以需要将链表翻转RunnableExecutorPair reversedList = null;while (list != null) {RunnableExecutorPair tmp = list;list = list.next;tmp.next = reversedList;reversedList = tmp;}//从链表头中依次取出监听任务执行while (reversedList != null) {executeListener(reversedList.runnable, reversedList.executor);reversedList = reversedList.next;}}


  //用while阻塞直到获取到结果public static <V> V getUninterruptibly(Future<V> future)throws ExecutionException {boolean interrupted = false;try {while (true) {try {return future.get();} catch (InterruptedException e) {interrupted = true;}}} finally {if (interrupted) {Thread.currentThread().interrupt();}}}


 //执行监听器,调用线程池的execute方法,这里线程池并没有提供额外的功能,只提供了执行架子,实际上执行的是监听任务runnable的run方法//而在监听任务的run方法中,会阻塞获取请求结果,请求完成后回调,已达到异步执行的效果private static void executeListener(Runnable runnable, Executor executor) {try {executor.execute(runnable);} catch (RuntimeException e) {// Log it and keep going, bad runnable and/or executor.  Don't// punish the other runnables if we're given a bad one.  We only// catch RuntimeException because we want Errors to propagate up.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "RuntimeException while executing runnable "+ runnable + " with executor " + executor, e);}}


 FutureAdapter://这里的get方法会调用BasicFuture中的get方法进行阻塞,直到获取到结果@Overridepublic T get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {return adaptInternal(this.adaptee.get());}
    BasicFuture://在这里会判断当前future是否执行完成,如果没有完成则会等待,一旦执行完成则返回结果。public synchronized T get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {while (!this.completed) {wait();}return getResult();}
    FutureAdapter://这里通过判断状态是否success,如果success则返回成功,如果new, 则阻塞等待结果直到返回,然后改变状态。@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")final T adaptInternal(S adapteeResult) throws ExecutionException {synchronized (this.mutex) {switch (this.state) {case SUCCESS:return (T) this.result;case FAILURE:throw (ExecutionException) this.result;case NEW:try {T adapted = adapt(adapteeResult);this.result = adapted;this.state = State.SUCCESS;return adapted;}catch (ExecutionException ex) {this.result = ex;this.state = State.FAILURE;throw ex;}catch (Throwable ex) {ExecutionException execEx = new ExecutionException(ex);this.result = execEx;this.state = State.FAILURE;throw execEx;}default:throw new IllegalStateException();}}}
  //这个方法判断public boolean completed(final T result) {synchronized(this) {if (this.completed) {return false;}this.completed = true;this.result = result;notifyAll();}if (this.callback != null) {this.callback.completed(result);}return true;}




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