鄙人屌丝程序猿一枚,闲来无事,想尝试攻城师是感觉,于是乎搞了点小玩意.用js实现调查问卷,实现了常规的题型,单选,多选,排序,填空,矩阵等. 遂开源贴出来与各程序员共享,聊以自慰.


 1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="Aim.Examining.Web.SurveyUI.WebForm1" %>
 3 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
 4 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
 5 <head runat="server">
 6     <title></title>
 7     <link href="SurveyRazor/css/surveyq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 8     <link href="SurveyRazor/css/validationEngine.jquery.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 9     <script src="SurveyRazor/jquery-1.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
10     <script src="SurveyRazor/SurveyRaZor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
11     <script src="JsonData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
12     <script type="text/javascript">
13         $(function () {
15             var desc = "<p style=\"white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\">\
16                         <span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'; font-size: 16px;\">親愛的客戶,</span>\
17                     </p>\
18                     <p style=\"white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\">\
19                         <span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'; font-size: 16px;\">感謝您一直以來的支持與厚愛。</span>\
20                     </p>\
21                     <p style=\"white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\">\
22                         <span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'; font-size: 16px;\">為了更好地提升我們的服務, 邀請您對我們的服務進行評價。您的評價與意見,將幫助我們提供更加優質的服務!</span>\
23                     </p>\
24                     <p style=\"white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center;\">\
25                         <span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'; font-size: 16px;\">請針對2014年第1季度的服務狀況進行評價</span>\
26                     </p>\
27                     <p style=\"text-align: center;\">\
28                         <span style=\"font-family: 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'; font-size: 16px;\">請您配合在3月26日前回復,謝謝。收集窗口: </span>\
29                     </p>";
30             SurveyRazor.dataStore.load(data);
31             SurveyRazor.surveyRazor.options({
32                 description: desc, //描述
33                 haveBgImg: false,  //启用背景图片
34                 surveyTitle: "客戶滿意度調查表"
35             }).create().show();
36         });
37     </script>
38 </head>
39 <body style="margin: 0 auto; background-image: url(''); width: 700px;">
40 </body>
41 </html>



  1 /*
  2 *SurveyRazor.js 问卷渲染引擎
  3 *Version:RW_1.1
  4 *Author:WGM
  5 *Data:2014-6-20
  6 */
  7 var SurveyRazor = {
  9     /*html模版*/
 10     htmlTemplate: {
 11         //必填
 12         mustFill: "<span style=\"color: red;\">&nbsp;*(必填)</span>",
 13         //多选
 14         moreSelc: "<span>[多选题]</span>",
 15         //问卷大分类
 16         questionBigType: "<div class='qType'>"
 17                           + "<label style=\"display: block; padding-top: 7px;\">{content}</label></div>",
 18         //题的Div
 19         qustionBody: "<div class=\"div_question\" id=\"{id}\">{content}</div>",
 20         //题的题干
 21         questionHead: "<div class=\"div_title_question_all\">"
 22                        + "<div class=\"div_topic_question\"><b>{seq}.</b></div>"
 23                        + "<div id=\"{id}\" class=\"div_title_question\">"
 24                        + "{headTitle}{extend}</div>"
 25                        + "<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div></div>",
 27         //单选类型,单选项选项补充
 28         radio: "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"{name}\" id=\"{id}\" value=\"{value}\"  class=\" {validation}\" οnclick='{onclick};' /><label for=\"{for}\">{content}</label>",
 29         radioAdd: "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"{name}\" id=\"{id}\" value=\"{value}\" class=\" {validation}\" ><label for=\"{for}\" style=\"display: inline-block;\">{content}</label>"
 30                            + "<input class=\"underline itemExtend\" type=\"text\" value=\"{extendValue}\" rel=\"{rel}\" "
 31                            + "style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153); position: static;\">",
 32         itemAppend: "<input class=\"underline itemExtend\" type=\"text\" value=\"{value}\" rel=\"{rel}\" name=\"{name}\"  "
 33                      + "style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153); position: static;\">",
 34         //多选类型,多选项补充
 35         checkbox: "<input id=\"{id}\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{name}\" value=\"{value}\" class=\" {validation}\" /><label for=\"{for}\">{content}</label>",
 36         checkboxAdd: "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{name}\" id=\"{id}\" value=\"{value}\" class=\" {validation}\" ><label for=\"{for}\" style=\"display: inline-block;\">{content}</label>"
 37                            + "<input class=\"underline itemExtend\" type=\"text\" value=\"{extendValue}\" rel=\"{rel}\" "
 38                            + "style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153); position: static;\">",
 39         //包裹的元素
 40         radioOrCheckboxWrap: "<div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\">"
 41                             + "<div class=\"div_table_clear_top\"></div>"
 42                             + " <ul class=\"ulradiocheck\">{items}<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div></ul>{discuss}</div>",
 43         //填空题
 44         fillInput: "<div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\"><div class=\"div_table_clear_top\"></div>"
 45                    + "<textarea  class=\"inputtext {validation}\" style=\"overflow: auto; width: 62%; height: 22px;\" "
 46                    + " title='{title}' id=\"{id}\" name=\"{name}\" value='{value}'></textarea>"
 47                    + "<div class=\"div_table_clear_bottom\"></div></div>",
 49         fillInputWrap: "<div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\"><div class=\"div_table_clear_top\"></div>"
 50                     + "{content}<div class=\"div_table_clear_bottom\"></div></div>",
 51         fillInputItem: "<label>{title}</label>"
 52                        + "<textarea title=\"{tip}\" style=\"overflow: auto; width: 20%; height: 22px;\" "
 53                        + " class=\"inputtext {validation}\" value='{value}' id=\"{id}\" name=\"{name}\"></textarea>",
 56         //大填空题
 57         bigInput: " <div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\"><div class=\"div_table_clear_top\"></div>"
 58                          + "<textarea  class=\"inputtext {validation}\" style=\"overflow: auto; width: 62%;\" rows=\"3\" "
 59                          + "id='{id}' value='{value}' name='{name}' title='{title}' ></textarea>"
 60                          + "<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>"
 61                          + "<div class=\"div_table_clear_bottom\"></div></div>",
 62         //评论框
 63         discussInput: "<ul class=\"ulradiocheck\">"
 64                               + "<div style=\"float: left; padding: 1px; margin-top: 12px; margin-right: 5px; border: 1px solid gray\">"
 65                               + "<span>评论</span> </div>"
 66                               + "<textarea style=\"width: 60%\" rows=\"3\" name='{name}' class=\"inputtext {validation}\" id='{id}' for='{for}' ></textarea>"
 67                               + "<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>"
 68                               + "</ul>",
 69         //下拉选择题
 70         comboxSlt: " <div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\"><div class=\"div_table_clear_top\"></div>"
 71                           + "<select id=\"{id}\" name=\"{name}\">{option}</select>"
 72                           + "<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>"
 73                           + "<div class=\"div_table_clear_bottom\"></div></div>",
 74         //排序题
 75         sortQuestion: {
 76             checkItem: "<li style=\"float: none;\" class=\"lisort\">"
 77                                + "<input id=\"{id}\" type=\"checkbox\" rel=\"{rel}\" value=\"{value}\" class=\" {validation}\" style=\"color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\" />"
 78                                + "<label for=\"{for}\">{content}</label></li>",
 79             sortArea: "<select size=\"{size}\" id='{id}' name='{name}' style=\"width:{width}px; overflow: auto; height:{height}px;\"></select>",
 80             body: "<div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\" ><div class=\"div_table_clear_top\"></div>"
 81                             + "<div style=\"width: 90%;\">"
 82                             + "<ul style=\"float: left;\">{checkItem}</ul>"
 83                             + "<table style=\"float: left;\"><tbody>"
 84                             + "<tr>"
 85                             + "<td verticalalign=\"center\">"
 86                             + "<div style=\"margin-left: 10px;\">{sortArea}</div>"
 87                             + "</td>"
 88                             + "<td verticalalign=\"center\">"
 89                             + "<div class=\"qButton\">"
 90                             + "<ul>"
 91                             + "<li><a rel=\"{rel}\" class=\"goTop\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" name=\"first\">移至最前</a></li>"
 92                             + "<li><a rel=\"{rel}\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"upMove\" name=\"up\">上移一位</a></li>"
 93                             + "<li style=\"margin-top: 10px\"><a rel=\"{rel}\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"downMove\" name=\"down\">下移一位</a> </li>"
 94                             + "<li><a rel=\"{rel}\" class=\"goBottom\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" name=\"last\">移至最后</a>"
 95                             + "</li>"
 96                             + "</ul>"
 97                             + "</div></td>"
 98                             + "</tr>"
 99                             + "</tbody></table>"
100                             + "<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div></div></div>"
101         },
103         //矩阵题
104         matrix: {
105             titleTd: "<td align=\"center\">{content}</td>",
106             contentTd: "<td align=\"center\" class=\"##line##\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">{content}</td>",
107             item: "<tr align=\"left\" rowindex=\"{rowindex}\" >"
108                 + "<th class=\"rowth\" align=\"left\" style=\"\">{leftTitle}</th>"
109                 + "{items}<th class=\"rowth\" align=\"left\" style=\"\">{rightTitle}</th></tr>",
111             body: "<div class=\"div_table_radio_question\" id=\"{id}\"><div class='div_table_clear_top'></div>"
112                       + "<table style=\"width: 100%;\" border=\"0px\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">"
113                       + "<thead><tr><th></th>{head}</tr></thead>"
114                       + "<tbody><tr align=\"left\">{items}"
115                       + "</tbody></table>"
116                       + "<div class=\"div_table_clear_bottom\"></div></div>"
117         }
118     },
119     //包括标题,页眉, 描述
120     headBar: {
121         title: ""
122     },
123     //提交工具栏
124     submitBar: {
125         title: ""
126     },
128     typeSign: { //题目类型
129         "大类别": "BIGTYPE",
130         "矩阵": "JUZHEN",
131         "单选": "DANXUAN",
132         "多选": "DUOXUAN",
133         "下拉": "XIALA",
134         "评论": "PINGLUN",
135         "排序": "PAIXU",
136         "填空": "TIANKONG",
137         "填写": "TIANXIE",
138         "图片单选": "TUPIANDANXUAN",
139         "图片多选": "TUPIANDUOXUAN",
140         "单选说明": "DANXUANSHUOMING",
141         "多选说明": "DUOXUANSHUOMING"
142     },
143     dataStore: {
144         globalData: [],
145         mapFields: {
146             isInit: false,                   //是否初始化
147             Id: "Id",
148             Name: "Name",
149             LName: "LName",                  //用于矩阵题 (左侧名称)
150             RName: "RName",
151             SortIndex: "SortIndex",
152             Type: "Type",
153             TypeCode: "TypeCode",
154             IsMoreSlc: "IsMoreSlc",         //多选
155             IsMustSlc: "IsMustSlc",         //必选
156             IsTiGan: "IsTiGan",             //是否为题干
157             ValidateRule: "ValidateRule",   //验证规则
158             Layout: "Layout",                //横向,纵向
159             ParentId: "ParentId",
160             Path: "Path",                   //Path
161             IsLeaf: "IsLeaf",               //是否子节点
162             Extend: "Extend",                //扩展信息
163             Ext1: ""
164         },
165         configFields: function (option) {
166             var option = $.extend(this.mapFields, option || {});
167             this.mapFields = option;
168             this.mapFields.isInit = true;
169             return option;
170         },
172         //获取子节点
173         getChildsById: function (id) {
174             if (this.globalData.length <= 0) {
175                 throw new Error("dataStore数据集无数据");
176                 return;
177             }
178             var tempArr = [];
179             for (var i = 0; i < this.globalData.length; i++) {
180                 if (this.globalData[i][this.mapFields.ParentId] == id) {
181                     tempArr.push(this.globalData[i]);
182                 }
183             }
184             return tempArr;
185         },
186         //获取题干
187         getTiGanArr: function () {
188             if (!$.isArray(this.globalData)) {
189                 throw new Error("数据源为空");
190                 return;
191             }
192             var arr = [];
193             for (var i = 0; i < this.globalData.length; i++) {
194                 if (this.globalData[i][this.mapFields.IsTiGan]) {
195                     arr.push(this.globalData[i]);
196                 }
197             }
198             return arr;
199         },
200         //加载数据
201         load: function (data) {
202             if (!$.isArray(data)) {
203                 throw new Error("数据源为空");
204                 return;
205             }
206             if (!this.mapFields.isInit) {
207                 this.configFields(); //使用默认配置初始化
208             }
209             function getChildByPId(pid) {
210                 var tempArr = [];
211                 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
212                     if (data[i][SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ParentId] == pid) {
213                         tempArr.push(data[i]);
214                     }
215                 }
216                 return tempArr;
217             }
218             for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
219                 //  if (data[i][this.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.矩阵) {220                 //      var arr = getChildByPId(data[i][this.mapFields.Id]);
221                 //      data[i][this.mapFields.Extend] = arr; //扩展字段存子节点
222                 //  }
224                 var dt = $.extend({
225                     Extend: "",
226                     Layout: "SingleCln" //默认单列显示
227                 }, data[i] || {})
228                 this.globalData.push(dt)
229             }
230         }
231     },
232     surveyRazor: {
233         config: {
234             surveyTitle: "",        //问卷标题
235             description: "",        //问卷描述
236             header: "",              //问卷眉头
237             filesItem: [],          //附加的文件
238             mapFields: "",          //映射到的字段
239             haveBgImg: false,       //是否启用背景
240             bgColor: "",            //背景颜色
241             bgImg: "./SurveyRazor/img/bg1.jpg", //背景图片
242             mainCss: "./SurveyRazor/surveyq.css",
243             extCss: "./SurveyRazor/surveyextend.css",
244             records: []               //数据集
245         },
247         /**
248         *  配置项
249         */
250         options: function (options) {
251             if (options && $.isEmptyObject(options)) {
252                 throw new Error("参数不是对象或对象为空!");
253                 return
254             }
255             this.config.mapFields = SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields;
256             var opt = $.extend(this.config, options || {});
257             this.config = opt;
258             return this;
259         },
260         /**
261         *   单选或多选
262         *   rec:题干数据
263         *   seq:序号
264         */
265         clearChecked: function (objId) {
266             $(":radio[name='" + objId + "']").each(function () {
267                 $(this).attr("checked", false);
268             })
269             $("#clr_" + objId).hide();
270         },
271         showClrBtn: function (Id) {
272             $("#clr_" + Id).show();
273         },
274         radioOrCheckbox: function (rec, seq) {
275             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
276             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
277             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
278             var IsMoreSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMoreSlc];
280             var tigan = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.qustionBody.replace("{id}", "p_" + Id); //p_
281             var content = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionHead;
282             content = content.replace("{seq}", seq); //序号
283             content = content.replace("{id}", Id); //Id
284             content = content.replace("{headTitle}", title) //题干内容
285             var extend = "";
286             extend += IsMustSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.mustFill : ""; //是否必填
287             extend += IsMoreSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.moreSelc : ""; //[多选题]
289             if (rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.单选) {
290                 extend += "<span class='clrBtn' id='clr_" + Id + "' style=' color:rgb(153,51,0);cursor:pointer;font-size:12px;display:none;'"
291                        + " οnclick=SurveyRazor.surveyRazor.clearChecked(\"" + Id + "\") ;'>【清除】</span>";
293             }
294             content = content.replace("{extend}", extend);
295             var wrapHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.radioOrCheckboxWrap;
296             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
298             //添加选择项
299             var gItemHtml = "", pingLun = []; //pingLun:评论项
300             var childNodeArrs = SurveyRazor.dataStore.getChildsById(Id);
301             for (var j = 0; j < childNodeArrs.length; j++) {
302                 var childRec = childNodeArrs[j];
303                 if (childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.评论) { //如果是评论项
304                     pingLun.push(childRec);
305                     continue;
306                 }
307                 var itemHtml = "";
308                 if (rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.单选) {
309                     if (childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.单选说明) {
310                         itemHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.radioAdd;
311                         itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{rel}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]); //关联的Id
312                         itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{extendValue}", "")
313                     } else {
314                         itemHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.radio;
315                         itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{onclick}", "SurveyRazor.surveyRazor.showClrBtn(\"" + Id + "\")")
316                     }
317                 } else if (rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.多选) {
318                     if (childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.多选说明) {
319                         itemHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.checkboxAdd;
320                         itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{rel}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
321                         itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{extendValue}", "")
322                     } else {
323                         itemHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.checkbox;
324                     }
325                 }
327                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{id}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
328                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{name}", Id);
329                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{value}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name]);
330                 //验证规则
331                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{validation}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || "")
332                 //选项名称
333                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{content}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name]);
335                 if (rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Layout] == "moreCln") {
336                     //需要自动计算列宽
337                     var width = parseInt($("body").width() || 700); //默认为700
338                     var length = childNodeArrs.length;
339                     var parcent = Number(parseFloat(1 / (length > 7 ? 7 : length) * 100)).toFixed(3);
340                     itemHtml = "<li style=\"width: " + parcent + "%;\">" + itemHtml + "</li>";
341                 } else {//单列布局
342                     itemHtml = "<li style=\"width: 99%;\">" + itemHtml + "</li>";
343                 }
344                 gItemHtml += itemHtml;
345             }
346             //评论项
347             var pinlunItemHtml = "";
348             for (var i = 0; i < pingLun.length; i++) {
349                 var childRec = pingLun[i];
350                 var html = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.discussInput;
351                 html = html.replace("{name}", Id);
352                 html = html.replace("{id}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
353                 html = html.replace("{validation}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || "");
354                 pinlunItemHtml += html;
355             }
356             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{discuss}", pinlunItemHtml); //添加评论
357             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{items}", gItemHtml);
358             tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + wrapHtml);
359             return tigan;
360         },
362         /*
363         *下拉选择
364         *
365         */
366         combox: function (rec, seq) {
367             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
368             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
369             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
371             var tigan = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.qustionBody.replace("{id}", "p_" + Id); //p_
372             var content = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionHead;
373             content = content.replace("{seq}", seq); //序号
374             content = content.replace("{id}", Id); //Id
375             content = content.replace("{headTitle}", title) //题干内容
376             var extend = "";
377             extend += IsMustSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.mustFill : ""; //是否必填
379             content = content.replace("{extend}", extend);
380             var wrapHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.comboxSlt;
381             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
382             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", Id);
383             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{name}", Id);
385             //添加子项
386             var gItemHtml = "<option value=''>请选择...</option>";
387             var childNodeArrs = SurveyRazor.dataStore.getChildsById(Id);
388             for (var j = 0; j < childNodeArrs.length; j++) {
389                 var childRec = childNodeArrs[j];
390                 var itemHtml = "<option value='" + childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id] + "'>"
391                                 + childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name]
392                                 + "</option>";
393                 gItemHtml += itemHtml;
394             }
395             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{option}", gItemHtml);
396             tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + wrapHtml);
397             return tigan;
398         },
399         /**
400         * 文本输入
401         */
402         bigTextarea: function (rec, seq) {
403             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
404             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
405             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
407             var tigan = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.qustionBody.replace("{id}", "p_" + Id); //p_
408             var content = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionHead;
409             content = content.replace("{seq}", seq); //序号
410             content = content.replace("{id}", Id); //Id
411             content = content.replace("{headTitle}", title) //题干内容
412             var extend = "";
413             extend += IsMustSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.mustFill : ""; //是否必填
415             content = content.replace("{extend}", extend);
416             var wrapHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.bigInput;
417             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
418             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", Id);
419             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{value}", "");
420             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{name}", Id);
421             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{title}", ""); //提示,暂时为空
422             wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{validation}", rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || ""); //验证规则
423             tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + wrapHtml);
424             return tigan;
425         },
426         smallTextarea: function (rec, seq) {
427             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
428             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
429             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
431             var tigan = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.qustionBody.replace("{id}", "p_" + Id); //p_
432             var content = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionHead;
433             content = content.replace("{seq}", seq); //序号
434             content = content.replace("{id}", Id); //Id
435             content = content.replace("{headTitle}", title) //题干内容
436             var extend = "";
437             extend += IsMustSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.mustFill : ""; //是否必填
438             content = content.replace("{extend}", extend);
440             if (rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsLeaf]) { //如果是子节点
441                 var wrapHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.fillInput;
442                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
443                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", Id);
444                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{name}", Id);
445                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{validation}", rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || ""); //验证规则
446                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{title}", ""); //提示,暂时为空
447                 tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + wrapHtml);
448                 return tigan;
449             } else if (!rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsLeaf]) {
450                 //还有子节点
451                 var wrapHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.fillInputWrap;
452                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
453                 //处理子节点
454                 var gItemHtml = "";
455                 var childNodeArrs = SurveyRazor.dataStore.getChildsById(Id);
456                 for (var j = 0; j < childNodeArrs.length; j++) {
457                     var childRec = childNodeArrs[j];
458                     var itemHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.fillInputItem;
459                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{title}", (j > 0 ? "&nbsp;" : "") + childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name] + ":");
460                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{tip}", ""); //提示暂时为空
461                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{validation}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || "");
462                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{id}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
463                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{value}", "");
464                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{name}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
465                     gItemHtml += itemHtml;
466                 }
467                 wrapHtml = wrapHtml.replace("{content}", gItemHtml);
468                 tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + wrapHtml);
469                 return tigan;
470             }
471         },
472         /***
473         ** 排序题
474         **
475         **/
476         sortQuestion: function (rec, seq) {
477             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
478             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
479             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
481             var tigan = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.qustionBody.replace("{id}", "p_" + Id); //p_
482             var content = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionHead;
483             content = content.replace("{seq}", seq); //序号
484             content = content.replace("{id}", Id); //Id
485             content = content.replace("{headTitle}", title) //题干内容
486             var extend = "";
487             extend += IsMustSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.mustFill : ""; //是否必填
488             extend += "<span>【排序题】</span>";
489             content = content.replace("{extend}", extend);
491             var body = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.sortQuestion.body;
493             //子项
494             var gItemHtml = "";
495             var childNodeArrs = SurveyRazor.dataStore.getChildsById(Id);
496             for (var j = 0; j < childNodeArrs.length; j++) {
497                 var childRec = childNodeArrs[j];
498                 var itemHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.sortQuestion.checkItem;
499                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{id}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
500                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{rel}", Id);
501                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{value}", "");
502                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{validation}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || "");
503                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{content}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name]);
504                 gItemHtml += itemHtml;
505             }
506             //textarea 区域
507             var sortArea = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.sortQuestion.sortArea;
508             sortArea = sortArea.replace("{id}", Id);
509             sortArea = sortArea.replace("{name}", Id);
510             sortArea = sortArea.replace("{width}", 170);
511             sortArea = sortArea.replace("{size}", 6);
512             sortArea = sortArea.replace("{height}", (childNodeArrs.length <= 6) ? 120 : (childNodeArrs.length * 22));
514             body = body.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
515             body = body.replace("{checkItem}", gItemHtml);
516             body = body.replace("{sortArea}", sortArea);
517             body = body.replace("{rel}", Id).replace("{rel}", Id).replace("{rel}", Id).replace("{Id}", Id); //排序按钮
519             tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + body);
520             return tigan;
521         },
522         /**
523         * 大类别
524         */
525         bigType: function (rec, seq) {
526             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
527             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
528             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
530             var html = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionBigType;
531             html = html.replace("{content}", title);
532             return html;
533         },
534         /**
535         *  矩阵题
536         */
537         matrix: function (rec, seq) {
538             var Id = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id];
539             var title = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name];
540             var IsMustSlc = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.IsMustSlc];
542             var tigan = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.qustionBody.replace("{id}", "p_" + Id); //p_
543             var content = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.questionHead;
544             content = content.replace("{seq}", seq); //序号
545             content = content.replace("{id}", Id); //Id
546             content = content.replace("{headTitle}", title) //题干内容
547             var extend = "";
548             extend += IsMustSlc ? SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.mustFill : ""; //是否必填
549             content = content.replace("{extend}", extend);
550             //topcln title
551             var theadArr = rec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Extend];
552             var theadHtml = "";
553             for (var i = 0; i < theadArr.length; i++) {
554                 var childRec = theadArr[i];
555                 var headhtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.matrix.titleTd;
556                 headhtml = headhtml.replace("{content}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name]);
557                 theadHtml += headhtml;
558             }
560             //判断是单选还是多选
561             var itemHtml = "<input type=\"{type}\" id='{id}' value=\"{value}\" class=' {validation}' selfId=\"{selfId}\" name=\"{name}\" />";
562             if (theadArr.length >= 0) {
563                 if (theadArr[0][SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.多选) {
564                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{type}", "checkbox");
565                 }
566                 if (theadArr[0][SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.TypeCode] == SurveyRazor.typeSign.单选) {
567                     itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{type}", "radio");
568                 }
569             } else {
570                 itemHtml = itemHtml.replace("{type}", "radio");
571             }
573             //子项
574             var gItemHtml = "";
575             var childNodeArrs = SurveyRazor.dataStore.getChildsById(Id);
576             for (var j = 0; j < childNodeArrs.length; j++) {
577                 var childRec = childNodeArrs[j];
578                 var childHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.matrix.item;
579                 childHtml = childHtml.replace("{rowindex}", j);
580                 childHtml = childHtml.replace("{leftTitle}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.LName] || "");
581                 childHtml = childHtml.replace("{rightTitle}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.RName] || "");
583                 //列
584                 var clnHtml = "";
585                 for (var k = 0; k < theadArr.length; k++) {
586                     var clnRec = theadArr[k];
587                     var tdHtml = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.matrix.contentTd;
588                     var tempHtml = itemHtml;
589                     tempHtml = tempHtml.replace("{id}", clnRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
590                     tempHtml = tempHtml.replace("{value}", clnRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Name]);
591                     tempHtml = tempHtml.replace("{name}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]); //hang
592                     tempHtml = tempHtml.replace("{validation}", childRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.ValidateRule] || ""); //验证规则
593                     tempHtml = tempHtml.replace("{selfId}", clnRec[SurveyRazor.dataStore.mapFields.Id]);
594                     if (j < childNodeArrs.length - 1) { //设置下划线
595                         tdHtml = tdHtml.replace("##line##", "div_matrix_bottomline");
596                     }
597                     tdHtml = tdHtml.replace("{content}", tempHtml);
598                     clnHtml += tdHtml;
599                 }
600                 //行
601                 childHtml = childHtml.replace("{items}", clnHtml);
602                 gItemHtml += childHtml;
603             }
605             //body
606             var body = SurveyRazor.htmlTemplate.matrix.body;
607             body = body.replace("{head}", theadHtml);
608             body = body.replace("{id}", "w_" + Id);
609             body = body.replace("{items}", gItemHtml);
610             tigan = tigan.replace("{content}", content + body)
611             //finally html
612             return tigan;
613         },
614         create: function (option) {
615             if (option == undefined || option == "") {
616                 this.options()
617             }
618             if (SurveyRazor.dataStore.globalData.length <= 0) {
619                 throw new Error("请配置数据源");
620                 return;
621             }
622             var divHtml = "<form id='aspnetForm'>"
623                         + "<div class=\"rootDiv\" style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;display:none; \">"
624                         + "<div class='header'><label>{header}</label></div>"
625                         + "<div class='surveyTitle' style=\"text-align: center; height: 30px; margin: 10px 0px;"
626                         + "margin-bottom: 0px;\">"
627                         + "<label style=\"font-weight: bolder;font-family: 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft YaHei'; font-size: 16px;\">{surveyTitle}</label></div>"
628                         + "<div class=\"descript\" "
629                         + "style=\"margin-bottom: 1px; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 12px;border-top: 1px solid gray; border-left: 1px solid gray;"
630                         + "border-right: 1px solid gray;\"><label>{content}</label></div>"
631                         + "<div class=\"survey\" style=\"margin: 0px auto; width: 700px\">"
632                         + "<div id=\"contentPlaceHolder1\" class=\"surveycontent\">"
633                         + "<div id=\"surveyContent\"></div>"
634                         + "</div></div>"
635                         + "<div style=\"width:100.3%; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 1px;"
636                         + "background-color: rgb(224,224,224  );\">"
637                         + "<div style=\"margin-left: 38%; margin-right: 38%; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;\">"
638                         + "<input type=\"button\" id=\"submit\" value=\"  提交\" "
639                         + "style=\"cursor:pointer;width: 60px; height: 28px; background-image: url(./SurveyRazor/img/submit.gif);"
640                         + "background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left center;\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
641                         + "<input type=\"button\" id=\"cancel\" value=\"  取消\" "
642                         + "style=\"cursor:pointer;width: 60px; height: 28px; background-image: url(./SurveyRazor/img/cancel.png);"
643                         + "background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left center;\" /></div></div>"
644                         + "</div></form>";
645             divHtml = divHtml.replace("{header}", this.config.header || "");           //问卷眉头
646             divHtml = divHtml.replace("{surveyTitle}", this.config.surveyTitle || ""); //问卷标题
647             divHtml = divHtml.replace("{content}", this.config.description || "");     //描述
648             $("body").addClass("bodyDiv").append(divHtml);  //追加隐藏
650             //1设置问卷头部
651             // -------------------------
652             //题型渲染
653             var htmlContainer = "";
654             var records = SurveyRazor.dataStore.getTiGanArr();
655             for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
656                 var recObj = records[i];
657                 switch (recObj[this.config.mapFields.TypeCode]) {
658                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.大类别:
659                         var html = this.bigType.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
660                         htmlContainer += html;
661                         break;
662                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.单选:
663                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.多选:
664                         var html = this.radioOrCheckbox.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
665                         htmlContainer += html;
666                         break;
667                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.下拉:
668                         var html = this.combox.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
669                         htmlContainer += html;
670                         break;
671                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.填写:
672                         var html = this.bigTextarea.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
673                         htmlContainer += html;
674                         break;
675                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.填空:
676                         var html = this.smallTextarea.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
677                         htmlContainer += html;
678                         break;
679                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.排序:
680                         var html = this.sortQuestion.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
681                         htmlContainer += html;
682                         break;
683                     case SurveyRazor.typeSign.矩阵:
684                         var html = this.matrix.call(this, recObj, i + 1);
685                         htmlContainer += html;
686                         break;
688                 }
689             }
690             $("#surveyContent").append(htmlContainer);
692             //2设置问卷尾部
693             return this;
694         },
695         /*
696         *设置背景图片
697         */
698         setBgImg: function () {
699             if (this.config.haveBgImg) {
700                 $("body").css({ "background-image": "url(" + this.config.bgImg + ")"
701                 })
702             }
703             return this;
704         },
705         show: function () {
706             $(".rootDiv").show();
707             $("head").append("<script src='./SurveyRazor/jquery.validationEngine.min.js' type='text/javascript'>" + "<" + "/" + "script>");
708             window.setTimeout(function () {
709                 $("#aspnetForm").validationEngine({
710                     onSuccess: function () {
711                         alert(true);
712                     },
713                     onFailure: function () {
714                         alert("验证未通过!");
715                     },
716                     scroll: true
717                 });
719             }, 100);
720             this.setBgImg();
721             return this;
722         }
723     }
724 }




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