


  1. LittleBearLi http://blog.csdn.net/u011584748/article/details/51377915
  2. http://www.itwendao.com/article/detail/362278.html



  1. 从Bing抓取每日图片,保存到本地;
  2. 将抓取到的.JPG转换成.BMP格式;
  3. 将.BMP图片设置为桌面背景;
  4. 设置该程序在开机时自动运行。


  1. 下载Python3(本例中使用python3.6.3),并设置环境变量
  2. 安装Pillow,该插件用于将.JPG转换为.BMP。建议使用pip进行安装,Python3中自带pip,只需在命令行中输入如下命令:
    pip install pillow
  3. 安装pywin32,该插件用于将.BMP图片设置为桌面背景。pywin32下载路径https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/?source=navbar



# Filename: GetBingPicture.pyimport os
from urllib import requestvar_BingPic_Dir = "F:\\flege\\Pictures\\BingPicture";
var_CurrentDayIndex = 0;#If the index is 0,it will get the pic js string of current day; If the index is 1,it will get the pic js string of last day.
var_Bing_Base_Url = "http://cn.bing.com";
var_BingPic_Url = "http://cn.bing.com/HPImageArchive.aspx?format=js&idx=" + str(var_CurrentDayIndex) + "&n=1&nc=1361089515117&FORM=HYLH1";#Function:  Get current day from js(year.month,day)
#In:        The full js string
#Out:       The string of current day
#Author:    Flege
#Date:      2017.08.25
def GetStr_CurrentDay(jsStr):print("GetStr_CurrentDay func:%s"%jsStr);jsStr = str(jsStr);idx = jsStr.index("startdate");print("The current day in js string index is: %d"%idx);currentDayStr = jsStr[(idx + len("startdate") + 3):((idx + len("startdate") + 3) + 8)];print(currentDayStr);#currentDayStr = "20180000";return currentDayStr;#Function:  Create a directory to storage bing pictures
#In:        The path of the directory
#Out:       The path of the directory
#Author:    Flege
#Date:      2017.08.25
def Create_Dir_Storage_Pic(path):path = path.strip();#except the spaceif 0 == len(path):return None;if not os.path.exists(path):os.makedirs(path,exist_ok=True);print("Create directory success,the pass is:%s"%(path));else:print("The directory is exist!");return path;#Function:  Get the path to storage the pic
#In:        The full js string
#Out:       The full path to storage the pic
#Author:    Flege
#Date:      2017.08.25
def Get_Path_to_Storage_Pic(jsStr):varPicPath = Create_Dir_Storage_Pic(var_BingPic_Dir);#Create file directoryvarPicPath += "\\" + GetStr_CurrentDay(jsStr);#Get the full pathreturn varPicPath;#Function:  Parser the pic url from js string
#In:        The full js string
#Out:       The url of pic
#Auhor:     Flege
#Date:      2017.08.25
def Parser_Pic_Url(jsStr):jsStr = str(jsStr);print("Parser_Pic_Url fun:%s"%jsStr);idx1 = jsStr.index("url");idx2 = jsStr.index("urlbase");print(idx1);print(idx2);outStr = jsStr[(idx1 + 6):(idx2 - 3)];print("The url of pic is:%s"%outStr);return outStr;#Function:  Get pic type
#In:        The full url of pic
#Out:       The string of pic type
#Auhor:     Flege
#Date:      2017.08.25
def Get_Pic_Type(picUrl):picUrl = str(picUrl);inLen = len(picUrl);print(inLen);typeIndex = picUrl.index(".",inLen - 5,inLen);print("Get_Pic_Type fun:%s"%picUrl);print(typeIndex);type = picUrl[typeIndex:];#type = ".jpg";return type;#Function:  Get the pictures by the given url and storage the pic to local
#In:        The url to get the bing pic js string
#Out:       None
#Author:    Flege
#Date:      2017.08.25
def Get_Pic():url = var_BingPic_Url;print("Get pictures from: %s"%url);webdata = request.urlopen(url);jsStr = webdata.read();#print("Get_Pic func:%s"%jsStr);picStoragePath = Get_Path_to_Storage_Pic(jsStr);picUrl = var_Bing_Base_Url + Parser_Pic_Url(jsStr);print(picUrl);picType = Get_Pic_Type(picUrl);print("The pic type is:%s"%picType);picFullPath = picStoragePath + picType;print("The pic full path is:%s"%picFullPath);try:request.urlretrieve(picUrl,(picStoragePath + picType));print("Storage file success!");#os.system("pause");#For Debugreturn picFullPath;except IOError:print("Storage file failed!!");os.system("pause");return None;return None;if __name__ == "__main__":Get_Pic();


# Filename: SetWindowsWallpaperByStealBing.pyimport os
import win32gui
import win32con
from PIL import Imageimport GetBingPicturevarStorageBMPPath = "F:\\flege\\Pictures\\BMP\\";#Function:  Set windows wallpaper by the given .BMP file path
#In:        The full path of .BMP file
#Out:       None
#Auhor:     Flege
#Date:      2017.08.26
def SetWindowsWallpaper(bmpFilePath):print("The pic path which will be set as wallpaper is:%s"%bmpFilePath);win32gui.SystemParametersInfo(win32con.SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER,bmpFilePath, win32con.SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE);#Only .BMP file can be set as the wallpaperreturn None;#Function:  Get the pic name from the full path of this pic
#In:        The full path of the pic;
#           The length of the pic type
#Out:       The pic name
#Auhor:     Flege
#Date:      2017.08.26
def Get_PicName(picPath,typeLen):picName = picPath[(len(picPath)- typeLen - 8):(len(picPath) - typeLen)];print("Pic name is:%s"%picName);return picName;#Function:  Conver the pic to .BMP file from the given pic path, and storage the .BMP file to the disk
#In:        The full path of pic
#Out:       The full path of .BMP file
#Auhor:     Flege
#Date:      2017.08.26
def ConvertPicTypeToBMP(picPath):print("Convert the pic type to .BMP");im = Image.open(picPath);print("Format:%s,Size:%s,Mode:%s"%(im.format,im.size,im.mode));picName = Get_PicName(picPath,len(str(im.format)));#Get the pic namebmpPath = varStorageBMPPath + picName + ".BMP";#Set the full path of .BMP file to storage itprint("BMP path:%s"%bmpPath);im.save(bmpPath);#Save the .BMP file to diskreturn bmpPath;if __name__ == "__main__":print("This is SetWindowsWallpaper.py");try:bmpFullPath = ConvertPicTypeToBMP(GetBingPicture.Get_Pic());#Conver the pic to .BMP,and return the .BMP pathSetWindowsWallpaper(bmpFullPath);#Set windows wallpaper by the given pic path#os.system("pause");#For Debugexcept IOError:print("Set windows wallpaper failed!");os.system("pause");

Last Step






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