
在使用geoip2模块去解析ip地址是出现了错误:InvalidDatabaseError: Invalid node in search tree

(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz ~]$ ipython
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 17 2019, 16:30:37)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.5.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.In [1]: import geoip2.databaseIn [2]: reader = geoip2.database.Reader('GeoLite2-City.mmdb')In [3]: reader.city("")
InvalidDatabaseError                      Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-d3607d6e2613> in <module>
----> 1 reader.city("")/data/hilqiqi0/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geoip2/database.py in city(self, ip_address)112113         """
--> 114         return self._model_for(geoip2.models.City, 'City', ip_address)115116     def anonymous_ip(self, ip_address):/data/hilqiqi0/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geoip2/database.py in _model_for(self, model_class, types, ip_address)193194     def _model_for(self, model_class, types, ip_address):
--> 195         record = self._get(types, ip_address)196         record.setdefault('traits', {})['ip_address'] = ip_address197         return model_class(record, locales=self._locales)/data/hilqiqi0/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geoip2/database.py in _get(self, database_type, ip_address)186                             "%s database" % (caller,187                                              self.metadata().database_type))
--> 188         record = self._db_reader.get(ip_address)189         if record is None:190             raise geoip2.errors.AddressNotFoundError(/data/hilqiqi0/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/maxminddb/reader.py in get(self, ip_address)114                 'Error looking up {0}. You attempted to look up '115                 'an IPv6 address in an IPv4-only database.'.format(ip_address))
--> 116         pointer = self._find_address_in_tree(address)117118         return self._resolve_data_pointer(pointer) if pointer else None/data/hilqiqi0/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/maxminddb/reader.py in _find_address_in_tree(self, ip_address)135             return node136
--> 137         raise InvalidDatabaseError('Invalid node in search tree')138139     def _start_node(self, length):InvalidDatabaseError: Invalid node in search treeIn [4]: quit()


必须用gunzip进行解压(https://github.com/maxmind/MaxMind-DB-Reader-python );文件地址(https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/ )

(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ wget https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz
--2019-05-14 10:33:41--  https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz
Resolving geolite.maxmind.com (geolite.maxmind.com)...,, 2606:4700::6811:c959, ...
Connecting to geolite.maxmind.com (geolite.maxmind.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 29204309 (28M) [application/gzip]
Saving to: ‘GeoLite2-City.tar.gz’100%[=======================================================================================>] 29,204,309  8.90MB/s   in 3.1s2019-05-14 10:33:45 (8.90 MB/s) - ‘GeoLite2-City.tar.gz’ saved [29204309/29204309](venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ ls
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ gunzip GeoLite2-City.tar.gz
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ ls
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ tar -xvf GeoLite2-City.tar
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ ls
GeoLite2-City_20190514  GeoLite2-City.tar
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz geoip]$ cd GeoLite2-City_20190514/
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz GeoLite2-City_20190514]$ ls
COPYRIGHT.txt  GeoLite2-City.mmdb  LICENSE.txt  README.txt
(venv) [hilqiqi0@izbp1a3rsiacm6nu3bfnyuz GeoLite2-City_20190514]$ ipython
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 17 2019, 16:30:37)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.5.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.In [1]: import geoip2.databaseIn [2]: reader = geoip2.database.Reader('GeoLite2-City.mmdb')In [3]: reader.city("")
Out[3]: geoip2.models.City({'city': {'geoname_id': 1791247, 'names': {'de': 'Wuhan', 'en': 'Wuhan', 'es': 'Wuhan', 'fr': 'Wuhan', 'ja': '武漢市', 'pt-BR': 'Wuhan', 'ru': 'Ухань', 'zh-CN': '武汉'}}, 'continent': {'code': 'AS', 'geoname_id': 6255147, 'names': {'de': 'Asien', 'en': 'Asia', 'es': 'Asia', 'fr': 'Asie', 'ja': 'アジア', 'pt-BR': 'Ásia', 'ru': 'Азия', 'zh-CN': '亚洲'}}, 'country': {'geoname_id': 1814991, 'iso_code': 'CN', 'names': {'de': 'China', 'en': 'China', 'es': 'China', 'fr': 'Chine', 'ja': '中国', 'pt-BR': 'China', 'ru': 'Китай', 'zh-CN': '中国'}}, 'location': {'accuracy_radius': 200, 'latitude': 30.5856, 'longitude': 114.2665, 'time_zone': 'Asia/Shanghai'}, 'registered_country': {'geoname_id': 1814991, 'iso_code': 'CN', 'names': {'de': 'China', 'en': 'China', 'es': 'China', 'fr': 'Chine', 'ja': '中国', 'pt-BR': 'China', 'ru': 'Китай', 'zh-CN': '中国'}}, 'subdivisions': [{'geoname_id': 1806949, 'iso_code': 'HB', 'names': {'de': 'Hubei', 'en': 'Hubei', 'es': 'Hubei', 'fr': 'Province de Hubei', 'ja': '湖北省', 'pt-BR': 'Hubei', 'ru': 'Хубэй', 'zh-CN': '湖北省'}}], 'traits': {'ip_address': ''}}, ['en'])In [4]:

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