我的公司是个跨国中外合资企业,上市公司,公司平时也会组织进行口语练习,有次口语考官再面试我的时候,问我“what's your daily job?”  我只说了一句:i coding. 当时觉得自己真的对不起自己的职业。今天在网上了一个外教免费口语课,http://www.acadsoc.com.cn/lps/lp4_mobile.htm,还剩6天(看大家有没有缘分在六天内看到我的随便。。。)程序员的英语大致的水平是怎样的我不知道,我只知道里面的外教给我的评价是

pronunciation is good ,欠缺的是Listening、vocabularies 建议是gain more confidence 、read English books 、watch english movies 、

widen your vocabulary
English-speaking environment
where you can speak English often and improve your English abilities at the same time ,然后


About the Job of a Computer Programmer


1.What kind of experience have you got for the job?

2.I've been a data entry operator for more than two years.

3.Why did you leave your job there?

4.Well,I enjoy working in different places and meeting new people. That will widen my experience in the field of computer technology.

5.What kind of education have you got?

6.I studied computer science in Harvard University,and got a M.S. degree.

7.I majored in computer science.

8.What specialized courses did you take?

9.The specialized courses I completed include computer science,system design and analysis,operation systems,systems management,PASCAL programming,COBOL programming and D-BASE programming.

10.I was quite familiar with Fortran and C Language.

11.After graduation I worked in a factory for two years and have picked up much experience in CAD.

12.What do you think about the recent development in computers?

13.Revolution in the computer industry is inevitable because developments in hardware are going ahead very quickly. But to turn the computer into a machine that can be easily manipulated,much more complex software is needed than is available now. As a result,more computer programmers should devote themselves into the work.

14.We have a vacancy for a computer programmer,working weekdays from 9∶00 a.m. to 3∶00 p.m. with half an hour lunch break.

15.What sort of software do you have a good command of?

16.I'm adept at DOS,WINDOS,and AUTO CAD.

17.May I know what specific jobs I'll have to do if you employ me as a computer programmer?

18.Well,you'll have to put in the computer our daily sales volume and profit margins and analyze them. Are you interested in the work?


Dialogue A

(E= the Employer雇主O= Office Clerk办公室职员 A= Applicant申请人)
O: God morning,can I help you?
A: Yes. I have an appointment with Mr. Brian Desmoud. Will you please tell him I'm here?
O: Are you Mr. Dongming Chen?
A: Yes,I am. Is he available?
O: I'm sorry,he is on the phone at the moment. Will you please wait a minute?
A: No problem.
O: Mr. Dongming Chen,Brian is available now. Please go through to his office.
(meeting the employer)
E: Hello,I'm Brian. Glad you can come.
A: I'm Dongming Chen. Nice to meet you.
E: Take a seat please.
A: Thanks.
E: What kind of education have you got?
A: I studied computer science in Nanjng University,and got a M.S. degree.
E: Fine. Would you mind telling me what kind of grades you had?
A: Of course not I had an average of 90 points.
I:What specialized courses did you take?
A: The specialized courses I completed include computer science,system design and analysis,operation systems,systems management,PASCAL programming,COBOL programming and D-BASE programming.
E: Where are you working now?
A: I'm working at ABC Company.
E: What's your position there?
A: I'm a programmer supervisor.
E: What are your responsibilities?
A: I'm responsible for writing computer programs:developing block diagrams,utilizing available software and operation systems,and coding machine instructions; originating block diagrams,working from outlines of proposed systems; developing file sizes,programming specifications; determining appropriate use of tape or disk files,printer,etc.; selecting in-house software or sub-routines to run in connection with program; writing machine instructions,testing,debugging,and assembling program; documenting overall system and developing data control procedures; advising and instructing less experienced programmers and offering operating instructions.
E: What kind of computer are you experienced in?
A: I'm experienced in all types of IBM-PC computers.
E: What kind o software do you have a good command of?
A: I'm adept at DOS,WINDOWS and AUTO-CAD.
E: How long have you been a programmer supervisor?
A: For more than four years.
E: Tell me why you decided to choose our office.
A: Well,I'm happy with the work at my present post. But I want to get better pay,to tell you the truth.
E: What's your present monthly salary?
A: Sixteen hundred yuan.
E: What starting salary would you expect here?
A: I'd like to start at twenty-six hundred yuan a month.
E: No problem. Do you have any questions to ask?
A: Is there opportunity to advance?
E: Yes,there're good prospects for promotion.
A: Good,this job should suit me well.
E: Can you start next Monday?
A: Sure.
E: That's settled then. I’m glad to be able to offer you the job.
A: Thank you,Brian.
E: See you next Monday.

Notes 注释:

1.Is he available?

2.I am a programmer supervisor.

3.I'm responsible for writing computer programs:developing block diagrams,utilizing available software and operation systems,and coding machine instructions; originating block diagrams,working from outlines of proposed systems; developing file sizes,programming specifications; determining appropriate use of tape or disk files,printer,etc.

4.… selecting in-house software of sub-routines to run in connection with program; writing machine instruction,testing,debugging,and assembling program; documenting overall system and developing data control procedures; advising and instructing less experienced programmers and offering operating instructions.

5.But I want to get better pay,to tell you the truth.

6.Yes,there're good prospects for promotion.

7.That's settled then.

Words and Expressions:

software n.软件
hardware n.硬件
pick up v.积累
CAD:Computer Assisted Design 电脑辅助设计
inevitable a.不可避免的
Is he available? 他在不在?(我可不可以见他?)
on the phone 正在打电话
M.S degree: Master of Science degree 理学硕士学位
supervisor n.主管,监督人
programmer n.程序员
diagram n.图解,图式
code v.编码
code machine instructions 编制机器指令
specification n.规格(常用复数形式)
debug v.排除错误
adept a.长于…的


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