maven-dependency-plugin是 处理与依赖相关的插件。它有很多可用的goal,大部分是和依赖构建、分析和解决相关的goal,这部分goal可以直接用maven的命令操作,例 如:mvn dependency:tree、mvn dependency:analyze;这类操作在平时的maven应用中很少会用到。这里主要介绍除此之外的、用得最多的几个操作:copy, copy-dependencies和它们对应的unpack, unpack-dependencies.



copy 和 unpack

copy操作可以用来将某个(些)maven artifact(s)拷贝到某个目录下。添加phase和goal如下:



Name Type Since Description

artifactItems List 1.0 Collection of ArtifactItems to work on. (ArtifactItem contains groupId, artifactId, version, type, classifier, outputDirectory, destFileName and overWrite.) See Usage for details.
outputDirectory File 1.0 Default output location used for mojo, unless overridden in ArtifactItem.
Default value is${}/dependency.
User property isoutputDirectory.
prependGroupId boolean 2.7 Prepend artifact groupId during copy
Default value isfalse.
User property ismdep.prependGroupId.
  • prependGroupId: 用来指示拷出来的library名字需要不需要加上groupId,默认是不加
  • outputDirectory: 用来指定拷出后Libraries的存放地









  • groupId
  • artifactId
  • version
  • type
  • classifier
  • outputDirectory
  • destFileName
  • overWrite







copy-dependencies 和 unpack-dependencies

上面介绍的copy 和 unpack操作是由要拷某个包,这个包需要具体指定要拷哪个包,与当前工程的依赖没有关系。copy-dependencies和它有点类似,但是它是 用来拷当前工程的依赖包的,典型的,例如我们有一个web应用,当打成war包的时候,它所有的依赖也需要被打到应用中。

copy-dependencies的参数有很多,详细的可以参考:copy-dependencies Doc,但是几乎所有都有默认值。所以一个最简单的定义如下:




Name Type Since Description

excludeArtifactIds String 2.0 Comma separated list of Artifact names to exclude.
User property isexcludeArtifactIds.
excludeClassifiers String 2.0 Comma Separated list of Classifiers to exclude. Empty String indicates don't exclude anything (default).
User property isexcludeClassifiers.
excludeGroupIds String 2.0 Comma separated list of GroupId Names to exclude.
User property isexcludeGroupIds.
excludeScope String 2.0 Scope to exclude. An Empty string indicates no scopes (default).
User property isexcludeScope.
excludeTransitive boolean 2.0 If we should exclude transitive dependencies
Default value isfalse.
User property isexcludeTransitive.
excludeTypes String 2.0 Comma Separated list of Types to exclude. Empty String indicates don't exclude anything (default).
User property isexcludeTypes.
includeArtifactIds String 2.0 Comma separated list of Artifact names to include.
User property isincludeArtifactIds.
includeClassifiers String 2.0 Comma Separated list of Classifiers to include. Empty String indicates include everything (default).
User property isincludeClassifiers.
includeGroupIds String 2.0 Comma separated list of GroupIds to include.
User property isincludeGroupIds.
includeScope String 2.0 Scope to include. An Empty string indicates all scopes (default). The scopes being interpreted are the scopes as Maven sees them, not as specified in the pom. In summary:

  • runtime scope gives runtime and compile dependencies,
  • compile scope gives compile, provided, and system dependencies,
  • test (default) scope gives all dependencies,
  • provided scope just gives provided dependencies,
  • system scope just gives system dependencies.

User property isincludeScope.

includeTypes       String 2.0 Comma Separated list of Types to include. Empty String indicates include everything (default).
User property isincludeTypes.






Copied From: Dependencies Scopes

scope/phase-> compile test run assembly
compile U U U U
provided U ! ! !
runtime ! U U U
test ! U ! !









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