
Truth about that ban on US govt from buying insecure apps • The Register

1、The register  8月19日 news





(1) A certification that each item listed on the

submitted bill of materials is free from all known

vulnerabilities or defects affecting the security of the

end product or service identified in—

要求“ 提交软件物料清单中列出的所有项目,均不存在影响最终产品或服务安全性的已知漏洞或缺陷,并给出证明。”

(A) the National Institute of Standards

and Technology National Vulnerability Data-

base; and

(B) any database designated by the Under

Secretary, in coordination with the Director of

the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security

Agency, that tracks security vulnerabilities and

defects in open source or third-party developed



(2) A notification of each vulnerability or defect

affecting the security of the end product or service,

if identified, through—

(A) the certification of such submitted bill

of materials required under paragraph (1); or

(B) any other manner of identification.

(3) A notification relating to the plan to miti-

gate, repair, or resolve each security vulnerability or

defect listed in the notification required under para-

graph (2).

如果合同内包含“ 关于所列出各项安全漏洞或缺陷的缓解、修复或解决方法”,政府一方就可购买包含已知缺陷的软件。

chapter 1 :






总而言之,如果严格执行该项法案,那么美国政府后续将无法部署任何软件/服务。软件供应链安全厂商Chainguard的联合创始人兼CEO Dan Lorenc表示,“这项要求往好了说是受到误导,往坏了想肯定会引发大麻烦。”不过,这项要求也有回旋空间。如果合同内包含“关于所列出各项安全漏洞或缺陷的缓解、修复或解决方法”,政府一方就可购买包含已知缺陷的软件。换句话说,只要可以缓解或修复措施,就不会影响各部门的正常采购。



安全厂商Rapid7的高级政策主管Harley Lorenz Geiger律师在推文中提到,“立法者起草的条文相当于在说:要么放弃继续上报软件漏洞,要么被排除在软件投标范围之外,你们自己选。”“这里我要提醒一句,并不是所有安全漏洞都有严重危害,或者能够/应该缓解。感谢立法者,祝好。”

漏洞协调与众测厂商Luta Security的CEO Katie Moussouris等行业专家,则呼吁安全专家们先别反应过激。她在Twitter上写道,新法案其实允许政府官员“采购那些虽包含CVE,但已有缓解方法的软件产品”,同时提醒政府方面“在部署之前必须缓解或接受这些风险”。

市场研究公司Dell'Oro Group负责网络安全的研究主管Mauricio Sanchez也在采访中提到,虽然他理解立法者们的善意动机,但在技术采购方面设置的种种要求,很可能会阻断政府的正常部署流程。他提到,“很遗憾,这就是我们立法者的典型做法,只提要求、不讲方法。”





chapter 2:​​​​​​​

An attempt by lawmakers to improve parts of the US government's cybersecurity defenses has raised questions – and hackles – among infosec professionals.

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 – which, if passed, provides billions in funding for the American military and other critical areas of the government – has gone through the House of Reps and requires Senate approval before president Joe Biden can green light it.

This draft law contains a seemingly well-intentioned section on managing the risk of software-level attacks on the Department of Homeland Security and its supply chain of applications and online services.

With respect to new and existing government contracts, the proposed act requires a software vendor to provide: "A certification that each item listed on the submitted bill of materials is free from all known vulnerabilities or defects affecting the security of the end product or service."

This includes vulnerabilities listed in NIST's National Vulnerability Database or any other CISA-designated database "that tracks security vulnerabilities and defects in open source or third-party developed software."

In other words: Homeland Security can't buy software with any known, registered security flaws.

While this is likely intended to prevent the exploitation of things like Log4j bugs by miscreants to compromise sensitive government systems, the act's language at first glance is frustrating for some. For one thing, all code has bugs – so blocking purchases on that basis would halt the government's procurement system in its mighty military-industrial tracks. Then there's the issue of some bugs that aren't actually a security risk being wrongly logged in vulnerability databases.

By a strict reading of this act, nothing would ever get deployed.

"This idea is just misguided at best and an impending sh*tshow at worst," argued Chainguard co-founder and CEO Dan Lorenc.

Now the reality

However, there's a big caveat. Uncle Sam can buy known buggy software if the contract includes "a notification relating to the plan to mitigate, repair, or resolve each security vulnerability or defect listed in the notification." In other words, if a bug can be mitigated or is due to be fixed, it's not a showstopper.

Still, the language sparked an outcry in the Twitterverse as well as concerns that software vendors will stop reporting CVEs – or companies competing for contracts will run bug bounties on each other.

"Policymakers: please stop considering requirements to eliminate all software vulnerabilities, or bans on sale of software with any vulnerabilities," tweeted attorney Harley Lorenz Geiger, a senior policy director at Rapid7.

"Please understand that not all vulnerabilities are significant, or can or should be mitigated. Okay, thanks policymakers, good chat."

Others, such as Luta Security CEO Katie Moussouris, urged security pros to take a deep breath and relax. The act allows government officials "to buy software with known CVEs that are mitigated," she tweeted, adding that Uncle Sam "has to mitigate or accept the risk before deploying."

  • It's 2022 and there are still thousands of public systems using password-less VNC
  • Palo Alto bug used for DDoS attacks and there's no fix yet
  • Microsoft trumps Google for 2021-22 bug bounty payouts
  • Homeland Security warns: Expect Log4j risks for 'a decade or longer'

Mauricio Sanchez, a research director at Dell'Oro Group who covers network security, told The Register that while he believes the legislators are well-intentioned, the language may put officials in an impossible position when it comes to purchasing technology.

"Unfortunately, it's typical behavior of our legislators to issue mandates that describe the 'what' but not the 'how,'" he said.

Sanchez said he sees this law bill playing out one of three ways, with regards to Congressfolk.

One: "They cave," he said. "The technology lobbying arm or someone else raises a colossal stink that this is an untenable mandate (which it is), so legislators remove the wording."

The second option: "They clarify," which Sanchez noted involves lawmakers "doing the right thing" and making the mandate more practical as opposed to idealistic.

Finally, there's a third scenario. "They punt," Sanchez said. "They take the easy route, leave it in as is, and then claim to their constituency that they are pro-cybersecurity and improving US posture. This leaves federal agencies and courts to expend unnecessary time, energy, and money to clean and tighten up."

He's not too hopeful. "If I were a betting man," Sanchez added, "I'd place the bet on number three." ®




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