
Every so often a video game will come along that’s an absolute joy to play. What I mean by this is that you are blown away simply by picking up the controller and performing its most basic functions. Whether the game features running, jumping, sliding, dodging, or flying, whatever it ends up being, is simply a joy to play.

E 极所以经常视频游戏会沿着这是一个绝对的喜悦发挥。 我的意思是,只需拿起控制器并执行其最基本的功能,您就会被震撼。 无论游戏具有奔跑,跳跃,滑行,躲避还是飞行的功能,无论最终结果如何,都只是一种乐趣。

Through the course of reviewing Nintendo Switch games in the last few years, I’ve discovered a handful of such games that tickle that specific fancy.

在过去几年中回顾Nintendo Switch游戏的过程中,我发现了一些让这种特别的想法感到高兴的游戏。

They are few and far between, rare even, but you know you have one when it feels just right.


I’ve compiled five such games for you all below. These games will blow your mind the second you pick up the controller. Some are hugely successful, while others are not, but they all have one thing in common. They have all created a stellar movement experience for the player.

我在下面为大家编写了五款此类游戏。 这些游戏在您拿起控制器的第二秒钟就会让您大吃一惊。 有些取得了巨大的成功,而另一些却没有,但是它们都有共同点。 他们都为玩家创造了出色的运动体验。

新世界的深度 (Shinsekai Into The Depths)

Kicking this list off with a bang! If you have followed me for any length of time you’d have noticed by flamboyant support for Shinsekai Into the Depths. In fact, it’s my current pick for Game of the Year in 2020.

轰动一时的清单! 如果您跟着我走了一段时间,您会注意到对“ 新世界进入深度”的华丽支持。 实际上,这是我目前对2020年年度最佳游戏的选择。

Shinsekai Into the Depths has some of the best underwater movement I’ve ever seen.
Shinsekai Into Depths具有我见过的最好的水下运动。

Part of the reason it’s so good is because Capcom Japan made it a pure joy to control your Aquanaut through the deep seas. Grappling onto walls, falling down dark pits, piloting your submarine, and just floating underwater feels absolutely amazing in Shinsekai Into the Depths.

之所以如此出色,部分原因是因为Capcom Japan通过深海控制您的Aquanaut成为一种纯粹的快乐。 在Shinsekai Into Depths中抓紧墙壁,掉下黑坑,驾驶潜水艇以及仅漂浮在水下绝对令人赞叹。

They have utterly destroyed the competition in this area. Bioshock, Subnautica, and Abzu simply can’t compete, Shinsekai Into the Depths has you beat! It’s not up for debate, Ecco the Dolphin would even agree with me on this one.

他们彻底破坏了这一领域的竞争。 BioshockSubnauticaAbzu根本无法竞争, Shinsekai In the Depths击败了您! 这没有争论的余地,海豚埃科(Ecco the Dolphin)甚至在这方面也同意我的观点

死细胞 (Dead Cells)

Dead Cells has some of the slickest combat and movement ever created.

One of the reasons Dead Cells is so darn popular is that it controls like a dream. The fluidity of the platforming mixed with the oh-so-swift combat mechanics makes Dead Cells a welcomed fit for this list.

死细胞之所以如此受欢迎的原因之一是它的控制就像梦一样。 平台的流动性与敏捷的战斗机制相结合,使“死细胞”成为该列表的理想之选

You can attribute much it’s success to Motion Twin’s development tricks. There are sneaky little mechanics they have added into the game that are essentially cheating. Rather than spending time falling down holes and attempting to climb walls, they made a game that helps you pull off the sick parkour moves it’s so well known for.

您可以将它的成功归功于Motion Twin的开发技巧 。 他们在游戏中添加了一些偷偷摸摸的小技巧,实际上是在作弊。 他们创造了一款游戏,可以帮助您摆脱众所周知的病态跑酷动作,而不是花时间掉进洞里并尝试爬墙。

You won’t find any pixel-perfect jumps in Dead Cells. This is not Super Mario Maker and yes, the princess is in another castle.

您不会在“死细胞”中找到任何像素完美的跳跃。 这不是超级马里奥制造商,是的,公主在另一座城堡中。

Fluid, fast, and fun by design. Even if you didn’t know about sneaky development tricks the fact would remain the same. Dead Cells handles like a dream which makes it an extremely fun movement experience.

设计流畅,快速,有趣。 即使您不了解偷偷摸摸的开发技巧,事实也不会改变。 Dead Cells像梦一样处理,这使它成为极其有趣的运动体验。

丹迪地牢 (Dandy Dungeon)

I bet you didn’t think Dandy Dungeon would make this list, did you? It is a game all about movement but in a slightly different manner than all the rest of the games on this list.

我敢打赌,您不认为Dandy Dungeon会列入这份名单,是吗? 这是一款与运动有关的游戏,但与该列表中所有其他游戏的方式略有不同。

Finding the perfect paths in Dandy Dungeon is the key to success.

Dandy Dungeon is primarily a puzzle game in which the main objective is to move from the start to finish in the most efficient way possible. All by drawing a simple path through a level and watching Yamada-Kun go to work. It’s gameplay fueled movement as it’s finest, although in a different, more puzzly, sort of way.

丹迪地牢 ( Dandy Dungeon )主要是一款益智游戏,其主要目标是以最有效的方式从头开始到完成。 通过在关卡上绘制一条简单的路径并观看Yamada-Kun上班来完成所有工作。 游戏玩法虽然是最好的,但它却以一种不同的,更令人困惑的方式助长了运动。

This game has feelings of pure joy when you start whipping through all the different levels, executing each one of them perfectly.


The core of Dandy Dungeon relies on this path-based movement being an enjoyable experience. It far succeeds in this task and is one of my most favorite puzzles games on the Nintendo Switch.

Dandy Dungeon的核心依靠这种基于路径的运动来获得愉快的体验。 它已经成功地完成了这项任务,并且是我在Nintendo Switch上最喜欢的益智游戏之一。

火箭联盟 (Rocket League)

Rocket League is a game where at its basic level, movement is everything. There’s movement in rotations, aerials, wall shots, big clears, and just about every aspect of the game. It’s written into the DNA of the game. Rocket League wouldn’t be much fun if you couldn’t jump, aerial, or drive up the walls.

火箭联盟是一项运动,从根本上讲,运动就是一切。 旋转,天线,墙壁射击,大净空以及游戏的各个方面都有变化。 它被写入游戏的DNA中。 如果您不能跳跃,飞行或撞墙, 火箭联赛将不会很有趣。

Rocket League aerials are the most satisfying shot you can make.

It’s a worthy contender for this list simply because it’s movement is only mastered through not 10’s or 100’s of hours but 1000’s. That’s right. You won’t be mastering Rocket League anytime soon unless you’re the next Squishy Muffinz.

这是该列表的有力竞争者,仅因为它的移动量不是通过10或100个小时,而是通过1000个小时来掌握。 那就对了。 除非您是下一位Squishy Muffinz,否则您将不会很快掌握火箭联盟

Rocket League’s skill ceiling is extremely high but it’s also extremely fun. Plus it feels pretty awesome when you score an off the wall aerial that was angled just right.

火箭联盟的技能上限很高,但也很有趣。 另外,当您从恰好倾斜的墙壁天线上划分时,感觉也很棒。

There’s a hook with both it’s movement system and progressive player skill increases that make it a joy to control. Nothing feels better than scoring those fast aerial hits or making an over the shoulder save. You couldn’t do these oh-so-sweet maneuvers if Rocket League’s movement system wasn’t built to last.

它的运动系统和不断进步的球员技能增强都吸引了他们,使它成为控制的乐趣。 没有比得分那些快速的空中打击或过分节省更好的感觉了。 如果Rocket League的移动系统不能持久耐用,那么您就无法做这些如此甜蜜的动作。

不朽 (Ageless)

Ageless is the newest game on this list and while I haven’t finished the entire game yet, the first world was enough to solidify its placement. It doesn’t take Ageless long to show you what it has to offer once you pick up that controller.

Ageless是该列表中最新的游戏,尽管我还没有完成整个游戏,但第一个世界足以巩固其位置。 拿起控制器后, Ageless很快就可以向您展示它所提供的功能。

Ageless has some really simple movement mechanics that are both fun and tricky to execute perfectly.

Ageless has an immensely fun player movement scheme that lets you switch to and from an “Ageless” persona which can also dash in a chosen direction. It’s fast, fluid and when coupled with its tricky puzzles and hidden collectibles makes for a really enjoyable experience.

Ageless具有非常有趣的玩家移动方案,可让您切换到“ Ageless”角色,也可以在选定的方向冲刺。 它快速,流畅,加上棘手的难题和隐藏的收藏品,可带来真正的愉悦体验。

There are lots of failing and retries in Ageless which means you’ll be replaying the same sections over and over till you can figure them out. A game such as this needs to keep you engaged while you try, try, and retry the same sections otherwise it wouldn’t be much fun.

Ageless中有很多失败和重试的内容,这意味着您将一遍又一遍地重播相同的部分,直到您找出它们为止。 像这样的游戏需要在尝试,尝试和重试相同部分的过程中保持您的参与度,否则就不会很有趣。

Thankfully Ageless delivers an extremely fun experience that’s a joy to control.


I hope you’ve enjoyed my list of the best movement games that I’ve played. Maybe you have started thinking to yourself which games would be on the top of your list? Drop a comment below on what your top games would be and why. I’d love to see what everyone else’s picks.

希望您喜欢我所玩过的最佳动作游戏。 也许您已经开始自己考虑哪些游戏将排在您的榜首? 在下面对您的最佳游戏以及原因发表评论。 我很想看看其他人的选择。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/movement-in-video-games-8aed918185a1




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