
The most well known online website popularity measuring stick appears to be Alexa. Alexa provides a wealth of information on a given website, most notably:

最知名的在线网站受欢迎程度衡量指标似乎是Alexa 。 Alexa在给定的网站上提供了大量信息,最值得注意的是:

  • Popularity rank (the most important one)


  • Reach达到
  • In-links内联
  • Speed速度

Alexa provides this information in many useful formats, including XML. Using the XML provided by Alexa, we can gain access to Alexa information within our pages. I've created a PHP class to make fetching Alexa data free, quick, and easy. The class comes in a PHP4 version and a PHP5 version.

Alexa以许多有用的格式(包括XML)提供此信息。 使用Alexa提供的XML,我们可以访问页面中的Alexa信息。 我创建了一个PHP类,以免费,快速,轻松地获取Alexa数据。 该类有PHP4版本和PHP5版本。

代码-PHP4版本 (The Code - PHP4 Version)

/* the alexa rank class */
class alexa
/* initial vars */
var $xml;
var $values;
var $alexa_address;
/* the constructor */
function alexa($alexa_address,$domain)
$this->alexa_address = $alexa_address;
$this->xml = $this->get_data($domain);
/* gets the xml data from Alexa */
function get_data($domain)
$url = $this->alexa_address.'http://'.$domain;
$xml = file_get_contents($url);
return $xml;
/* set values in the XML that we want */
function set()
$this->values['rank'] = (preg_match('/POPULARITY URL="[a-z0-9\\-\\.\\/]{1,}" TEXT="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
$this->values['reach'] = (preg_match('/REACH RANK="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
$this->values['linksin'] = (preg_match('/LINKSIN NUM="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0);
/* returns the requested value */
function get($value)
return (isset($this->values[$value]) ? $this->values[$value] : '"'.$value.'" does not exist.');

代码-PHP5版本 (The Code - PHP5 Version)

/* the alexa rank class */
class alexa
/* initial vars */
var $xml;
var $values;
var $alexa_address;
/* the constructor */
function alexa($alexa_address,$domain)
$this->alexa_address = $alexa_address;
$this->xml = $this->get_data($domain);
/* gets the xml data from Alexa */
function get_data($domain)
$url = $this->alexa_address.'http://'.$domain;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url) or die('Cannot retrieve feed');
return $xml;
/* set values in the XML that we want */
function set()
$this->values['rank'] = ($this->xml->SD->POPULARITY['TEXT'] ? number_format($this->xml->SD->POPULARITY['TEXT']) : 0);
$this->values['reach'] = ($this->xml->SD->REACH['RANK'] ? number_format($this->xml->SD->REACH['RANK']) : 0);
$this->values['linksin'] = ($this->xml->SD->LINKSIN['NUM'] ? number_format($this->xml->SD->LINKSIN['NUM']) : 0);
/* returns the requested value */
function get($value)
return (isset($this->values[$value]) ? $this->values[$value] : '"'.$value.'" does not exist.');

使用cURL (Using cURL)

If you'd rather use the cURL library, you can simply modify the get_data() function:


/* gets the XML data from Alexa */
function get_data($domain)
$url = $this->alexa_address.'http://'.$domain;
$ch = curl_init();
$timeout = 5;
$xml = curl_exec($ch);
return $xml;

用法 (The Usage)

Provide two paramenters: the path to the XML file (minus the domain) and the domain.


/* retrieve & display rank */
$alexa_connector = new alexa('',''); // domain only!
echo 'Rank :: '.$alexa_connector->get('rank'); // returns 118
echo '';
echo 'Reach :: '.$alexa_connector->get('reach'); // returns 95
echo '';
echo 'Links In :: '.$alexa_connector->get('linksin'); // returns 34,414

Do you have any suggestions for this class?





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