
  1. 创建download.bat,将下面内容放入,并根据实际情况填写JLink.exe路径、设备名称
set PATH=D:/Keil_v5/Arm/Segger/;
JLink.exe -autoconnect 1 -device CX32L003 -if swd -speed 4000 -commandfile .\Burn\download.jlink
  1. 创建download.jlink,将下面内容放入,
    bin文件格式:loadfile 文件路径 0x0
    Hex文件格式:loadfile 文件路径
loadfile 文件路径 0x0


SecureArea Create

芯片解锁 需要掉电,才能生效

  1. 创建unlock.bat,将下面内容放入,并根据实际情况填写JLink.exe路径、设备名称
set PATH=D:/Keil_v5/Arm/Segger/;
JLink.exe -autoconnect 1 -device CX32L003 -if swd -speed 4000 -commandfile .\Burn\unlock.jlink
  1. 创建unlock.jlink,将下面内容放入,
unlock kinetis
SecureArea Remove

power off mmu—关闭mmu,这个对于裸板调试很重要
w4 cpsr,0x0000001f------切换到系统模式
rce 0,c0,c0,0-----设置cp15寄存器的第1个寄存器为0

Available commands are:

f Firmware info
h halt
g go
Sleep Waits the given time (in milliseconds). Syntax: Sleep
s Single step the target chip
st Show hardware status
hwinfo Show hardware info
mem Read memory. Syntax: mem , (hex)
mem8 Read 8-bit items. Syntax: mem8 , (hex)
mem16 Read 16-bit items. Syntax: mem16 , (hex)
mem32 Read 32-bit items. Syntax: mem32 , (hex)
w1 Write 8-bit items. Syntax: w1 , (hex)
w2 Write 16-bit items. Syntax: w2 , (hex)
w4 Write 32-bit items. Syntax: w4 , (hex)
wm Write test words. Syntax: wm
is Identify length of scan chain select register
ms Measure length of scan chain. Syntax: ms
mr Measure RTCK react time. Syntax: mr
q Quit
qc Close JLink connection and quit
r Reset target (RESET)
rx Reset target (RESET). Syntax: rx
RSetType Set the current reset type. Syntax: RSetType
Regs Display contents of registers
wreg Write register. Syntax: wreg ,
SetBP Set breakpoint. Syntax: SetBP [A/T] [S/H]
SetWP Set Watchpoint. Syntax: [R/W] [ [] [A-Mask]]
ClrBP Clear breakpoint. Syntax: ClrBP
ClrWP Clear watchpoint. Syntax: ClrWP
VCatch Write vector catch. Syntax: VCatch
loadbin Load binary file into target memory.
Syntax: loadbin ,
savebin Saves target memory into binary file.
Syntax: savebin , ,
SetPC Set the PC to specified value. Syntax: SetPC
le Change to little endian mode
be Change to big endian mode
log Enables log to file. Syntax: log
unlock Unlocks a device. Syntax: unlock
Type unlock without to get a list
of supported device names.
nRESET has to be connected
---- CP15 ------------
rce Read CP15. Syntax: rce , , ,
wce Write CP15. Syntax: wce , , , ,
---- ICE -------------
Ice Show state of the embedded ice macrocell (ICE breaker)
ri Read Ice reg. Syntax: ri (hex)
wi Write Ice reg. Syntax: wi , (hex)
---- ETM -------------
etm Show ETM status
re Read ETM reg. Syntax: re
we Write ETM reg. Syntax: we , (hex)
es Start trace
---- ETB -------------
etb Show ETB status
rb Read ETB register. Syntax: rb
wb Write ETB register. Syntax: wb , (hex)
---- TRACE -----------
TAddBranch TRACE - Add branch instruction to trace buffer. Paras:,
TAddInst TRACE - Add (non-branch) instruction to trace buffer. Syntax:
TClear TRACE - Clear buffer
TSetSize TRACE - Set Size of trace buffer
TSetFormat TRACE - SetFormat
TSR TRACE - Show Regions (and analyze trace buffer)
TStart TRACE - Start
TStop TRACE - Stop
---- SWO -------------
SWOSpeed SWO - Show supported speeds
SWOStart SWO - Start
SWOStop SWO - Stop
SWOStat SWO - Display SWO status
SWORead SWO - Read and display SWO data
SWOShow SWO - Read and analyze SWO data
SWOFlush SWO - Flush data
---- File I/O --------
fwrite Write file to emulator
fread Read file from emulator
fshow Read and display file from emulator
fdelete Delete file on emulator
fsize Display size of file on emulator
---- Test ------------
thg Run go/halt 1000 times
ts Run step 1000 times
testwspeed Test download speed. Syntax: testwspeed [ []]
testrspeed Test upload speed. Syntax: testrspeed [ [] [
testcspeed Test CPU speed. Syntax: testcspeed []
---- JTAG ------------
Config Set number of IR/DR bits before ARM device.
Syntax: Config ,
speed Set JTAG speed. Syntax: speed |auto|adaptive, e.g. speed 2000,
speed a
i Read JTAG Id (Host CPU)
wjc Write JTAG command (IR). Syntax: wjc (hex)
wjd Write JTAG data (DR). Syntax: wjd (hex), (dec)
RTAP Reset TAP Controller using state machine (111110)
wjraw Write Raw JTAG data. Syntax: wjraw , ,
rt Reset TAP Controller (nTRST)
---- JTAG-Hardware —
c00 Create clock with TDI = TMS = 0
c Clock
0 Clear TDI
1 Set TDI
t0 Clear TMS
t1 Set TMS
trst0 Clear TRST
trst1 Set TRST
r0 Clear RESET
r1 Set RESET
---- Connection ------
usb Connect to J-Link via USB. Syntax: usb , where port is 0…3
ip Connect to J-Link ARM Pro or J-Link TCP/IP Server via TCP/IP.
Syntax: ip
---- Configuration —
si Select target interface. Syntax: si ,
where 0=JTAG and 1=SWD.
power Switch power supply for target. Syntax: power [perm],
where State is either On or Off. Example: power on perm
wconf Write configuration byte. Syntax: wconf ,
rconf Read configuration bytes. Syntax: rconf
usbaddr Assign usb address to the connected J-Link: Syntax: usbaddr =
ipaddr Show/Assign IP address and subnetmask of/to the connected J-Link.
gwaddr Show/Assign network gateway address of/to the connected J-Link.
dnsaddr Show/Assign network DNS server address of/to the connected J-Link.
conf Show configuration of the connected J-Link.
ecp Enable the J-Link control panel.
calibrate Calibrate the target current measurement.

【Jlink】J-Link Commander 命令行脚本使用例子 下载烧录 芯片解锁 芯片加锁相关推荐

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