

本页总结了开始处理传感器所需的一切。它介绍了可用的类型及其生命周期的逐步指南。有关每个传感器的详细信息,请参阅传感器参考 .

  • 传感器逐步

    • 设置
    • 产卵
    • 数据
  • 传感器类型
    • 摄像机
    • 探测器
    • 其他


类 carla.Sensor定义一种能够测量和流式传输数据的特殊类型的参与者。

  • 这是什么数据?根据传感器的类型,其变化很大。所有类型的数据都继承自carla.SensorData .
  • 他们什么时候检索数据?在每个模拟步骤上,或者在注册某个事件时。取决于传感器的类型。
  • 他们如何检索数据?每个传感器都有听()方法来接收和管理数据。



与其他参与者一样,找到蓝图并设置特定属性。这在处理传感器时至关重要。它们的属性将决定所获得的结果。这些在传感器参考 .


# Find the blueprint of the sensor.
blueprint = world.get_blueprint_library().find('sensor.camera.rgb')
# Modify the attributes of the blueprint to set image resolution and field of view.
blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_x', '1920')
blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_y', '1080')
blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '110')
# Set the time in seconds between sensor captures
blueprint.set_attribute('sensor_tick', '1.0')



  • 刚性连接移动对于其父位置是严格的。这是从模拟中检索数据的正确附件。
  • 弹簧臂附件只需很少的加速和减速,运动就变得轻松了。此附件仅推荐用于录制模拟视频。移动是平滑的,并且在更新相机位置时避免了“跳跃”。
transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x= zero point eight, z= one point seven))sensor = world.spawn_actor(blueprint, transform, attach_to=my_vehicle)




参数callback是一个lambda函数. 它描述了在检索数据时传感器应该做什么。这必须将数据作为参数检索。

# do_something() will be called each time a new image is generated by the camera.
sensor.listen(lambda data: do_something(data))...# This collision sensor would print everytime a collision is detected.
def callback(event):for actor_id in event:vehicle = world_ref().get_actor(actor_id)print('Vehicle too close: %s' % vehicle.type_id)sensor02.listen(callback)




Sensor data attribute Type Description
frame int Frame number when the measurement took place.
timestamp double Timestamp of the measurement in simulation seconds since the beginning of the episode.
transform carla.Transform World reference of the sensor at the time of the measurement.


is_listening is a sensor attribute that enables/disables data listening at will.
sensor_tick is a blueprint attribute that sets the simulation time between data received.




  • 检索数据每个模拟步骤
Sensor Output Overview
Depth carla.Image Renders the depth of the elements in the field of view in a gray-scale map.
RGB carla.Image Provides clear vision of the surroundings. Looks like a normal photo of the scene.
Semantic segmentation carla.Image Renders elements in the field of view with a specific color according to their tags.



  • 检索数据触发时
Sensor Output Overview
Collision carla.CollisionEvent Retrieves collisions between its parent and other actors.
Lane invasion carla.LaneInvasionEvent Registers when its parent crosses a lane marking.
Obstacle carla.ObstacleDetectionEvent Detects possible obstacles ahead of its parent.



  • 检索数据每个模拟步骤
Sensor Output Overview
GNSS carla.GNSSMeasurement Retrieves the geolocation of the sensor.
IMU carla.IMUMeasurement Comprises an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a compass.
LIDAR carla.LidarMeasurement A rotating LIDAR. Generates a 4D point cloud with coordinates and intensity per point to model the surroundings.
Radar carla.RadarMeasurement 2D point map modelling elements in sight and their movement regarding the sensor.
RSS carla.RssResponse Modifies the controller applied to a vehicle according to safety checks. This sensor works in a different manner than the rest, and there is specific RSS documentation for it.
Semantic LIDAR carla.SemanticLidarMeasurement A rotating LIDAR. Generates a 3D point cloud with extra information regarding instance and semantic segmentation.



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