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本文是与BAWMedia合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

There are a host of websites out there sorely in need of an update. Designers can do so by incorporating one or more of the current web design trends. Current trends involve everything from upgrading color schemes to reorganizing design content.

那里有很多网站非常需要更新。 设计师可以通过结合一种或多种当前的网页设计趋势来做到这一点。 当前的趋势涉及从升级配色方案到重新组织设计内容的所有内容。

It can be a long and laborious task, something most web designers would prefer to avoid. The same designers are also leery of quick fixes, out of fear they will compromise the quality of their work.

这可能是一项漫长而艰巨的任务,大多数Web设计师都希望避免这样做。 同样的设计师也担心快速修复,因为他们担心会影响工作质量。

BeTheme provides a fast and easy way to redesign a website. It offers a selection of more than 350 pre-built website designs. These templates can be customized to satisfy a business's need for a website. The finished site will have an up-to-date look and feel, having many of the necessary changes already built in.

BeTheme提供了一种快速简便的方法来重新设计网站。 它提供了350多种预建网站设计供您选择。 可以自定义这些模板,以满足企业对网站的需求。 完成的站点将具有最新的外观,并且已经内置了许多必要的更改。

快速重新设计 (Express Redesign)

There’s more than one way to quickly redesign an outdated website. It is possible to transform it into an up-to-date award winner. You can do so by using a pre-built website as a starting point. Here are 7 approaches to pick and choose from. They are accompanied by pre-built website examples to illustrate the possibilities.

快速重新设计过时的网站有多种方法。 可以将其转变为最新的获奖者。 您可以通过使用预先构建的网站作为起点。 这里有7种选择方法。 它们带有预建的网站示例,以说明可能性。

Express Redesign#1:让一般的网站更具活力 (Express Redesign #1: Make a run-of-the-mill website more dynamic)

A dynamic homepage makes it much easier to capture a visitor's attention. It helps to convince them to stay around awhile. Most visitors decide whether to stay or leave within about 3 seconds. If you can keep a visitor engaged for longer than that, you have a potential customer. A dynamic homepage stokes a visitor's curiosity and a desire to see what surprises lie ahead. This can be achieved with a striking image, a video, or an animation.

动态首页使捕获访问者的注意力变得更加容易。 这有助于说服他们待一会儿。 大多数游客决定在3秒钟之内停留还是离开。 如果您可以使访客的参与时间更长,那么您就有潜在的客户。 充满活力的首页激发了访客的好奇心,并渴望看到即将来临的惊喜。 这可以通过醒目的图像,视频或动画来实现。

Hint: If you use a video make sure the Play button is front and center.

提示 :如果您使用视频,请确保“播放”按钮位于前面和中间。







快速重新设计#2:刷新配色方案并使其保持最新状态 (Express Redesign #2: Refresh the color scheme & bring it up to date)

This is usually an easy fix and it can carry with it a big impact by dramatically changing a website's look and feel. A new color scheme can play a big role in helping a business meet the goals.

这通常很容易解决,并且可以通过极大地改变网站的外观来带来很大的影响。 新的配色方案可以在帮助企业实现目标中发挥重要作用。

A pre-built website makes refreshing the color scheme easy. Its colors will be in line with existing industry or business trends.

预先建立的网站使刷新配色方案变得容易。 其颜色将与现有的行业或商业趋势保持一致。

Hint: While you're at it, use plenty of white space. It makes a website look up to date and allows the colors to stand out.

提示 :在使用时,请使用大量空白空间。 它可以使网站保持最新状态,并使颜色脱颖而出。







Express Redesign#3:重新组织网站的内容架构 (Express Redesign #3: Reorganize the website's content architecture)

Many older websites are in need of a total architectural overhaul. Finding the right balance when attempting to combine text with images is never easy. This is unless you're working with a pre-built website. Such a website can take into account much of what needs to be done. As you can see from the following examples they do a great job of attracting and engaging visitors.

许多较旧的网站都需要进行全面的架构改革。 在尝试将文本与图像结合时要找到合适的平衡绝非易事。 除非您正在使用预制网站。 这样的网站可以考虑很多需要做的事情。 从以下示例中可以看到,它们在吸引和吸引访问者方面做得很好。







Express重新设计#4:融合醒目的大型视觉效果 (Express Redesign #4: Incorporate large, eye-catching visuals)

A good first step toward giving a website a new, refreshing look is to start with the homepage. Adding a large, stunning visual is often all it takes to entice a visitor to stick around and explore the site. Adding the needed imagery can be done in seconds. These three pre-built websites demonstrate that the results can be outstanding.

从首页开始,使网站焕然一新是一个很好的第一步。 通常,只需添加大而令人惊叹的视觉效果即可吸引访问者到处逛逛。 添加所需的图像可以在几秒钟内完成。 这三个预建的网站表明结果可能是杰出的。

BeDigital is an example of using a fascinating 3D still that's impossible to ignore.


BeEco uses imagery to integrate the most important information in an unexpected way.


Or try giving a common, overused image a clever twist by changing the background. BeAirport does this by turning a classic image of an airplane into a fascinating visual.

或者尝试通过更改背景为常见的过度使用的图像赋予巧妙的效果。 BeAirport通过将飞机的经典图像变成迷人的视觉效果做到这一点。

Express Redesign#5:重新设计网站,为访问者提供完美的购物体验 (Express Redesign #5: Redesign the website to give visitors a flawless shopping experience)

There's a host of important features and fine detail to work when putting a modern online shop in place. Some of them are generally lacking in older websites. There is one more thing to consider when refreshing an eCommerce website. It is the fact that a thousand or more other websites can be selling the same products.

建立现代化的网上商店时,有许多重要功能和精细细节需要处理。 其中一些通常是较旧的网站所缺少的。 刷新电子商务网站时还需要考虑另一件事。 实际上,一千个或更多其他网站可以销售相同的产品。

An eCommerce pre-built website is generally all you need to bring an online store up to date. Like this, you can make the shopping experience a smooth and intuitive one. These templates follow the golden rules of eComm. Thus, it will take but a few hours to get your redesigned online shop up and running.

电子商务预建网站通常是使在线商店保持最新状态所需要的。 这样,您可以使购物体验顺畅而直观。 这些模板遵循eComm的黄金法则。 因此,重新设计的在线商店启动并运行仅需几个小时。







Express Redesign#6:升级投资组合网站 (Express Redesign #6: Upgrading a portfolio website)

The layout of a portfolio website can either add to or detract from the material being showcased. Many older websites don't do a very good job of presenting a portfolio's content in the best possible light. Refreshing a portfolio website can involve just using a pre-built website. Take it and upload your content. A cool front page helps too, as you can see here.

作品集网站的布局可以增加或减少所展示的材料。 许多较旧的网站无法很好地展示投资组合的内容。 刷新投资组合网站可能只涉及使用预建网站。 接受并上传您的内容。 很酷的首页也有帮助,如您在此处看到的。







Express Redesign#7:简化人满为患的网站,然后简化更多内容 (Express Redesign #7: Simplify an overcrowded website, and then simplify some more)

The tough part here is to decide which content is so important that it deserves to be highlighted. You also need to identify which content simply needs to be reorganized. While it's up to you to decide, using a pre-built website can, for example, make the decision process much easier.

这里最困难的部分是确定哪些内容是如此重要,以至于需要突出显示。 您还需要确定仅需要重组的内容。 尽管您可以自行决定,但是使用预制的网站可以使决策过程变得更加容易。







结论 (Conclusion)

Redesigning a website typically requires some careful thinking. However, it doesn't have to require a lot of work or take a great amount of time if you know these 7 express redesign approaches. You just have to make good use of BeTheme's pre-built websites to help you along the way.

重新设计网站通常需要仔细考虑。 但是,如果您知道这7种快速的重新设计方法,则无需进行大量工作或花费大量时间。 您只需要充分利用BeTheme的预建网站就可以帮助您。

These templates even help with your decision making processes. Much of what needs to be done has either been done already or points the way to what you'll need to do. If you don't have one or more of these pre-built websites to get started, you can get one here.

这些模板甚至有助于您的决策过程。 许多需要完成的工作要么已经完成,要么为您需要完成的工作指明了道路。 如果您没有这些预制网站中的一个或多个可以上手,则可以在此处获得一个。




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